Between her own guess and Ino's confession, Sakura chooses to believe the latter.

Besides, she really wanted to check Naruto's body, don't get me wrong, she wasn't trying to do something weird, it was just a very ordinary, very common examination.

Seeing Sakura's insistence, Naruto had no choice but to agree, isn't it just cooking, he can do whatever he wants, and it's not a matter of life or death.

After breakfast, Naruto coughed dryly, beckoned Ino to come over, and walked to the jungle first.

Ino was not surprised, knowing that Naruto wanted to ask her what she thought, it was fine in itself, but it was not bad to stimulate Sakura a little bit, arouse her sense of urgency, and let Sakura be more active.

"Then, I ask you to wash my bowls and chopsticks too. I'll go and whisper to Naruto, don't eavesdrop." Ino said with a smile.

Watching the brisk and cheerful Ino go after Naruto, the two disappeared from sight one after the other, Sakura's fingers trembled a few times, and she couldn't help punching the ground beside her.

The large and small stones at that position were all crushed into fine powder under the strange force.

"Damn Well Boar, I won't lose." While washing the dishes, Sakura muttered in a low voice, with complicated and subtle emotions.

She felt so contradictory, and this contradiction has always existed since she learned that Ino liked Naruto.

If Ino simply gave up on Naruto, she would feel distressed, guilty, and indebted, and if Ino really let go of chasing Naruto, getting close to Naruto, Sakura would be uncontrollably angry, jealous, and very uncomfortable.

On the other side, Naruto cut to the chase and said, "What's going on? What are you thinking?"

"Sakura knows that I like you, and has been creating opportunities for me to get close to you. After learning about the plan I mentioned, she refused to accept anything." Ino said: "After all, she doesn't know what I like. It's her, this plan is also for her to be closer to the person she likes, but she simply thought that I was sacrificing myself for her out of my sister's status."

These words are true, Ino just concealed the person Sakura likes, everything else is true, therefore, Ino said very frankly, and let Naruto who looked at her and listened to her have no doubts .

"Really? If it was Sakura, it is really possible to make such a decision." Naruto sighed.

Looking at the plot of Hokage, the six most important people to Sakura are Sasuke is lover, lover, Sarana is daughter, Ino is the best and closest sister, Naruto is best friend, and parents.

When the strength is still weak, Sakura will seek protection, and when Sakura becomes stronger, it becomes her to protect and save others.

You know, in the plot, Naruto, who was pulled away from Kyuubi by Madara, would have been a question of whether he could wait for the soul of the Sage of the Six Paths to die and return again without Sakura's best efforts to heal him.

Sakura, who attached so much importance to Ino, knew with her heels that it was impossible for Sakura to let Ino sacrifice her feelings.

After figuring this out, Naruto looked at Ino and asked, "Then what should we do next? Continue with the plan we mentioned before? I'll pour water again at noon to fish out the statue and the letter, and try it out, little one." Is it possible for Sakura to accept you?"

"No, I have a new idea." Ino said.

"Oh? What is it, tell me." Naruto was curious.

"You should have noticed that before breakfast, when I handed you the towel and water bottle, Sakura glared at me, right?" Ino said, waiting for Naruto to recall, nodded, and continued: " What do you think this is because of?"

"Well, the incident is that you brought me water and towels, and the target was me and you, and then she glared at you." Naruto rubbed his chin, and said to himself: "Our relationship is getting closer, it stands to reason that she should be happy Yes, she was the one who set us up from the beginning, but now, she is showing an unhappy expression, hiss, let me think about it."

Ino smiled and waited patiently.

"Our relationship is getting closer, Sakura is not happy, but angry, the reason can only be that she has a good impression of one of us as much as she likes, and she doesn't want the other to succeed." Naruto frowned, thinking about it; "Boy , She likes Sasuke, she can't like me, girl, then it can only be you, oh, Sakura has a crush on you, and she hasn't noticed it yet."

Ino rubbed his eyes, resisting the urge to hit someone, nodded with a smile, "Hmm, it seems you've realized it."

Infinitely close to the correct answer, but very perfect, avoiding the answer.

"That's very good." Naruto slapped his thigh; "Sakura has a crush on you, which is a very good signal, proving that you and her have a great chance, it may not be possible to confess directly, but insinuating, slowly hinting, Wait until it’s almost time to show that it’s okay.”

"So, I need you to cooperate with me, so that Sakura can be more angry, so that she can realize her own intentions." Ino smiled, showing her real plans and ideas; "The more you Get closer to me, the more angry she will be, and slowly, she will understand and understand her own thoughts, she likes me, loves me, maybe it won't be so smooth, when the time comes, we will play by ear."

"You don't want to approach me by yourself, do you?" Naruto looked at Ino suspiciously.

"A little bit, but don't worry, my love for you is less than one billionth of what I love for Sakura." Ino said: "The ultimate goal is for Sakura, please remember this."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto thought about it for about ten minutes, and determined that there was no problem with this plan.

Wasn't he going to pretend to be Sakura's boyfriend?Now change the subject to Ino, same.

"Yes, but let's make it clear first that the behavior should not be excessive, and there should be no physical contact." Naruto said: "At most, it's just addressing, other things like picking up vegetables, serving tea and water, intimacy in tone, no actual actions are allowed. .”

"Of course, don't think of me so casually, I am very self-loving." Ino said: "As for this title, you have been calling me a pig, then I"

Looking at Naruto up and down, Ino searched his brain, thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that before this, when he and Sakura went to make Naruto dream, there was an example of seeing Naruto turned into a dog and sleeping in a small park.

"Dog." Ino said abruptly.

"Ah?" Naruto was stunned, suspecting that his ears were broken and he didn't understand.

"I'm a pig, you're a dog, isn't it a good match?" Ino smiled and said, "These two are at the end of the Chinese zodiac, and they are close together, which means good, pretty good."

"Worse than pigs and dogs?" Naruto said, seeing that Ino couldn't help laughing anymore, his face was black.

This Ino was treated as a pig since he was a child, and he was psychologically unbalanced. Now he wants to drag him into the water.

"You can still call me by my name, dog or something" Thinking that Ino will call him "dog" in the future, Naruto's mood is not very good.

"No, this kind of nickname also represents the distance of the relationship to a certain extent." Ino held his belly from laughing and insisted: "I heard that my father once said a few words when he was drunk. The second generation in the past was called the third generation. , Call him a monkey, the third generation is a monkey, you are a dog, what's wrong? I was called a pig since I was a child, don't you have an opinion?"

No, even if you have an opinion, you can't change it, Naruto Fuzuo.

"Forget it, this relationship won't last long anyway, and it can end when Ino catches up with Sakura. Before that, it's okay to have the nickname of a dog." Naruto secretly said: "Besides, dog and dog have the same pronunciation. , You can also remind me at all times, don't waste money."

Before the strength grows to the level of being invincible in the ninja world, you must not make waves. Using Gougou as a synonym and motto is no better.

Thinking of this, Naruto nodded and said: "A dog is a dog, so don't ask me to change your pig again, you understand? Stupid pig."

It's not that she hasn't been called before, Ino doesn't care. Compared to this, she smiled at Naruto, stretched out her hand and made a gesture of touching the dog's head with a smile, and said, "Stupid dog."

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