Sakura raised her nearly unconscious left hand, grabbed it upwards, and tightly clasped the small hole Naruto had pierced with her nails.

Sakura, who stopped for a short time, started to climb again.

This is not a game, this is an opportunity Ino created for her.

This is a limited number of opportunities in her life.

Don't be greedy and expect that there will be other, more opportunities in the future, seize the present and move forward bravely.

"" Naruto took a deep look at Sakura, and continued to swim forward.

After finally climbing up, Sakura saw Naruto who was getting farther and farther away. She didn't care about resting or making excuses for herself. She took a deep breath and tried her best to swim.

"It's over, it's impossible to catch up again." Naruto thought to himself, looking back, Sakura's speed was even faster and fiercer than at the beginning.

After swimming another two kilometers, it was judged that it was impossible to continue, and Sakura's body must collapse.

Naruto stopped immediately, Nine-Tails Chakra appeared on the surface of his body, ready to catch Sakura, and at the same time, it was also an intermediate object separating himself from Sakura.

seal space.

"Hey, Naruto." Kyuubi said, giving Naruto a headache, while Naruto was in a daze, wondering why he hit him, Kyuubi took the initiative to take over the Chakra and took it back.

outside world.

Naruto was stunned, a body jumped into his arms, it was Sakura.

"I caught it!" Sakura, who was hugging Naruto, thought of this at the end of her consciousness, and then her eyes darkened, and she couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

"Nine Lamas, what are you doing?" Naruto said, "I am troubled by this matter, don't make trouble for me."

"Troubleshooting." Nine-Tailed didn't lift his eyelids, and his voice was buzzing; "You control the world, you can't control my pranks, whatever, I like to see you troubled."

Naruto was speechless, looking at the unconscious Sakura in his arms, he sighed.

Leaving from the river and going ashore, Naruto cleared a clean area, put down Sakura, his eyes fell on his hands, his fingers were bloody, his nails were either broken or a corner was missing.

"Ino, what kind of game are you playing? You're messing with Sakura, don't use chakra or anything," Naruto thought to himself.

If she could use chakra, Sakura's fingers wouldn't be able to do that at all.

Gather a group of Nine-Tails Chakra on the right hand, and shoot it into Sakura's body to help her heal her injuries and restore her strength.

Naruto sat not far away, watching the flowing river, his thoughts wandering.

Speaking of which, he spent the longest time with Sakura.

Sakura has also gradually evolved from a nympho at the beginning to what she is now, and it can be said that she is a ninja in her own right.

Naruto saw all the changes in Sakura.

Although the efforts made by Sakura are incomplete, Naruto has a general understanding of it, and he knows it well.

Until last night, I witnessed Sakura exercising until her finger was broken, and continued exercising after it was cured, a behavior she was used to.

It was only then that Naruto realized more intuitively that what he knew about Sakura was only one-sided, and secretly, Sakura put in more effort.

"Sakura, if you persevere like this, you will definitely be able to catch up with Sasuke as you wished, I can assure you of this." Naruto secretly said: "The dream I have had since childhood, once it is realized, it will be very happy, right?"

Looking sideways at Sakura's profile, Naruto smiled dumbly for a long time.

It can't be fake, it can't be fake.

If you like it, you like it, if you hate it, you hate it, there is no need to deny your own ideas.

Naruto admits that he admires Sakura, who strives desperately for the goal, and works hard. At this time, Sakura makes his heart move, and this heartbeat has never been in Hinata.

For Hinata, Naruto has a lot of gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, and the love that arose recently. If he is so dedicated to his girl, if he fails, he will really be inhuman.

"Hinata, I'm sorry, I can't stop thinking about it, but don't worry, I won't do anything wrong to you, and at the same time, Sakura likes Sasuke wholeheartedly." Naruto secretly said.

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out and touch Xiao Sakura's face, but as soon as he raised his hand, he held it down with the other hand.

"I didn't expect that, like Naruto in the plot, I would have a feeling for Sakura, heh, I have made such a big detour, but, unlike in the plot, I am more self-aware, Sakura, no Maybe he likes me." Naruto secretly said: "So, this kind of heart will be hidden forever, don't show it."

As far as Naruto's perception of himself is concerned, what he has for Hinata is family affection, that is, the affection a husband has for his wife, and the affection he has for Sakura, this never-before-seen throbbing, is somewhat biased towards love .

Love is short, temporary, and will eventually pass, only family love will last forever.

For this short-term love, to destroy and hurt the long-term family relationship, Naruto can't do such a thing, so, let this kind of heart be hidden in the bottom of my heart forever.

"That was just now?" Li Ying, who was out of her body, recalled carefully, and calculated Naruto's actions just now, her brows were frowned.

If she guessed right, Naruto probably wanted to touch her just now, right?What does this represent?

Is it purely for further treatment?Or does it have another meaning?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the Kyuubi power bank, the injured and exhausted Sakura recovered quickly.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the leaves blocking the sun.

Confused for a while, he turned his head and looked around, Naruto was exercising not far away, doing push-ups.

"Are you awake?" Naruto said.

Sitting up, Sakura subconsciously embraced her arms, thinking of her appearance, Naruto looked down on her, and put it down one by one.

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