Naruto was about to run when he saw this, but Ino hugged his waist at a critical moment, and it was this hug that slowed down Naruto's movements, and made him caught by Sakura.

Sakura's strength is naturally great, plus she has learned strange strength now, Naruto tried to struggle without breaking out the Nine-Tails Chakra, but he couldn't, and Ino still clung to him after it was over.

"Naruto." Sakura said, "It's okay, we are friends, even if Hinata finds out, she won't say anything, if there is a misunderstanding, I will clarify it for you, so..."

Naruto shook his head vigorously.

Ino said nothing, closed his eyes, desperately hugged Naruto's waist tightly to prevent him from running away, thinking in his mind, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, stop entanglement, delay.

She didn't want to see Sakura and Naruto being intimate, even if she made the decision, she didn't want to see that kind of picture.

"Don't worry, I won't move my mouth, just my forehead and cheeks." Seeing that Naruto disagreed life and death, and this resistance was so fierce, thinking of what happened in the dream, Sakura said.

Naruto, who was still struggling, paused; "Really?"

Forehead, cheek, this is not impossible.

Then I thought, if a man wanted to kiss Hinata on the forehead and cheek, would it be acceptable?cannot.

Thinking of this, Naruto shook his head immediately.

Sakura frowned, her mood suddenly turned bad.

Naruto is such an idiot, she doesn't like oil and salt, she is so shameless as a girl, she is willing to go all out, and she is rejected frequently.

Hinata, is it really that good?Why can Naruto do this for Hinata?

"Do you hate me?" Sakura asked, Naruto shook his head.

"I don't hate you either." Sakura said, "Close your eyes."

Naruto did not stop, and the strength of the hand wrestling with Sakura did not decrease.

There are some things that must not be compromised. Compromising once means that there will be countless times. No matter how you treat Sakura as a buddy, brother, and future in-laws, there are some things that cannot be done. Naruto sticks to this bottom line.

"I said, close your eyes." Sakura said.

Sensing that something was wrong, Ino slowly opened his eyes and found that the two were still in a stalemate, and Sakura hadn't succeeded.

I noticed that Sakura had some watery eyes, it seemed that it was because of Naruto's resolute refusal, which made her very uncomfortable and hurt, obviously she worked so hard, took such initiative, and the distance was so close, she just couldn't get it.

"Don't cry, Sakura."

Ino took a deep breath, wrapped his hands around Naruto's waist, loosened them slightly, made a seal, squeezed all his mental power, concentrated on one point, and achieved a huge breakthrough like an overdraft.

Aiming at Naruto who is close in front of him, he successively activated the spirit transformation technique and the heart turning technique.

Knowing that Naruto has a high resistance to mental ninjutsu, Ino didn't care about the consequences this time.


Successfully got on Naruto's body and controlled Naruto's body, Ino had no time to think, let go of his resisting hand, hugged Sakura, when Sakura was stunned, surprised, unable to react...

First kiss, gone.

And it was the first kiss of three people, Naruto's, Sakura's, and Ino's.

The transformation technique was lifted, and Naruto returned to his original form.

Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief.

It lasted about five seconds, Ino's spirit sank, as if he had been hit by a sap, and was expelled from Naruto's body, returned to his own body, completely silent, and passed out.

Naruto, whose brain was in a daze and was in a trance, came back to his senses, and what he saw was this scene.

He and Xiao Ying were kissing together, and it was Xiao Ying who he took the initiative to hug, holding his arms very tightly.

The bosses, employees, and other guests who were still booing all around stopped suddenly when they saw that blond girl with two ponytails just now turned into the monster with the worst reputation in Muye Village, the demon fox.

It fell into a deathly silence.

How to explain Chapter [-]?


In the long corridor and aisle, Naruto leaned back on the bench, and he was still dazed until now, unable to turn his mind around.

Looking sideways, on the left, Sakura was bowing her head in prayer.

Ever since she found out that Ino had passed out and stayed there for a while, until now, Sakura hasn't stopped crying, it just changed from sound to silence.

After thinking about it, Naruto didn't say anything, and before the result came out, any words of comfort were untenable.

Even if Tsunade is present, safety cannot be guaranteed [-]%, after all, there are mistakes in people and mistakes in horses.

Not far away, the lights in the emergency room dimmed.

Sakura immediately looked up, her eyes were red, filled with tears.

"It's all right." Walking out of the emergency room, Tsunade took off his mask and hat, and smiled at Sakura; "It's only natural for her to be unconscious due to excessive mental strength. In the future, I dare not let her do this again. This time the rescue was timely. The second thing is to delay for a while, even I will feel troublesome."

"Thank you! Master! Thank you, thank you!" Upon hearing that Ino was fine, Sakura couldn't help but burst into tears again, not forgetting to thank her desperately.

Tsunade reached out and stroked Sakura's head, said a few things to pay attention to, and left.

Soon, Ino was transferred to the general ward, and Sakura never left. Naruto had something to ask Ino, so he followed.

Wait for the nurse to hang up the bottle and check that there is no problem. After leaving the ward

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