Only this biological sister is qualified to move Hinata, to slow down Hinata, and not to take down Naruto without saying a word.

"Isn't it too good? That child, I remember only seven years old, this age is too young." Sakura hesitated.

People who can influence Hinata naturally think of Hanabi, but Hanabi is so young.

"Hmm," Ino murmured; "what's the small thing, there are only five years difference between us, ten years or even more, don't worry about it, the first thing to think about is how to drag her into the water and help us contain Hinata .”

"I have a feeling of driving away the wolf, don't make it to the end, the threat of Hanabi is greater than Hinata." Sakura worried.

"That's for the future, it's better than letting Hinata succeed now, right?" Ino said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The idea is to think of it, the question is how to make Hanabi like Naruto, or how to like it especially, and become a stumbling block for Hinata, this is a difficult point.

"Dream." Ino said: "Naruto's body is weird. It is very difficult for us to make him dream. Hanabi is different. It is too easy to make her dream. Through dreams, we can make Hanabi more like Naruto. Contact and acquaintance, she is Hinata's younger sister, there should be some similarities in this hobby."

Sakura thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Although he was still a little worried, fearing that Hanabi would become a more difficult and difficult opponent than Hinata, but right now, there was not much progress on his side, and all he could do was to hold Hinata back.

Otherwise, when Hinata overcame her shyness and took the courage to do something excessive with Naruto in advance, Sakura would have gone crazy, regretted it, and exploded on the spot.

Naruto, who didn't know this, suffered beatings from the shadow clones in the jungle, as well as his own hammering.

As a living target that does not hide or dodge, this is simply the best practice material.

The shadow clones entered the Nine-Tails mode one after another, using strange powers, not only fists, but also the Vajra legs and iron head skills, as well as the iron mountain that he figured out after a long time hitting the tree.

Strange power is a chakra micro-manipulation technique, theoretically speaking, it can be used on any part of the body.don't think too much

"It's a pity that my chakra control is not in place. If it can be refined to the nails, with the sharpness of the nails and this terrifying power, it will definitely be unstoppable."

Naruto felt the slight pain on his body while being hit by the clones of the shadows, and at the same time, he was thinking in a divergent way.

I don't know what level I am now, I haven't really played against other strong players, so I don't know.

To what extent can one crush Nagato and achieve invincibility in the ninja world? This range is difficult to judge.

I wanted to try out a pair of combinations from Xiao, but felt it was wrong.

Why don't you want to leave the village?Isn't it just unwilling to appear in Akatsuki's field of vision in advance?In case Nagato's attention is drawn and he leads the entire Akatsuki organization to attack Konoha, who can stop it?

In the absence of intelligence, Jiraiya struggled to fight Penn Six Paths. Counting the other Akatsuki members, the collision between the two sides was no less than a comet hitting the earth.

So, stick to the Dao, and never take the lead until you are invincible.

The more he thinks about the danger in the ninja world, the stronger and firmer Naruto's thought of sticking to the end.

Besides, his future comrade-in-arms, Sasuke hasn't grown up yet, it's very stressful for him to face the danger alone, it's safer to bring one more, um.

Naruto didn't want to think about Sakura, and even deliberately let her go without mentioning it, but in his heart, there would always be an image of Sakura.

When I was in the ninja school, when I graduated to become a ninja, Sakura's violent temper and her unique concern, all of these are vivid in my memory.

If he didn't know the plot, Naruto would really mistakenly think that the person Sakura likes is him.

However, this kind of misunderstanding should not exist, and this kind of feeling cannot be possessed.

In the plot, isn't Sakura still very close to Naruto?But this is just a friend, the feelings of a close friend, nothing else is involved.

"So, wake me up, don't think about her anymore." Naruto raised his right hand, clenched his five fingers, and punched himself on the right side of the face.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Naruto returned to the place where the tent was set up, because he unbuttoned his clothes before being beaten, so there was no tattered clothes.

Seeing Sakura and Ino together, a pair of sisters who have a very good relationship, Naruto sighed, this Ino really has a way, it seems that Sakura can't escape from Ino's grasp.

He went back to the tent and changed into his swimming trunks. He was going to fish out the statue and the letter at the bottom of the lake. He used this fabricated story to test Sakura's attitude and see if he opposed it or accepted it.

"Sakura, let's go swimming together."

Ino saw Naruto's intentions.

But she doesn't need that kind of thing now, and she already understands Sakura's intentions. Instead of going all the way to the dark, and finally the relationship breaks down, and the chickens fly to the egg, maintaining the current sister relationship, Ino is very satisfied.

Another one, there are still many problems ahead, and she can't make the problems more complicated.

"Oh." Sakura glanced at Naruto and returned to the tent to change into her swimsuit.

Ino followed in and was also changing. After changing, they walked out of the tent together.

Standing by the lake, Naruto, who had been gesturing to Ino and glaring at her with restraining eyes, was speechless at this moment.

He is going down to fish for things, so what do you guys think when you follow him?Besides, there are electric eels, crocodiles, and other dangerous creatures in this lake.

"You stupid pig, let's just make trouble if you don't help." Naruto stared at Ino, and got a playful and lovely smile from Ino.

Naruto looked at Ino, and involuntarily glanced at Sakura beside her from the corner of his eye.

It seems that it is rare to dress like this in front of people, Sakura is a little shy.

In addition to the two-piece swimsuit inside, she also wore a thin coat that just reached her thighs. It was the same pink swimsuit as her hair, which matched it very well.

When his eyes fell on Sakura's fingers, he couldn't help but think of the scene he witnessed last night. Naruto's heart beat slightly faster, he pinched his brows, and turned his back.

I thought to myself that Sakura would never like me, that Sakura would never like me, in this way, I hoped that I could recognize the reality clearly, and stop having such unrealistic, even more impossible, thoughts.

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