Sensing something in his right hand, Naruto lifted it up and saw that it was a pure white folding fan. The folding fan was in a closed state, and then looked at the bride beside him.

"Married? Me? Married to whom?" Naruto secretly thought.

Under the influence of this dream, Naruto's memory of Hinata has been reduced to the extreme, and he can still remember some other aspects, but Hinata is so vague that he can't remember it, only a vague outline.

And as Naruto approached the outline, and wanted to see it more clearly, Hinata's figure showed signs of appearing.

It was like this again, Sakura was secretly anxious and helpless.

She didn't expect Naruto's resistance to illusion to be so high. With half of Risakura's spiritual power, and the strength that Ino helped to improve with the help of family secrets as the support, the dream formed by Naruto still couldn't make Naruto forget Hinata.

Not to mention forgetting, if Naruto continues to think about it, Hinata will definitely appear, and she has no way to stop it.

Thinking of this, Sakura said, "Honey, what's wrong?"

Naruto was dazed, his attention was attracted by Sakura; "This voice, Sakura?"

Sakura nodded in agreement.

In the dream, she had grown up and reached the age where she could get married. The moment she raised her head, that face that was much more mature and beautiful as if a hundred flowers were blooming came into Naruto's eyes.

Naruto's expression was very flat, and there was no trace of waves in his heart.

He has seen many beautiful women, and Sakura is very beautiful, but if he wants to move him, I am afraid that calling the most beautiful people in the world will not be able to do it.

"Honey, today is our wedding day, we should be happy." Sakura said.

Saying this line that has been imagining for a long time made her heart beat faster and her face flushed.

She really wanted to hug Naruto and get straight to the point, but she was afraid that it would arouse Naruto's resistance or scare Naruto, so she tried her best to endure.

Hurry up, wait for this program, after the cutscenes are over, you can enter the main topic, bear with it a little longer, and it will be over soon.

Naruto looked at Sakura's face, moved his eyes down, and saw that no less than Tsunade's gift from heaven.

"Sakura wouldn't be this big."

Sakura was stunned, followed Naruto's line of sight, and realized what Naruto said, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and said with a smile: "Honey, what are you talking about, I am an adult, of course I will grow up , what's so strange about this?"

"Impossible, this is fake." Naruto said, his tone was very firm.

Heck, a tic-tac-toe appeared on Sakura's forehead.

"Honey, don't pay attention to these side details, let's go consummate the house." Saying that, Sakura went up to catch Naruto, and wanted to take him to do business.

"Who are you? Why are you pretending to be Sakura?" Naruto said, "That's not the case with Sakura! Let me go! What kind of house is consummated? Who wants to consummate the house?"

The two of them struggled, and Sakura's patience was gradually exhausted. She furiously gave Naruto a fist and shouted: "I want to consummate the house! Shut up! Shut up! Don't say anything, everything Just leave it to me!"

Naruto is confused, his body is not Sakura's body, this temper is definitely because Sakura didn't run away, so is this Sakura?

Sakura didn't care how Naruto resisted, she had to do Naruto this time.

Naruto's resistance was particularly fierce, and the wrestling with Sakura, who wanted to come over to hug him, turned into a scuffle.

Seeing the whole process, Ino, who was in a dream, was completely speechless.

According to Sakura's plan, the result would be very good, but why things always go wrong, what the hell is this Naruto doing, he has such a deep misunderstanding of Sakura.

Xiao Ying has such a good figure, and she is willing to marry you, so she is happy, but she will be entangled in her figure.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After all, it was Naruto's dream, and Naruto's resistance to illusion and mental aspects is very high, Sakura can't force her to do what she wants to do.

If the man doesn't cooperate, no matter how active she is, the woman is useless.

As if it was a replica of the previous dream, Sakura wanted to do Naruto, but Naruto guarded his sanity, knowing that he could not do such a thing, and strongly resisted.

The two were at the wedding scene, from the beginning of pulling, to pushing, to scuffling.

Wanting to kiss but not being able to kiss, Sakura's mentality exploded.

Taking advantage of an opportunity to block Naruto in the corner, Sakura turned her head to look in the memory, the direction of Ino outside the dream, moved her mouth, but did not make a sound.

That means, Ino, come help me.

She also didn't expect to be able to fuck Naruto this time, at least she would take away Naruto's first kiss in the dream.

And she alone could not subdue this fiercely resisting Naruto, so with Ino's assistance, she would be sure.

Because it is the age of marriage, not only Sakura herself grows up according to her fantasy future, but also Naruto.

Tall figure, handsome face, Xiao Sakura likes it more and more, thanks to this is a dream, she is now a spiritual body, without that condition, otherwise she will have a nosebleed.

"Honey, it's almost time to give up resistance, it's late, let's go to bed earlier."

Sakura opened her arms wide and moved forward slowly, leaning her back against the corner with a little fear, still trying to find Naruto who might escape.

"Don't be afraid, I will take care of everything, you just need to be obedient, it won't hurt."

"Well, should we sit down first and talk about it, it feels too fast." Naruto smiled.

"It's okay to talk about it at any time, but it's not a matter of business." Sakura said: "Honey, I love you, so"

Before she finished speaking, Sakura suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto's eyes widened, always on guard against this, he subconsciously jumped up.

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