"Idiot, if you need money, you can come to me. For cultivation resources, you can go to Shikamaru and Choji. Their family has medicine and nutritious ingredients."

Regarding Ino's words, Sakura just shook her head and smiled, but didn't answer.

Any relationship, once it has something to do with money, will deteriorate, Sakura doesn't want that.

As for Hinata, there will be no such burden at all, because they are rivals in love, and there is no need to consider whether the relationship is good or bad.

"Ah!" Ino raised his forehead, yelled as if venting, and finally sighed; "This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later, who knows what accidents will happen if it is delayed, don't forget, Hinata has a lot of troubles every night." For a few hours, I spent time with Naruto, so we should start the firework as soon as possible and let her drag Hinata back."

In the end, Sakura was persuaded by Ino and chose to start tonight.

Informed by Sato Sakura, Sakura and Ino came to Hinata's house, walked through the house, and found Hanabi's bedroom not long after.

"This is a shadow clone?" Sakura looked at Pikachu who was hugging Hanabi as a pillow, and said unexpectedly.

"Among the people we know, Naruto is the only one who can maintain the existence of the shadow clone for a long time." Ino said: "It seems that the relationship between Naruto and this child is not bad. It just so happens that there is a certain relationship foundation, which is more beneficial our plan."

"But, what exactly should I dream about? I don't know what she likes? What does she like? If it is self-defeating, then it will become a bad feeling instead." Sakura hesitated.

That's why she wanted to wait a while and investigate the information on Huahuo a little bit.

"Hmm." Ino frowned, thought for a while, and said, "She is Hinata's younger sister. In terms of this hobby, there should be something in common. I just want you to know, see, Naruto's experiences and encounters since he was a child. Show it to her in every detail, see the reaction, and talk about it if it doesn't work."

Knowing very little information, the only thing to do is to play by ear.

Sakura nodded, patted her face, cheered herself up, then dived into Hanabi's spirit, blended in, took over Hanabi's dream, influenced Hanabi's dream.

Ino didn't move.

Hanabi is not Naruto, and without Naruto's exaggerated defensive power, Sakura alone can do it.

She turned to other rooms and courtyards, and finally found her target, which was Hinata.

"She is also very desperate." Ino was speechless.

Looking at Hinata, who was sweating profusely under the night, waving his palms and outputting to the air, he had something to say but couldn't say it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

the next day.

Naruto opened his eyes and dreamed of Hinata and Sakura at the same time. The two girls didn't know what conflict had happened. They were fighting together, and it was useless to persuade them.

In the end, the picture freezes when Hinata's palm hits Sakura's face, and Sakura's fist hits Hinata's face.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, Naruto frowned, walked to the bathroom with a heavy heart, brushed his teeth and washed his face, came out, and sat down at the dining table.

Sasuke with a cold face, wearing an apron, brought a dinner plate.

There are sandwiches, miso soup, half a fish on the dinner plate, and there is a small plate on the side with ketchup, which will taste better when you dip it in the sandwich.

"I'm starting." Naruto said, and started to eat hungrily.

Before Sasuke ate, he couldn't help asking: "What do you need me to do to make me stronger? How to cooperate?"

"Just like you used to, exercising your body, refining your strange power, taking advantage of detonating talismans, and practicing Thunder Dungeon, Fire Dungeon, and Bamen Dunjia, you haven't forgotten it?" Naruto muttered while chewing the sandwich. He said: "The method I'm talking about doesn't require you to do anything special, and you don't need to prepare anything. Well, it's not convenient for me to say more about it. You will know it when the time comes."

Sasuke was silent for a while, didn't speak again, and ate breakfast silently.

After the meal, I washed the dishes and chopsticks, took the props for cultivation, and the two of them went out together and ran towards the back mountain.

It is Sharingan that can make Sasuke's combat power leap forward, but it does not mean that other aspects are useless and do not need to be exercised.

Just like in the plot, before the Zhongnin exam, Xiao Li and Sasuke said in the battle that it is useless if the eyes can see but the body cannot keep up.

Therefore, before the emotional training is in place and the stimulation of suspended animation is used to cause Sasuke to open the kaleidoscope, Naruto advocates letting him exercise, that is, to lay a good foundation.

Based on the basics, when the kaleidoscope is opened, the combat power will soar, which is a matter of course.

When ninjutsu reaches the late stage, it looks good, but it is actually useless.

Whether it is Rokudo Obito, Rokudo Madara, or Otsuki Kaguya, including other Otsuki gods, ninjutsu is either ineffective or a great tonic for these people.

The focus is still on physical skills, don't say anything, just exercise.

Eight in the morning.

"Good morning, stupid dog." Ino said.

"Good morning, you are tall!" Naruto said, "Why are you here alone? Where's Sakura?"

The two girls who have always been inseparable, how did they become one person this time?

"I thought you knew." Ino was surprised, not pretending, she was really surprised, Hinata didn't tell Naruto?

"What?" Naruto wondered.

"Sakura is going to be Hinata's tutor." Ino said, "We talked about it yesterday."

Naruto was silent for a while, he let out an oh, and then continued to exercise, but his mind would inevitably be a little distracted.

Sakura going to be Hinata's tutor?

Who came up with it?

Are you teaching Flying Thor specifically, or are you teaching other things as well?

Why didn't Hinata say it?Do you think there is no need to say it, or is there some other reason?

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