"Ah, yes, I'm here, what's the matter?"

"I'm not sick, I've checked everything, Naruto is very healthy, there is no disease at all." Sakura said.

It's coming, I'm going to be suspected, Ino secretly complained.

Not daring to delay for too long, he quickly opened his mouth and said in a puzzling tone: "Hey, what's going on? At that time, Naruto came to me to talk about this disease. What's the matter? He said he was sick when he wasn't sick? "

Sakura didn't speak, she began to dress Naruto, and perfectly restored it according to the way it was before it was taken off.

Wipe off the nosebleed with a tissue, put your palms together, form mudra, control your own chakra, change the nature of the water, and then release it to purify the air and eliminate the smell of blood in the air.

After careful observation, without leaving any clues or loopholes, Sakura quietly withdrew.

This time, she gave Naruto the amount of sixteen fingernails, which can bring down sixteen Jiraiya.

According to the eight examples where the fingernails made Naruto fall asleep for nearly an hour, this time, it will be about two hours, there may be deviations, but it will not be too big.

To be on the safe side, Sakura didn't stay, and within an hour, she finished her business and resolutely stopped.

There will be more opportunities in the future, there is no need to be greedy for this moment, the most important thing is not to be discovered by Naruto.

Seeing Sakura walking away alone, Ino looked back at the sleeping Naruto, hesitating, and followed up bravely.

There is no way to hide, and it is absolutely impossible for her to admit that she is lying.

Naruto, I'm sorry, I'll trouble you to take the blame this time, I can't let Sakura doubt me.

Making up her mind, Ino was about to speak up, to shirk responsibility, and firmly decided that Naruto came to her to talk about the disease, and she didn't know anything else.

It's impossible for Sakura to ask Naruto, and if she doesn't say anything here, it's tantamount to no proof. First ensure her own safety, and then figure out how to make up this lie.

"Sakura, I don't know what's going on, it's Naruto"

"I know." Sakura interrupted Ino's words and said softly.

Ino froze his face and looked at Sakura in disbelief, right?Know?when?No, no, wait and see, maybe it was a misunderstanding.

"What Naruto talked to you about, and why he went to talk to you, I know." Sakura said, "Although I don't want to believe it, and I've been deceiving myself, but it's time to admit it."

On Ino's forehead, sweat appeared, and his calves were trembling.

Sakura knows she likes her?Already knew this

"Ino, I didn't expect it to unfold like this. I feel very complicated, and I don't know how to face you." Sakura sighed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have such intentions to cause you trouble, but I can't help it, I like it, I like it, and I can't help it." Ino apologized, and she thought, at least, she should keep the sisterhood.

"Don't say that, Naruto is not mine, and I'm not qualified to stop other people from liking him." Sakura said, "It's just a little lost."

Al, why are you talking about Naruto again?Ino was stunned, and then his expression became weird. Could it be that Sakura misunderstood something?

"Naruto is not sick, but he went to you and approached you because he was sick. This is obvious. Ino, Naruto, he likes you, no matter how bad he is, he has a good impression of you." Sakura said.

If it wasn't the person involved in this matter, Ino would really believe it.

But what should she say, deny it?Why deny it?

What Naruto was talking to her about at the time was that he liked Sakura, and this was absolutely not something that Sakura could know, so what Ino could do was to remain silent and acquiesce.

Sakura looked at Ino, hesitated to speak, and finally, all of them turned into a forced smile.

"Naruto will ask you to take care of it. There are many shadow clones of him around. There will be no danger. I will go collect herbs." Sakura said.

"I'll accompany you." Ino said.

"No, I want to be alone this time." Sakura said.

She was afraid that she couldn't help but say something that would hurt Ino. Ino was so kind to her, she couldn't hurt Ino. If she was alone, she didn't have to worry so much.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

in the afternoon.

Naruto woke up leisurely, saw the familiar top of the tent, and then thought of the scene during the meal, he knew that he suddenly fell asleep again.

"I've never heard that the shadow clone has the side effect of making people drowsy." Naruto held his forehead and thought to himself.

But the fact is indeed like this, after eliminating all the wrong answers, the remaining one is undoubtedly the correct answer.

I have used the shadow clone for so long since I was a child, but I didn't expect the side effects to appear at this time.

"It's just sleeping. There shouldn't be any other side effects, right?" Naruto worried for a moment, then put it down again. For him, as long as he didn't die, it wasn't a problem.

Climbing out of the tent, I saw Ino not far away, squatting in front of the fire, in a daze, thinking about something, but Sakura was nowhere to be seen.

Without asking Ino, Naruto raised his index finger and middle finger together, and touched the ground lightly. Using Chakra Sensing Technique, he quickly locked onto Sakura's Chakra, in the direction of five to six o'clock, at a distance of about [-] meters.

Knowing that it was nearby, Naruto felt relieved, walked to the fire, tore off the plastic wrap on the dinner plate, picked up the rice left for him, and started eating.

I suddenly fell asleep during the meal, and I haven't finished the meal yet.

Noticing Naruto, Ino regained consciousness a little bit, thinking of what Sakura did to Naruto, she gave Naruto a weird look, and asked cautiously: "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

What Sakura said can be restored, so that Naruto will not notice the strangeness. Is this the case? Ino needs to investigate clearly. If there is any flaw, she must help Sakura resist it, so that Naruto cannot suspect Sakura.

"Well, what?" Naruto looked at Ino with puffed cheeks and a mouth full of rice and vegetables. After thinking about it, he said vaguely, "Oh, are you saying that my physical condition is right? It's okay, how heavy is it?" The shadow clone is just letting me sleep for a while, so it won't hurt my body."

It seems that he didn't find it, Ino nodded reassuringly, that's fine.

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