A circle, the edges of which constitute this circle are waves, one after another, and in the middle of the circle, there is a pattern that looks like an eye.

Hinata didn't know what the pattern meant, she just sketched and determined it according to the feeling of existence in the dark.

Every step was taken into consideration, and I tried my best to make it perfect, but if no induction could be established, the so-called Flying Thunder God was out of the question.

"No, no," Hinata paled.

She didn't care about the simple Flying Thunder God technique. What really cared and felt uncomfortable was that from this, she discovered the gap between her and Sakura.

Sakura has a talent and intelligence beyond her reach.

As a commoner ninja born in a commoner family, Sakura has no qualifications and has no chance to experience so many high-level and difficult ninjutsu. No matter how talented she is, it is difficult to rise up.

Even with Tsunade as a teacher, all he can learn is Tsunade's series of ninjutsu, inheriting Tsunade's skills, such as Flying Thunder God and Spiritualization, Sakura still has no chance to see them.

Applying the allusion of Bole and Maxima, Sakura is the one-in-a-million genius, the Maxima, and Naruto is the Bole who discovered the Maxima and gave him a chance.

All in all, all in all, compared with Sakura, she couldn't even see the back of the other party, which made Hinata's already uneasy heart even more uneasy.

People go to high places, and water flows to low places. If someone as excellent as Sakura likes and admires him, will Naruto still choose him?

Hinata held her head, curled up her knees, buried her face in her knees, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Knowing what kind of life Naruto lived before, Hinata is indeed very happy for Naruto to have someone who likes and loves Naruto, but happiness is one thing, anxiety and fear are another.

"Naruto" was as thin as a mosquito's sound, Hinata couldn't help but think wildly.

Thinking of Naruto being infatuated with Sakura, thinking of Sakura holding Naruto's arm, walking into the wedding hall together, and smiling at herself.

Thinking of the depths, Hinata sobbed softly.

Her academic performance is at the bottom of the crane, and she can't beat Xiao Ying, whose academic performance, brains, and wisdom are more than ten blocks away.

"My lord, how long are you going to stay in the house? It's going to be moldy." Huahuo opened the door and walked in; "Even breakfast and lunch are eaten in the room, can you practice soft fist with me? Let you see , the result of my hard work these days."

Hinata quickly turned her head away to prevent her sister from seeing her face, and then wiped her eyes with her hand to wipe away the tears.

"Well, I, wait a minute, I'll go in a while."

Not noticing anything strange about her sister, Hanabi can't wait to sneak to the dojo.

"Is there any way to shorten the gap between me and Sakura, so that it won't be so obvious." Hinata secretly said: "Don't think too much now, when you scare yourself, you must grow up."

Thinking about this question, Hinata adjusted her emotions, changed into special training clothes, went to wash her face, made sure that nothing would be seen, and walked towards the dojo.

And when they came to the dojo, the prototype of an idea had already appeared.

Hinata's hand pulling the door paused slightly, hesitating for about five seconds, and finally her eyes became firm.

Opportunities are for those who are prepared.

Happiness is for those who actively pursue it.

Sit and eat and wait for death, in the end it is really death. Those who accept their fate deserve to be knocked down by fate.

Hinata will not accept fate, she must be active and work hard, and desperately pursue her own happiness.

into the night.

Naruto returned home, no accident, Hinata and Hanabi were already waiting at home.

Hanabi lay bored on the tatami, playing with puppet toys.

Hinata was busy with dinner in the kitchen alone.

Today was not as embarrassing as yesterday, so he didn't go to take a bath. Naruto separated himself and turned into a cartoon version of the twelve zodiac signs to play with Hanabi. He walked into the kitchen and asked if he needed help?

Hinata looked around and shook her head to indicate no.

Hearing Naruto's hungry cry, Hinata covered her mouth and chuckled, lifted the lid of the pot, stirred it with a spoon, and fished out a lobster the size of a plate.

Wash the already clean hands again, and then start to peel the lobster's shell.

Without Hinata's words, Naruto took the initiative to open his mouth.

The freshest and most tender lobster meat was dug out by Hinata, torn into finger-like strips, holding back his embarrassment, and handing it to Naruto to eat.

Without saying anything, Naruto gave it with both thumbs.

"Naruto." Hinata said.

"En? What?" Naruto asked.

"I can't learn to fly Thor." Hinata said; "I have searched all the problems I can find, and there is no room for change. I am stupid."

"It's just a ninjutsu, so it's directly defined as stupid. According to you, I'm an idiot." Naruto said with a smile: "Don't take it to heart, I said it at the beginning, this technique is very challenging, I don't want to You can learn it.”

"Sakura will, and I will too. I don't want to lose to her." Hinata said.

"Hey, how did you compare with her? Listen to me, don't compare. Sakura is a non-human. She has a brain that grows for some reason. It makes my scalp tingle. I feel like comparing her to her. This brain seems to have never been developed." Naruto said; "A top student like Sasuke was also thrown away by Sakura."

Naruto didn't say something in his heart, if he and Sasuke had not had the supreme blood of Asura and Indra, Chakra would not have the confidence to stand beside Sakura.

"I didn't want to compare with her, and I never imagined being able to surpass her, but" Hinata said, "I don't want the gap to get bigger and bigger, and it's a little bit to be able to catch up with her."

"That's it." Naruto understands, that is to say, he regards Sakura as a role model and a goal?

"So, can I ask you to tell her, please teach me to fly Thunder God?" Hinata expressed her thoughts.

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