After being depressed for a while, Hinata exhaled and cheered up.

If you don’t know how to learn, the stupid bird flies first, as long as you put in more effort than Sakura, maybe you still can’t catch up with Sakura, at least, it won’t be too bad.

Thinking of this, Hinata suppressed the repulsion in her heart and looked at Sakura's notes.

She is already stupid, if she picks and chooses, it will be even more difficult for her to make progress. Even if this is Sakura's notes, as long as she can learn how to fly Thunder God and help Naruto, then it doesn't matter.

Naruto stood aside, holding a note in one hand, and unfolded it in front of Hinata.

Hinata read carefully and carefully while washing clothes, after finishing this page, she turned to the next page until she finished reading all of them.

Hinata closed her eyes and meditated, and the problems were solved one after another. The problems that bothered her and she couldn't figure it out were solved under the experience of Sakura, the pioneer.

Hinata felt that she could learn to fly Thunder God tonight, tomorrow at the latest.

Is this the power of Sakura?

According to Hinata's estimate of herself, she is borrowing the strength of her family to help her collect a lot of miscellaneous books, letters, and various side knowledge. By analogy, it will take more than a year at the earliest to learn it.

Note that it is possible.

Flying Thunder God is created by the second generation of Hokage, completed by the fourth generation of Hokage, and has become famous as a highly difficult space-time ninjutsu.

This is like that kind of world-class math problem. Your IQ is not in place, your knowledge level is not up to standard, you can't learn it after reading it, and it's a problem whether you understand it or not.

But it was such a difficult problem that Sakura had learned it by herself.

Hinata re-recognized how clever Sakura's mind is, no, it's not something that can be explained by cleverness, this is a monster beyond human beings.

Nine thirty in the evening.

Naruto sent the two sisters home, he was very tired from playing with Hanabi, and now he was lying on her sister's back and snoring slightly.

"Hanabi doesn't want to eat, she's a picky eater, and thinks eating is a kind of torment. See if there is any way to make her feel better." Naruto said.

"Huh?" Hinata was surprised; "Is it hard to eat?"

"For her, yes." Naruto said: "Because your family's rules are very strict, under your father's supervision, she can only eat those foods that she doesn't like, feel nauseous, and want to vomit with a straight face. Next, of course, this is for her own good, after all, with such a high-intensity practice every day, the nutrition cannot keep up, and the body will collapse sooner or later, but, in Huahuo's personal feeling, it is a kind of torture."

Hinata looked sideways at Hanabi with her small head lying on her right shoulder; "When she was a child, she did say that she didn't want to eat, but when she grew up, she didn't say anything again, I thought she realized how delicious food is. "

Has Ganqing always been a nuisance?Hinata couldn't understand it, she wanted to eat it, but she didn't dare to eat more, but she didn't expect her sister to hate it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

at home.

Naruto held the crystal ball in one hand, and through the crystal ball, he saw Sakura who was doing squat exercises while distractingly handling fabrics, threading needles, and embroidering something.

Looking at the designed drawings on the table, it is not difficult to guess that they are making gloves.

In the dark room with no lights on, only the light from the crystal ball is shining on Naruto's face. People who don't know it may think he has seen a ghost at first glance.

"Sakura," Naruto murmured.

In his previous life, he had seen the complete Hokage.

TV version, theater version.

I clearly know how deep Naruto's love for Sakura is in the plot. He has liked it since he was a child, when he was in ninja school.

Afterwards, Sakura did gradually change her mind while getting along with Naruto, from a stumbling block that interfered with her pursuit of Sasuke to a close friend who can be back to back and heart to heart.

From hating to accepting, Sakura was willing to risk her life to save Naruto, and even gave Naruto her precious first kiss.

But so what?In the end, Sakura rejected Naruto, chose Sasuke, and had a daughter with Sasuke.

Although Sasuke doesn't go home all year round and has been wandering outside, for Sakura, being able to marry the person she has liked since she was a child is already the happiest thing.

Thinking of this, Naruto smiled dumbly, made a fist with his free left hand, aimed at his left cheek, and punched him with such force that his head was tilted to one side.

"Don't mistake friendship for love, Sakura, she doesn't like you, you know?" Naruto said to himself; "Don't be delusional."

Since he can dream of Sakura in his dream, it is shameless to dream that Sakura confesses to him, saying that he only likes him, and Naruto knows that at some point, in his subconscious, he already has feelings for Sakura. Got a good impression.

Although he himself didn't feel anything, such things as dreams would not appear for no reason, would they?Having a good impression of Sakura is the cause, dreaming that Sakura confesses to herself is the result.

"Sakura can't like me, Sakura can't like me, Sakura can't like me." Naruto muttered, and then punched himself more than a dozen times, so that his subconscious mind could recognize this clearly. point.

Obviously there is already Hinata, why don't you stop thinking about Xiaoying, eating in the bowl, thinking about the pot, is it disgusting?

As usual, after arranging the tasks of the shadow clones, Naruto turned into an owl, and found that he couldn't fly, and the wings couldn't be used, so he turned back into a dog.

Last night it was a husky, and tonight it was a shepherd. In order not to be caught by the pattern, Naruto took no trouble, and would change his pattern every night.

As for this shining chakra, with the help of Kyuubi, more than [-]% of it was taken away, barely on par with Chunin.

From the outside, this is a ninja dog with chakra strength of the chunin level, so there is no doubt about it.

Finding a suitable place to rest, Naruto lay down on the ground, and before closing his eyes, he repeated silently ten times in his heart, "Sakura can't possibly like me." After a while, the voice gradually rose.

At the same time, the Yamanaka family.

Ino was lying on the bed in a daze.

Picking up the photo frame on her stomach, inside, she and Sakura were photographed at the gate of the school when they were six years old at the ninja school.

She stood in front of her generously, compared to the scissorhands, and smiled happily.

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