With the participation of Tsunade and other outstanding female ninjas in the business of the magazine, they can gain fame and make the business bigger and stronger.

The transmission of the Nine-Tails Chakra can also increase his importance in this village, improve his status, and let Tsunade do his best to protect him. It can be said to be a win-win cooperation.

The only ones who have lost may be those female ninjas who are about to work for Naruto and Tsunade.

It can't be said that they are at a loss, borrowing this magazine can make them more famous. If they are very popular and have enthusiastic reviews, and a little hype, they may be able to receive image endorsements from some companies and get soft hands with money.

The matter was settled, and Tsunade is a vigorous and resolute person, and he doesn't like to postpone things. Near noon, the ninjas who were notified by Anbu to register arrived one after another. These are all jounin from Konoha Village.

This is the case in name, but if you want to subdivide it, you can also divide it into elite jounin, ordinary jounin, and special jounin.

Like the enchantment class, the sealing class, and the medical class, these junin who are not directly involved in the battle and rarely encounter danger did not come. The ones present this time are all the junin who need to take on tasks, go out to perform, and need to face the battle often .

Standing behind Tsunade, Naruto saw a few familiar faces, Kakashi, Kai, Red, Red Bean, Asma, Ebisu, and the other guards of Daddy Cheap.

"In the last meeting, I said a little bit. You should have some guesses and mental preparations." Tsunade said: "No matter how much you say, it's better to experience it in reality, Kakashi, you first Come."

When Kakashi in the crowd came out and stood in front of him, Naruto stepped forward and pressed his hand on Kakashi's stomach under Tsunade's nod.

In a very short time, Kyuubi adjusted the chakra to suit Kakashi's physique and transmitted it to him.

Seeing Kakashi's body, a chakra coat appeared, and was filled with this chakra.

"This feeling!" Kakashi was stunned, looking at his hands.

Such a huge chakra, he has grown so big, he has never experienced this feeling of chakra all over his body, so strong.

He has no shortage of chakra.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing the chakra coat appearing on Kakashi, Tsunade said calmly, "Kai."

This time, Kai came out and stood in front of Naruto.

Tsunade had heard about Kai attacking Naruto and wounding Anbu for no reason, but he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes after all.

Besides, it has been such a long time, as the new Hokage, she values ​​this elite Jōnin who has cultivated the eight-door Dunjia very much, and everything before that has been written off.

"Hello, Teacher Nongmei." Naruto said, taking the initiative to show his kindness.

There is no way to make up for the past, but in the future, in the future, it can help Kai to a certain extent.

"Ah, um, Naruto is good too." Kai said awkwardly.

He didn't know that everything was done by Naruto. Kai always thought it was him. He injured Anbu, used forbidden techniques, and attacked Naruto with eight armors. To Naruto, Kai always owed Naruto.

He didn't teach Naruto much, and almost killed Naruto.

"Okay, I'll treat you later, let's have a meal together, and that's over." Tsunade, the peacemaker, said with a smile, "Now, let's get down to business."

Naruto stretched out his hand and pressed it on Kai's arm. Not long after, the nine-tailed chakra coat appeared.

"The two of you have been exchanging ideas and fighting for a long time. You know each other like the back of your hand and are very familiar with each other. Let you test how much this will improve your strength and combat power." Tsunade said: "Now, start .”

There is no reason to refuse Hokage's order.

Kakashi and Kai, the two looked at each other, jumped out of the window, and fought together as soon as they got out.

From the most common taijutsu battle, gradually let go, Kakashi uses Sharingan to predict Kai's actions, Kai does not look into Kakashi's eyes, and frequently interrupts Kakashi's seal.

"It's too fast, I can't see clearly." A newly promoted special renin murmured.

Originally, the two of them had the fighting power of an elite jonin, but now they were boosted and protected by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and this fighting power exploded even more.

Even if he didn't go all out, the degree he showed was still amazing.

Tsunade looked at the two people in the battle, and then shifted his eyes to the side. Naruto, who was also watching the battle attentively, was very happy.

It turns out that the correct usage of Kyuubi is like this, but the previous two were wrong.

It's unbelievable that this child can be friends with Kyuubi, and unlock the true power of Kyuubi.

If he could have thought of this before and could do it, then many Konoha ninjas would not die, and even other ninja villages would not dare to rashly start a war against Konoha.

Naruto's power can determine the outcome of a war, and to a certain extent, it can also be a decisive factor in making peace last longer.

"Whoever wants to do something to this child, I will never forgive him." Tsunade secretly said, raised his right hand, and gently stroked Naruto's head.

"What are you doing, don't touch my head, I won't grow tall." Naruto patted Tsunade's hand away.

Tsunade froze for a moment, and chuckled lightly.

Soon, the battle is over.

Kai's expression is relatively straightforward, just talking about the increase in speed and strength of this chakra.

Kakashi asked a little more, and mentioned that this chakra can restore physical strength and has a defensive effect.

What really shocked and uproared the Jonin is that Tsunade announced that this chakra not only has the effect mentioned by Kai and Kakashi above, but also can be transported and transmitted remotely without being limited by distance.

It can also heal injuries and replace medical ninjas.

"How? Is this good?" Tsunade said.

"it is good!"

"Want it or not?"

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