"Anxin, continuing the mission is a matter for the future. Before that, I have something to do." Sakura said: "Although it is very against the rules, as long as it is not known."


Xiaoxue was eating hot noodles that had just been cooked in front of the stove, and beside her was an assistant holding a script so that she could read it while eating.

Inside is the costume for filming, and several layers of coats are wrapped outside, which is quite effective in keeping warm.

Suddenly, she noticed the voices around her, and the discussion stopped. Xiaoxue raised her eyes and looked up, her heart skipped a beat.

"Are you free? Let me tell you something." Naruto said.

Regarding the strange sights around him, he said that it was not a serious problem. Thinking about how he came here since he was a child, the sights of the villagers of Konoha were much more than this.

"What, what's the matter?" Xiaoxue stammered, not daring to look at Naruto, she lowered her head and ate her noodles, her cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment.

"About that letter."

"That letter..." Xiaoxue glanced at Naruto cautiously, and whispered, "What do you think? It's incredible, but I mean it."

"Let's go to a place with few people to talk." Naruto turned and left after finishing speaking.

Xiaoxue hesitated, hesitated, entangled, and made a girl who had just started a relationship, sent a love letter, and was afraid of being rejected, and her performance was so vivid that even a fool could see that she was in love and had someone she liked.

After watching Xiaoxue leave with Naruto, the other people present immediately whispered.

Everyone was confused. Before, Naruto was not pleasing to the eyes anyway. Miss Yukie with all kinds of cold eyebrows, why did she suddenly fall in love with him?

Moreover, the age difference between them is a bit big, this is a sister and brother.

There are many people in the film crew who don't know Xiaoxue's actual age, and what is misunderstood like Naruto is that these people think that Xiaoxue is over twenty years old, and they don't know that she is only sixteen.

This is not to say that Xiaoxue grows old, but a matter of temperament.

She was hit when she was young, the country was usurped, and her father was killed. She fled her country again, lived an anonymous life, and spent every day in pain.

This mental age is much older than those girls who grew up and lived in happy families.

A boy of twelve or thirteen years old, and the other a big sister who seems to be in her early twenties. The two people walk together, making everyone's imagination run wild.

"Princess Little Snow, I never thought that I would see you open your heart, meet someone you like and are willing to accept, I really, really..." The third husband shed tears of emotion,

He has always been very worried about Little Snow's psychological problems. Now, this problem has been solved, which is great.

If the restoration of the country is successful, Little Snow Princess will be the name of the Snow Country in the future. Although the Snow Country is small, it is still a country no matter how small it is, and various problems will come one after another.

Relying on Princess Xiaoxue alone, the pressure may be very high. Having retainers and her husband's help will undoubtedly reduce the pressure a lot.

"This young man, Uzumaki Naruto?" The third husband made up his mind, if he can successfully restore the country, if he can survive, he must go to Konoha in person, find the other party's parents, or elders, and give him this marriage talk down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Obviously there is no one around, but they are still moving forward, and looking at this direction, is it the cabin?

Xiaoxue, who was following behind, had her thoughts turned, what is this for?

"After receiving my love letter, you can't wait to take advantage of me? Sure enough, you are a big carrot, heh." Xiaoxue thought secretly.

Maybe it was other reasons, but the time was too short, she couldn't think of it for a while, besides, what is the reason, is it important?

As long as you can take her out of here, don't go to the Snow Country, it's not something out of the ordinary, she doesn't really mind.

Anyway, as an actress, she already has the awareness to dedicate herself to her career, and now she still maintains her innocence. The first kiss is still there, and it has a lot to do with her age at this time. It should be warmed up in advance and practiced. .

Even if Naruto wants to do that kind of outrageous thing, Xiaoxue has a way to deal with it. She has anti-wolf props that she carries with her anytime, anywhere. If she is caught off guard, even a ninja will stumble.

Not knowing what Xiaoxue was thinking, Naruto opened the door of the cabin, walked in first, and motioned for Xiaoxue to come in too.

Xiaoxue took a deep breath, straightened her bangs, stepped in, and was about to speak

Xiao Ying, who was standing behind the door, stepped forward and tapped her on the back of her neck. Cooperating with Li Ying, she activated the hypnotic illusion, lifted her right foot back, closed the door, and locked it.

"Come here, sit here." Sakura said

Xiaoxue, whose eyes were lifeless and who seemed to have lost her soul, obediently walked over and sat on the lower bunk beside Ino.

In the past six months, I have used genjutsu to make Hanabi dream every night, and gradually awakened in Tenseiken, and the difficulty has continued to increase.

This is not only a kind of training for Sakura, but also makes her more proficient in the use and control of illusion, hypnotizing an ordinary person is not too simple.

"Okay." Sakura reminded, and then asked, "Your name?"

"Fenghua Xiaoxue."

"Fuka Yuki? Who is Fuji Fuxuee?"

"That's my stage name, a pseudonym, to hide my identity."

"Why hide your identity?"

Sakura asked, and Koyuki answered.

And as the questioning continued, a truth that stunned the three women was revealed in front of them.

This actress turned out to be a princess, not the fictional princess she played in the movie, her real identity is a princess.

Skipping the question of identity, Sakura asked about the love letter, that is, she likes Naruto, why she likes Naruto, this is what she really wants to ask.

"The love letter is fake. I don't like him, but he likes me. I pretend to like him and let him take me out of here. I'm afraid to go back to the Snow Country."

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