Jiraiya traveled to every corner of the world to find the son of prophecy, and even more so to write novels and collect materials.

As for the son of prophecy and the source, which one is important, only Zilaiye himself knows best.

Tsunade was racking his brains on how to borrow money and make money for his hobby of losing money.

It is impossible to borrow money, and it is impossible to borrow money again in this life. She is Hokage, and she wants to avoid debts, and there is nowhere to go.

"How about it? For this matter, the two of us will join forces. Since I contribute the most, the profit will be a little bit more. I will nine and you will have one."

Tsunade who didn't know when came to the front, half bent down, put his hands on Naruto's shoulders, his body seemed to be shaking slightly uncomfortable.

For the gift from heaven dangling in front of his eyes, for Tsunade's temptation whether it was intentional or unintentional, Naruto didn't look sideways, didn't even glance at it, and even reached out to hold Tsunade's approaching face, and pushed it away.

At the same time, he pinched his nose and said: "Sorry, stay away from me, you are so delicious, the way you brought me here just now made me very uncomfortable."

Hey, on Tsunade's beautiful forehead, there is a well, she has such a bad temper.

Resisting the urge to punch Naruto, Tsunade took two steps back and said with a smile: "Then it's settled, I'm nine, you are one."

"Fifty-five, one point less, quit." Naruto rubbed his nose, turned his face to the side and sneezed twice.

"Eight two, I eight you two."

"Five to five."

"Seven three."

"Five to five."

"Six Fourth."

Tsunade's idea of ​​taking advantage fell through.

If she was facing other men, such as Jiraiya, it is very likely that she would not even ask for one, and would work for her for free.

It's a pity that her beauty has no effect on Naruto. On the contrary, with the smell of perfume, Naruto is a little bit repelled.

Rationality occupies the brain, and in terms of vital interests, naturally one will not lose one's sense to compromise and suffer.

"So old-fashioned, I won't give in to girls, but no girl will like you." As he was talking, he suddenly thought of Hinata, Sakura, and Ino, isn't that three?Tsunade was speechless.

"Grandma Tsunade is already very old, how can she be a girl? On the contrary, you, who always want to take advantage of me, are you going too far?" Naruto said.

"Boss is not young" Tsunade's mouth twitched, took a deep breath, and silently said that adults don't remember children's faults, and children speak freely.

It is not the son's fault to teach his father, Zilai is also a master, he is considered half a father, and he will beat Zilai later.

Tsunade sat back on the office chair again, Meimu looked at Naruto seriously, pondered for a moment, and said: "Since the preparation is so full and safety is guaranteed, I have no reason to refuse, well, when are you planning to leave? ?”

"Today is fine, and tomorrow is also fine. I hope the sooner the better." Naruto said, if you go early, you can match Ino and Sakura together.

"Then let's leave tomorrow." Tsunade said, "Before I leave, I have to teach Sakura a little more."

This Naruto has no objection, but is very supportive. The stronger Sakura is, the more secure he will be. He doesn't want to fight against thunder alone.

If encountering any dangerous situation, Sakura who is alone is better than Sakura who needs his care and protection, right?

"I'll talk about the Nine-Tails Chakra in detail when you come back. You should focus on this task first. Then, be careful all the way." Tsunade said with a meaningful smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto's house.

Hinata is helping to pack the luggage, three sets of clothes, and three small portable refrigerators, which store processed shrimp, oysters, sea cucumbers, and various nutritious seafood.

It is difficult to store these things for a long time at room temperature. Having this small refrigerator is undoubtedly a great help.

Other fruits and vegetables are also essential, because the mission location is deep in the jungle, there are almost no human habitation, and there is nowhere to buy these things you want to buy.

It is very dangerous to collect materials locally, because there are not a few highly poisonous plants in such places, so it is better to prepare them yourself, which is more at ease.

All of the above, except for the change of clothes, which are normally put into the backpack, and other food ingredients are all sealed in the scroll. When needed, just take out the seal. If you go to the ninja shop, you will pay a certain handling fee. help you.

In addition, there are anti-mosquito sprays and antidotes.

Hinata snapped her fingers and counted one by one, imagining all possible situations that might be encountered.

It would be nice if she could go too, it would be fun to perform missions with Naruto, and it would also be convenient for her to take care of Naruto along the way.

It's a pity that she, the heir of the clan, is not allowed to go out without being [-]% sure of her safety.

It doesn't matter how the members of the branch family die. The main family must not be easily involved in danger. This is the rule of the Hinata family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Not far away, Naruto crossed his arms and walked back and forth in the living room, thinking about how to match Ino and Sakura.

This Ino likes Sakura and didn't run away. The question is whether Sakura has any thoughts in that regard, whether she can accept it, so the first task is to test Sakura's opinion, to determine whether she rejects it or accepts it.

Sitting on the tatami, pretending to be playing fireworks with Pikachu's shadow clone, secretly glanced at my sister, and then at Naruto, feeling very confused and confused.

Didn't my sister say that the two girls like Naruto and are rivals in love?Then why did you agree to let Naruto and those two people carry out the mission?

Is it because my sister doesn't like Naruto anymore?impossible.

Is it because my sister doesn't care that Naruto is with other girls?What's more wrong, my sister also said that the two girls are vixen.

what is the problem?Huahuo's little brain was about to smoke, and he didn't even think about it.

The age difference between her and her sister is only five years, and there is such a big generation gap. She has no idea what her sister is thinking.

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