There is nothing wrong with love as giving. For Naruto, Sakura is willing to give unilaterally, but this does not mean that she has the same feelings for Hinata.

Thinking of this, Sakura crossed out nearly half of the content that was just written with a pen, turned to the next page, and wrote again.

Deliberately use many complex and profound knowledge points and words to explain and elaborate.

To put it simply, it is the number of words. It looks like a lot of words. In fact, after reading the whole article, you will find that it is all nonsense, and the dry goods are as small as fingernails.

And the number of words is also very particular. Like Sakura, the level of knowledge is extremely high, and the knowledge covers a wide range. If you talk about it and give you a lot of water, the number of words in the water will also make you read it. It has benefited a lot, and it makes sense.

For other people, without the talent and knowledge in this area, people can see through it at a glance, and then have a feeling that it is useless to see it, and it is a pity to lose it.

Not knowing what Sakura was thinking, Hinata took the torn out five pages, full of words and notes with pictures.

She took a quick look and was surprised. She thought that Sakura would give Ino an extra hand in the teaching of Flying Thunder God. She did not expect to write so much and in such detail, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to understand. Annotations pile up.

"Thank you, thank you." Hinata whispered.

Sakura was a little embarrassed, but looking at Naruto, and her feet were in close contact with Naruto's feet, she suppressed the many distracting thoughts that arose.

Emotionally, there is no right or wrong, being kind to your rival is being cruel to yourself.

If you can watch your rival in love with the person you love, sprinkle dog food sweetly, but still bless you from the bottom of your heart, quit, give up, and do nothing, then you are amazing.

Regardless of what others do, Sakura will not be reconciled and will not give up.

Happiness doesn't fall from the sky, it just falls on your head. If you don't fight for it yourself, don't regret it in the future.

"This is only a part of it, about one tenth of it, you go back and read it, and we can continue after you understand." Sakura said.

Hinata nodded.

After watching for a while, Hinata wanted to get up to get the money she brought. She told her father that she was learning how to fly Thor, and encountered difficulties that were difficult to overcome, so she needed to ask Sakura for tutoring.

After pondering for a while, her father gave her a box of money and asked her to bring it to Xiao Ying, saying it was tuition fees, not much, only ten million taels.

Nizuzu doesn't know how complicated the relationship between the eldest daughter and Sakura is. He just stands on the standpoint of a parent and cannot let the other party teach for nothing. Knowledge is priceless.

Being able to independently learn to fly Thunder God, such a genius, has a lot of benefits if he has a good relationship.

"What should I do? If I move, Ino will know it's me, not Naruto." Hinata was in a dilemma.

The foot that is still rubbing against her foot until now prevents her from acting rashly, it has already reached this point, is it going to fall short?

Not only she couldn't move, but Naruto around her also couldn't move, because if Naruto moved, Ino would see through it, and Naruto couldn't let Naruto know about Ino's small movements.

Hinata believed in Naruto's determination, but she was not stupid enough to let Naruto have the opportunity to have contact with Ino.

She thought about waiting for Ino to take her foot back before she went to get the money.


half past twelve.

Seeing that Hinata had been delaying cooking and was reading notes with a blushing face, Naruto was going to let him do the cooking. Just as he was about to stand up, Hinata grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong?" Naruto said.

Hinata shook her head and didn't say the reason, just not letting Naruto go.

Naruto was confused, seeing Hinata's pleading and serious expression, he could only sit still with question marks in his mind.

"Why don't you leave? My eyes hurt from looking at it." Ino thought to himself.

It's tiring to keep pretending to be affectionate in your eyes and expressions, isn't it?

She didn't know what Naruto was doing. She had been sitting for two hours and couldn't get up to move around. Could it be that there was super glue on the chair?

Naruto didn't move, and Ino had no reason to move. She came here just for Naruto, and she followed Naruto wherever he went, and she wasn't in a hurry to go to the toilet or just walk away.

Sakura covered her face and smirked.

After touching Naruto's feet like this, Naruto didn't resist, didn't reject, just kept still and let her caress him. This is definitely interesting to her, right?very happy.

If Naruto doesn't move back, Sakura will naturally not let go. She wished she could stick to Naruto [-] hours a day and get tired of being together for the rest of her life, so how could she be willing to take it back.

Then, the four of them sat down until night.

The fruit on the table has been eaten.

Unable to hold on, Ino fell asleep on the table, snoring.

Sakura glanced at Hinata, it was so late, why didn't she cook?

Hinata clutched her hungry stomach, peeked at Ino, and pretended to be sleeping, how long would she still refuse to put her feet back?

Fortunately, she was the one who stopped him, otherwise Naruto would have been treated and seduced like this, I don't know what will happen, vixen.

Hey, Naruto seems to say that there is a big fox inside him, is that a male or a female?

Naruto fidgeted and looked depressed. He wanted to go to the bathroom, but Hinata refused to let him go for some reason.

Thanks to his strong defensive power now, he won't hurt his body because of this incident. If he wants to change to someone else, he will have to suffer from illness.

"Since the face is full of indescribable expressions, then pull your feet back, or go away, really." Sakura narrowed her eyes and looked at Naruto, secretly delighted; "It's so cute."

Finally, it was getting late, and when it was time to go home, Sakura reluctantly retracted her foot, and finally drew a circle on Naruto's instep with her toe.

Hinata's body trembled imperceptibly, and her initiative and threat level towards Ino have reached a new level. This is a girl who is very seductive and cannot be taken lightly.

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