Here, it is absolutely not allowed to show any dissatisfaction with the village, the villagers, and it is not allowed to show that you don't care at all.

When you are a child, you are just childish. When you say whatever you think, you obviously hate it, don't like it, and even have duplicity.

What are you afraid of?worry about what?Was it so scheming at such a young age?

No matter how he behaves, there are flaws. This cannot be done at the pace of the three generations. Naruto shook his head, his face was full of indescribable expressions, and then he held up the iron box as if offering treasures.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm in good health, grandpa of the third generation! Look! A lot of money!"

Change the subject, muddle through, and don't go according to the tune of the three generations.

From noon to night, over seven hours, more than [-] people have taken action, with an average of about [-] people per hour.

Among them, there were [-] people who had punched [-] punches, [-], and this alone, there were more than [-] million.

The rest is more than ten punches, dozens of punches like this, calculated in bits and pieces, it looks like it is almost a million, plus the more than [-] million, this afternoon alone, he was beaten, and he was beaten. Earned more than two million.

The only thing that doesn't work is that the system value has not increased much. Among the thousand or so people, there are only less than one hundred ninjas, and the rest are all ordinary people.

To accumulate values, a prerequisite is to be able to feel pain.

Naruto knew that he was taking it for granted. If it was originally, when the system was first turned on, he used this method, and it would still be effective. Now, standing there motionless and letting the villagers fight for ten years would not be able to break the defense.

In order to increase the value, he has to hit the tree himself, or find a more powerful and powerful ninja to withstand the opponent's attack.

"Being beaten is risky, so choose carefully." Naruto thought to himself.

The third generation, who didn't know what Naruto was thinking, fell silent again when he saw this box of money. He sighed like he was troubled, and took out a scroll from his arms.

"Don't go any further, Grandpa admits defeat, this is what you want, a ninjutsu that can be used for a lifetime. It is still an unfinished product. You have to work hard to complete it and strive to surpass the person who created this technique."

Naruto took it as if he was a treasure, and his eyes shone brightly.

It is super easy for him to make money. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, it is very painful for him to be beaten, but only he knows it. He doesn't feel it at all. on.

Just stand there and put the money into your pocket. Is there a better way to make money than this?

The third generation can admit defeat in advance, and Naruto is happy to see that he does not want to stand for a few hours in acting, except for money, there is no other benefit.

If all the ninjas came to beat him, that would be great. It would make him feel pain. That way, he could earn money and increase his stats, instead of the current situation, where he only had money and nothing.

Separating from the third generation, Naruto Sayazi ran home. He believed that Hinata would not deliver the bento to the back mountain when he saw that he did not go to the back mountain. It is estimated that it would be placed at the door of the house, or near the house, where it was easy for him to see. to the location found.

Sure enough, a small handkerchief was spread on the mat in front of the house, with a lunch box and a bottle of medicine on it. Naruto looked around, it was pitch black and no one could be seen.

Hiding in the dark, Hinata, who saw Naruto entering the house, made sure that Naruto was okay with his white eyes, relieved in his heart, cautiously, tried his best to retreat without making a sound, left, and ran home.

First gobble up the lunch box and save the medicine, and then I can't wait to open the scroll.

Spiral pill, one of the most classic ninjutsu in Naruto, there are dozens of versions, it can be said that it has been played out of flowers, and Naruto has coveted it for a long time.

"First rotation, then..."

Looking at the spiral pill scroll, Naruto silently recited the content inside, so that he was thoroughly familiar with it.

Perhaps the third generation considered the difficulty of this spiral pill, not a child who has not graduated from the ninja school can figure it out, so the practice tips, methods and methods are all recorded on the scroll, which saves Naruto from using his brains. the process of.

"Buy balloons, rubber balls."

Grabbing a handful of money from the iron box, Naruto put on a coat and hurried out the door. He didn't expect someone outside the door, so he bumped into his arms.

The other party didn't expect it, and in exclamation, he retreated and fell to the ground.

"Ale, Xiao Ying, when did you come, why didn't you make a sound?" Naruto was surprised and stepped forward to pull her up.

I'm sorry to see you, I've been standing at the door for half an hour, can you say this?Xiao Ying wrinkled her nose; "Just here, it's you, why are you going so late?"

"Oh, the third-generation grandfather taught me a technique. I'm going to buy materials to assist my practice. It's cold outside. Come in and wait for me. Come back soon."

When Naruto came back, Sakura had already left, leaving only a note on the table, pressing it with a bottle of potion.

"It's not an expensive medicine, but it's very effective. Remember to rub it. If you don't rub it, you will die."

It's not hurt, what to rub, Naruto scratched his face, put the potion away, and saved it.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he took the balloon and started to practice the spiral pill. He felt that this was not efficient. He folded his hands together, and he had multiple shadows.

Forty or fifty shadow clones were blasted out at once, filling the living room, kitchen, utility room, bathroom, balcony, and even the walls and ceilings were not empty.

"Come on, five per person."

Five balloons were distributed to each person, everyone calmed down, released chakra, rotated, and tried hard to break the balloon.

Shadow clones can't exercise. Like this, practicing ninjutsu and chakra control is an excellent weapon.

If he follows the original trajectory, then he cultivates spiral pills, and he has to wait until he meets Jirai. It's been too long, and the opportunity is to be won by yourself. If you don't fight, how do you know that you won't get it?

If you fight, you may have nothing. If you don’t fight, you will definitely not start.

"Ah! Chakra is gone!" A shadow clone screamed and disappeared into smoke.

His memory and experience were passed back to Naruto, giving Naruto a new understanding.

One after another, the other shadow clones followed suit one after another. The balloon in Naruto's hand didn't move from the beginning, but now there is obvious shaking, ups and downs, and the entire movement is irregular.

"Come again!" Naruto folded his hands together, forming a seal, another wave of shadow clones.

Spiral pill, an important ninjutsu, made him forget sleep, forget time, and wanted to master it as soon as possible.

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