Relying on perseverance and not admitting defeat.

"It can be done, Sakura can do it, me, me too." Hinata was on the verge of falling, the only thought left in her heart was supporting her, she couldn't lose to Sakura.

It was fine if she couldn't see it before, but now, right in front of her eyes, Sakura's efforts are truly displayed in front of her eyes, she has no way to turn a blind eye.

Sakura is desperately trying to become stronger all the time, how can she sleep peacefully?

Thinking of this, Hinata raised his heavy right hand and slapped it towards the air, using the technique of strange strength, practicing soft fist and strange strength at the same time.

When I couldn't hold it anymore, I moved into the room little by little, lying on the tatami, gasping for breath, then picked up the note given by Sakura, and read it carefully by the light of the candle on the table. .

At the same time, Sasuke's house.

In the bathroom, Naruto, who had been there for nearly six hours, looked at the picture in the crystal ball and remained silent.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't like Sakura, and I shouldn't let Hinata notice it. Up to now, I can't even tell her the most basic confession." Naruto held his forehead and fell into self-blame.

Hinata didn't say anything in the statement, and she must be very concerned about it in her heart, or rather, she cared to the extreme.

"What should I do?" Naruto said inwardly, "Be honest and tell me, and ask for Hinata's forgiveness?"

Just find any other reason to prevaricate, it will definitely not work.

As a girl, Hinata is very sensitive to feelings. Hiding something and lying are two completely different concepts. The latter is even more extreme than the former.

According to Naruto's idea, it is to conceal it to the end. As long as he doesn't say anything and Hinata is not confirmed, this balance will not be broken.

There will be no result with Sakura, and there will be no day when this matter will be revealed.

But you have to take Hinata's mood into consideration, if you don't say anything for a day, Hinata will think wildly and feel uneasy for another day.

Hinata is also the type who talks less, has rich mental activities, and likes to think about this and that. God knows what she will come up with with her imagination?

From this point of view, it may be the best choice to tell directly and frankly. Everyone puts their words on the table, and if there is any problem, we can face it and solve it together.

"Can you?" Naruto was a little moved.

Then I thought about the consequences of confessing.

Thinking in another way, if Hinata confesses to herself that she has a crush on other boys, even stronger than him, but please rest assured that it is impossible for each other, I just think about it in my heart.

Can you feel better after hearing these words?

Frankly, it will hurt Hinata.

Concealing it, if Hinata continues to think wildly, it is still a kind of injury, feeling that no matter what happens, Hinata will be hurt.

"Hinata, maybe I'm waiting for my confession, but..." Naruto closed the crystal ball and covered his face with his hands.

The lesser of two evils.

From Naruto's point of view, concealment is the best choice, but it's just from his point of view, maybe Hinata doesn't think so.

For Hinata who doesn't know the truth of the matter, she wants to know, wants to understand.

After thinking about it and thinking about the consequences of confessing, Naruto vetoed this approach.

Previously, during the test of courage, he learned of Ino's intentions. He did not hide it, did not deceive Hinata with so-called white lies, but told the truth.

This time is different from that time, this time he was moved, and he unilaterally developed a good impression of Sakura, if he still told the truth to Hinata, wouldn't it be the same as stabbing Hinata's heart with a knife?

With a lot of troubles, Naruto separated part of his consciousness and entered the sealed space.

"Nine Lamas, I'm not in a good mood right now, let's play a game?"

Kyuubi, who had been lying on his stomach and dozed off, suddenly opened his eyes and roared, "I will accompany you at any time."

Facing Nine-Tails slapping him with a palm bigger than a house, Naruto entered Nine-Tails mode, and nine tails made of chakra appeared behind him, and evolved from tails into hands.

Naruto, who moved his mind and body at will, disappeared from the spot in an instant, appeared in front of Kyuubi.

The nine chakras extended their hands and grabbed the head of Nine Tails. Accompanied by Naruto's twisting, turning around, Chakra erupted, directly lifting the huge Nine Tails off the ground, which was comparable to a blow over the shoulder. It fell heavily.

Nine Tails opened its mouth, and a Tailed Beast Jade came out.

Naruto condenses the super-large jade spiral shuriken with one hand, and transfers it to a chakra hand behind him. The chakra hand grasps it, then extends it, and takes the initiative to meet the tailed beast jade.

Although it can't be thrown out yet, medium and long-range bombing can also be achieved in this way.


After beating for an unknown amount of time, Naruto suddenly stopped, Kyuubi was puzzled, his right hand barely stopped on top of Naruto's head, and did not take a picture.

"Nine Lamas, sometimes when I stand still, I can vaguely feel an unknown energy around me. That energy is very powerful. I don't know how to use it. Whether it can be used is still a question, do you know?" Naruto said.

He wants to learn the immortal mode and use cultivation to counteract his troubles.

In the plot, in Naruto's final battle, Kyuubi helped Naruto absorb a lot of natural energy. Thanks to this, Naruto was not killed when he collided with Sasuke's trick.

From this point, it can be realized that Kyuubi knows natural energy, and also knows how to absorb and transform it.

It is not necessary to go to Mt. Miaogi in the fairy mode. If you don’t get the approval and friendship of Kyuubi, then Naruto can only choose Mt. Miaogi. Now, Kyuubi is enough.

"Oh, you've sensed natural energy, isn't it bad?" Kyuubi raised his eyebrows, looking at Naruto with interest.

Natural energy is everywhere, but not just anyone can sense it, this guy is an interesting person, well, how can Renzhuriki who can be recognized by it be a useless person.

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