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Without receiving the towel from Sakura, Naruto stared at the calmness, and the occasional wind blowing brought some ripples to the surface of the lake.

"I have become obsessed with girls other than Hinata." Naruto said, also explaining to Satoshi why he is so.

"Fascinated" Li Ying was silent.

Is it Ino?It is also true, Ino is so good, so good-looking, beautiful, as long as there is no problem with the eyes, it is natural to be fascinated.

"Is there any way to stop it? I can't be sorry for Hinata, she is so good to me, she has dedicated herself to me, if I let her down, I really am not a human being." Naruto said, in front of Sakura These, he wanted to hear Sakura's words of affirmation.

"Emotions can't be suppressed." Li Ying suppressed complicated thoughts, thought for a while, and said softly: "It's like a spring, the more you suppress, the stronger the rebounding force will be. You are still young now, and when you are an adult , you can get married, it is still very early, after marriage, emotional betrayal cannot be forgiven, before marriage, everything has not been settled, it is better to let nature take its course."

Naruto shook his head, didn't look at Sasaura, took a handful of cold lake water with both hands, splashed it on his face, got up and went back to the tent.

"Ino, I'm so envious." Li Ying secretly said; "We were the first to have contact with Naruto, and we were the ones who had an intersection. In the end, Hinata took the lead, and Ino, because Naruto liked Hinata, got his Fascinated, fascinated."

Because Li Ying's mood swings were too strong, Xiao Ying, who was still sleeping soundly, was awakened by the shock.

After the initial confusion, Sakura learned about the short conversation just now from Satoshi, and Sakura was stunned, completely speechless.

He looked at his hands.

Does she have any reason to continue working hard?

As a rival in love, Hinata can grab and fight. Now, Ino is a rival in love, and she has already confirmed her obsession with Naruto. Can she still fight?

With no goals and no motivation, Sakura felt severe pain all over her body, surging like a tide, and she couldn't breathe due to the pain.

For Naruto, she worked hard from morning to night.

Desperately, desperately to catch up.

To improve myself, to strengthen myself, is to become a woman worthy of Naruto, and then to be favored, liked, and favored by Naruto.

With this thought in mind, no matter how tired she is, she can persevere, no matter how painful she is, she can endure it.

As a result, now, knowing that Ino was one step ahead of her, he gained Naruto's favor, and Naruto was fascinated by it.

"Why? Why? Let me meet, something like this? Why, the person I like doesn't like me? Why, the one who came first, will be left behind?"

Sakura covered her face, squatted down, and sobbed silently like when she was laughed at by other students for her wide forehead when she was a child. No, this feeling is even more painful and uncomfortable than that time.

Ino got up at night, rubbed her sleepy eyes, went to the bushes to drain water, and when she came back, she was a little more awake, and saw Sakura squatting by the lake at a glance.

After hesitating for a while, she still walked over, trying her best to convince Sakura.

"I haven't made any effort to exist for Naruto, Sakura, you are more qualified to be with him than me."

Thinking about what to say, Ino squatted next to Sakura, smiling and ready to speak, but found that Sakura was not in a daze, thinking about something, but crying.

"Sakura! Don't cry, who bullied you, Naruto? Damn you bastard!" Ino got angry and went to find Naruto immediately.

She doesn't care if Naruto is right or wrong, as Sakura's older sister, this matter is not over when Sakura cries, she must express her anger for Sakura.

"No, it's because I'm too useless." Sakura said.

"What's going on?" Ino held up Sakura's face, wiped away the tears on her face, and embraced her again; "It's okay, I'm here, I'll help you settle it, don't cry, Sakura is the best .”

in the tent.

Unaware of what happened outside, Naruto's consciousness sank into the sealed space, chatting with Kyuubi lying here, who seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping.

He said it was a chat, but he was actually speaking unilaterally, with Kyuubi as the listener.

After Naruto finished speaking, Kyuubi said in a muffled voice, "Why do you think so firmly that Sakura likes Sasuke?"

"Hey, why do you still ask?" Naruto said in a daze, "It's obvious, the first time I met her was to help her chase Sasuke as an opportunity, the premise, and she was willing to approach me in order to chase Sasuke. "

"People change, what they used to like, later on, they will gradually let go and like other things." Nine tails said.

"The possibility you mentioned will not happen to her, I understand her." Naruto said: "She is the one who still likes Sasuke even if Sasuke wants to kill her, abandon her, and ignore her." , no one can change her mind, if you want to include amnesia, then just pretend I didn't say anything."

Kyuubi opened one eye and looked at Naruto.

From the past, it felt that this Renzhuli had a brain hole, but now it seemed that it was true.

Well, having said that, it is true that any normal person will become good friends with a tailed beast, and only abnormal guys, extraordinary people will do so.

Seeing that Kyuubi didn't speak, but still looked at himself with ZZ eyes, Naruto puffed up his face, how could this stupid fox understand people's hearts, he was really stupid when he thought of talking to Kyuubi.

"I feel your malice." Jiuwei said, standing up with a huge body like a mountain, and roared: "There is nothing that a fight can't solve. Since you are troubled, then come and fight, just let me see it. Your current level."

"I wish for it!" Naruto jumped up and entered the Nine-Tails mode, his body was covered by chakra like golden flames.

What happens in the sealed space will not interfere with the outside world, which is very good.

at the same time.

The outside world, by the lake.

Hearing Sakura's intermittent explanation of the reason and what happened, Ino's brain also exploded.

What?Naruto, have a crush on her?Infatuated with her?

"Wait! Sakura, is it possible that Naruto is talking about you?" Ino said; "He didn't say who it is, he just said that he is infatuated with girls other than Hinata, here are the two of us, willing to approach him , and the closest relationship with him is the two of us, it may be you."

Sakura shook her head; "How is it possible, I didn't do anything, how could he suddenly have a good impression of me, but you, who walked so close to him, and even gave each other such intimate nicknames, is it you? you are you!"

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