Like Sakura, Sakura can't accept herself.

Like Naruto, Naruto can't like himself.

Giving up Naruto and choosing to help Sakura pursue Naruto is equivalent to giving up two people you like at the same time.

No matter how you choose, it will be painful and uncomfortable in the end.

Ino, like Sakura, needs a way to vent, to express this depressed and unspeakable mood.

Sakura chose to fight crocodiles, Ino chose to fight mosquitoes, and Naruto, who offered to come to his door, was undoubtedly easier to fight than mosquitoes.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Ino scolded and hit him.

This idiot is scolding her for falling in love with Sakura and Naruto.

It is also scolding Naruto who has been unable to detect Sakura's intentions.

At the same time, he was even scolding Sakura, who obviously liked Naruto so much, why did he push Naruto over?It was hard for her to make up her mind. Wouldn't it make her fall into it again?

Naruto tried to tear Ino away from his body, but failed. This Ino's strength burst out from nowhere, and he clung to him tightly, especially the pair of scissor legs that hugged his waist.

Of course Naruto has the ability to forcibly break away from Ino, Nine-Tails Chakra understands, but the end result of doing that, if he can't hold back his strength, it is likely to break Ino's bones and tendons.

I planned to repeat the same trick, like the previous one, secretly controlling the hand formed by the Nine-Tails Chakra, chopping on the back of Ino's neck, knocking her out, but Ino was on guard against this.

Naruto was not sure that he could knock Ino unconscious without seriously injuring her.

It doesn't make sense?There is no way to make Ino stop by cursing, forcible means will seriously injure Ino, what should I do?Naruto is troubled.

In the process of wrestling and fighting against Ino's fist and grasping, he accidentally discovered that he saw the mosquito bag on Ino's arm. Naruto had a flash of inspiration and took it to heart.

Itchy, yes, tickling, just wondering if Ino is afraid of itchy?

Both hands are still against Ino's fist, and by the way, they are also guarding against Ino's sudden bite.

Nine-Tails Chakra overflowed from the shoulders, waist, and all over the body, and under Naruto's control, it turned into a Chakra Hand, and carried out tickling attacks on Ino's creaking nest, waist, and neck.

"Stupid" Ino changed his face; "What! Wow! Hahahaha!"

Regardless of the beating and scolding, Ino grabbed those chakras.

Naruto took the opportunity to control the two chakra hands, unfastened Ino's shoes, and scratched the soles of her feet.

The effect was immediate, and Ino bounced up like an electric shock, and the scissor legs that were holding Naruto's waist loosened, and separated from Naruto. In less than half a minute, she already burst into tears from laughter.

Finally, Naruto, who was separated safely, quickly got up and put a distance away from Ino, this guy really couldn't be careless.

"Huh." Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ino who was sitting on the ground in a daze, and then looked at his torn sportswear; "You said, if I tickle your itch, you will give up on me." ,How about it?"

Ino shuddered, thinking of that scene, she gritted her teeth; "No matter what you do, I will never hate you, like, like, like you."

Naruto stared at Ino, and Ino stared at Naruto not to be outdone.

Seeing that Ino was serious and not joking, Naruto sighed, ignored Ino, turned and walked away.

To drag Ino up?Don't be kidding me, okay?Originally, no matter how smeared he was, he couldn't make Ino give up liking him. If he was gentle and considerate to Ino, and made this liking stronger, so strong that he didn't want to give up after catching up with Sakura, what should he do?

Indifference doesn't work, smearing doesn't work, gentleness doesn't work, what Naruto can do is to keep a distance from Ino.

Ino looked complicatedly at Naruto's back as he walked away, picked up the shoes on the ground and put them on, wiped off the dust and dirt on his clothes and hakama, and stepped forward to catch up.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching quickly from behind, Naruto didn't intend to stop, and quickly hid to the side, and also started to run.

"Hey, hey, what do you think?"

"You say I'm ugly, I want to show you whether I'm ugly or not!"

"It's not ugly, it's beautiful. Don't chase after her, okay? Let's talk about something serious."

"Then stop and don't run."

"If you don't chase, why should I run?"

"You run, of course I will chase after you."

"Well, count one, two, three, let's stop together, one, two, three, stop."

Naruto stopped for a while, seeing that Ino was still rushing towards him, he ran away quickly.

The chase continues.

Ino needs to vent. She is angry and feels uncomfortable if she doesn't express it. This has nothing to do with being ugly or stupid. These words are at best a trigger.

What really made Ino behave like this was precisely herself.

She is a human being and a girl, and it is human nature to want what she likes.

As an elder sister, she is willing to give the best and what she likes to her younger sister Sakura. Being willing to do so does not mean that Ino really has no idea.

Reaping Sakura's gratitude, getting Sakura's smile, and having a better relationship with Sakura, Ino is always pursuing these things instinctively.

Until she realized her feelings for Sakura, she wanted to get more, and when she realized that this was an impossible and delusional thing, the seeds of discomfort and depression were planted in her heart.

Ino smiled and encouraged Sakura, and supported Sakura to go after Naruto. Only she knew how uncomfortable she felt, and she never told anyone about this.

When the rice cooker is steaming rice, there will be a small hole to vent the gas and reduce the internal pressure. If there is no such small hole, what will happen?

Recently, let go of the prejudice against Naruto, and because of frequent hints, I really have an indescribable affection for Naruto, like it, this became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

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