Feeling that the arms are not easy to grasp, and the strength is not very good, Sakura vigorously swings Naruto to smash the Hikage clone, her eyes wandering on Naruto.

The composition of a person's body always weighs the upper half more than the lower half. Holding the upper half is like a mace, holding the barbed end. If you want to maximize the power, you have to

Turning her mind, Sakura changed her position, from her arms to her ankles. This time, the effect was immediate.

With Sakura's forceful swing, the weak Naruto relaxed, like a human-shaped weapon. Under the action of force, his hands stretched out above his head, his fingers stretched out, like a zombie.

The extremely sharp, hard and unbreakable nails cut iron like mud, stabbing these shadow clones to death without any effort.

A shadow clone entered the Nine-Tails mode, rushing forward with one hand holding the Huxing Helix Pill.

Sakura hesitated for a moment, not daring to use Naruto to block this technique, and chose to dodge and dodge.

"Sakura, don't hide, just use me to block, I can block it." Naruto said.

Three Kage clones came to turn on Nine-Tails mode again, and it was hard for Sakura to dodge this time, believing what Naruto said, she picked up Naruto, instead of retreating, she took the initiative to throw at the Kage clones.

The Huxing spiral pill and the spiral shuriken that hit Naruto's body triggered a reverse injury. The powerful damage was reversed by [-]%, and nearly half of it was on the shadow.

In an instant, the shadow clone was shattered.

Sakura was shocked.

On the other side, Ino, who was watching the battle from a distance, was also dumbfounded.

Is this still human?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The battle lasted for about half an hour, and ended with the disappearance of all the shadow clones.

Naruto, who was separated from Sakura, took care of the clothes on his body that were smashed to pieces by various spiral pills, looking like a beggar, and asked Sakura how he felt.

"It's very handy." Sakura thought carefully, and expressed her thoughts; "It can defend and rebound most damage and attacks. It is safe, powerful, and easy to use."

No matter how you say it, Naruto is still a person. Although he is only twelve years old and weighs more than [-] kilograms, it is not something that ordinary people can use.

Only ninjas, especially those like Sakura who are born with great strength, and after hard training the day after tomorrow, have so much strength that they have nowhere to use it, can swing like arms and fingers.

"Really? That's good." Naruto said: "In the future, if I fall asleep at a critical moment, if there are enemies or other situations, you can use me like this."

Since the drowsiness was not caused by foreign enemies, other people, Kyuubi, Sakura, and Ino, it can only be caused by his own shadow clone, a side effect.

Shadow Clone is such a useful training aid, how can it be possible to just give up?

Since he will not stop using the shadow clone, he can only reduce the possible adverse effects of drowsiness in other aspects.

Sasuke has Susano, the ability to have both offense and defense.

Sakura doesn't have this kind of cheating, after she falls asleep, she can't just lie there and do nothing, at least, she can also become a shield and weapon in Sakura's hands.

"Is that so?" Sakura blinked her eyes, changed her mind, and said, "Good idea, with a magical shield like yours, it must be much better than me using my body to fight hard, but the proficiency is not very good. Enough, we usually practice more, shall we?"

In silence, Naruto looked away from Sakura and nodded in agreement.

I thought Naruto would refuse, or bargain, put some other conditions, or restrictions, but I didn't expect that he agreed so readily, Sakura couldn't help being stunned for a moment.


Naruto didn't know that in this process, there would inevitably be many physical contacts, so he agreed so easily?

What did Naruto think?

Just to let her develop proficiency?

Or, what did Naruto think of her?

Or, Naruto thinks that they are good friends, teammates, and companions, so it doesn't matter?

Sakura, who can't read minds and doesn't know what Naruto is thinking at all, thinks wildly in her mind, it's really that Naruto's change is a bit big, and it slightly disrupted her position.

After making an appointment for the next practice, Naruto walked to the side to exercise there.

Sakura couldn't see through, and couldn't guess what Naruto was thinking, so she greeted Ino who had seen it, and went to pick herbs together.

After they left, Naruto stopped exercising for a while, took out the crystal ball from the backpack in the tent, and activated it. In the crystal ball, the appearances of Sakura and Ino emerged, and continued to exercise.

After getting along for such a long time, even if it is a pig, it is time to develop feelings.

Naruto is no exception, it's just that he has self-knowledge and knows that Sakura can't, it's impossible to like him, so he abandoned this idea from the beginning.

And because in the plot, in order to protect Naruto, Hinata went to fight Payne, and she was also the future wife, who gave birth to a son and a daughter for Naruto.

This preconceived notion caused Naruto to treat Hinata as a partner and wife who would spend his whole life together in the future from the very beginning.

In this case, it is impossible for Naruto to provoke other girls.

Not to mention, the decompression workshop and the magazine, these two shops were originally opened for making money, but by accident, he developed resistance to beautiful women, which is aesthetic fatigue.

Before that, I had two dreams related to Sakura in the village, and Naruto felt bad at that time.

Why dream of Sakura?Although countermeasures were taken afterwards to minimize the impact of this incident, Nianxiang didn't just say it was gone.

Sakura's fans have already been sprinkled into Naruto's heart, and he doesn't want to admit it anymore, if there is, there is, this cannot be changed, and it also makes Naruto instinctively think that it is his own subconscious, unconsciously attracted by Sakura, I like Sakura.

These emotions can be well suppressed and ignored before this, because they are very hazy and not strong, but they are also as a seed, rooted in Naruto's heart.

A few nights ago, I witnessed Xiao Sakura's silent effort, gave him a shot of cardiotonic on this seed, causing the seed to germinate.

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