"Sorry, Hinata, you are already so close to Naruto, give me a little bit, just a little bit, I really miss Naruto..."

At the same time, replacing Ino, staying by Koyuki's side, protecting and preventing her from going to Naruto's Sakura, and asked Sasakura to go back to see what Naruto was doing after she left.

At this moment, I saw Ino sleeping, while Naruto and Hinata were hugging each other.

"What is Ino doing, how can he sleep, get up and act like a light bulb!" Sakura scratched her hair, walking back and forth anxiously and uncomfortable.

Occasionally, due to emotional instability and unable to control the export of strength, the snow under the feet and the ground under the snow cracked, and there was that overwhelmed voice.

Koyuki, who was thinking about how to deal with Sakura, noticed this, and let go of her thought wisely.

Her intuition told her that this Sakura was a more terrifying existence than Ino, and it would be better not to mess with her. From this point of view, only the white-eyed girl was left.

"Is there still time? I, do I still have a chance?" Xiaoxue set the target and thought about it.

As she got closer to the wind, flowers and raging waves, the uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

If you run away, you will die if you stay here, and if you don't run away quickly, she will die.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Xiaoxue was worried about became a reality.

Just after three o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, accompanied by buzzing and rumbling, rumbling sounds, the train was driving on the track and appeared in sight.

"Xiaoxue, long time no see. Counting it, it has been ten years."

"Rage!" Looking at the person in the distance, Xiaoxue's heart trembled, her body trembled, and she suppressed the thought of turning around and running away.

Knowing that running is useless, the other party has already come here, knowing her, no matter where she goes, she will be found and captured.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?"

At the same time, on the other side, Sakura, who heard Naruto calling her, trotted over, lay down in front of the car window.

Subconsciously glanced at Hinata, who was blushing, nestled in Naruto's arms, and Ino, who was still asleep after such a big commotion, then looked at Naruto and asked what was the matter.

"Hurry up and settle the matter here, let's go back early and kill him directly with Spiritualization Technique, as well as these Xue Ren who are loyal to him." Naruto said.

"Okay." Sakura knew what Naruto meant, and she didn't want to show any pictures in front of Xiao Xue that might create a heroic impression.

Now that Xiaoxue is a fake liking, there is no guarantee that there will be an opportunity to increase her favorability. If the fake turns into a real one, it is a good choice to kill it directly from the source.

After Sakura left, Ino looked at the time and found that more than three hours had passed. He said it was a little bit, but there were not many chances to be so intimate with Naruto, so he couldn't help thinking about it more.

"Stupid me, I don't know how to restrain myself!" Ino scolded himself secretly.

There will be opportunities in the future, but the premise is that Hinata cannot be made aware of the problem, otherwise, this method will no longer work.

Spiritually preparing to leave Hinata, before that, she first left Naruto's arms, fastened the three buttons that had been undone, and then picked up the scarf that was being knitted.

The cover-up that can be done has already been done, and she has no choice but to do it first, and she must pay attention to it next time.

After Ino's spirit left Hinata, the heart turning technique was immediately released.

Under the effect of this technique, Hinata's consciousness was in a sleep state, but at this time, she woke up and felt strange that she had no memory of this period.

"Huh? Why is your mouth numb and swollen?" Hinata was puzzled.

Afraid that Hinata would think of something, Ino opened his eyes, pretended he had just woken up, pointed out the car window, and exclaimed, "What is that?"

Hinata looked subconsciously, and saw the train she had never seen before, and also saw Sakura walking to Xiaoxue, who seemed to be doing something.

Sakura came to Koyuki whose legs were trembling slightly, but she couldn't tell because she was wearing a coat.

Li Ying, who was connected with each other, immediately went out of her body, went straight to the wind, flowers and raging waves, and used the real killer move of the spiritualization technique, and her spirit collapsed.

This is a move that Sakura has never used before, because it is very strong, and it is easy to become dependent, which in turn gives rise to a feeling that she is very powerful.

It is definitely powerful, but it is not time to be complacent.

Naruto also suggested that she should not use it if she can, and only use it at a specific time. As for when it is a specific time, this standard has not been defined.

"Naruto didn't let me engage in regular battles, but directly used spiritualization to kill him. Is this person so strong that I can't defeat him alone? Or is there another reason?" Sakura secretly thought.

Thinking of the Chakra armor of the three Xueren, even the subordinates have such good things. As a daimyo, the leader of this country, will this stormy man have it?Even better than those three people.

Sakura is still guessing Naruto's intention to let her kill Feng Hua Nu Tao, but Li Sakura has already succeeded.

The spiritual body, ignoring the protection of the chakra armor, directly entered the spirit of the storm, and then, it was unilaterally destroyed.

If you don't know how to use your spiritual power, and you haven't dabbled in this aspect, you will die as many times as you come across the spiritualization technique.

Holding the microphone in his hand, Feng Hua Nu Tao, who was talking to Xiao Xue in the distance, suddenly fell to the ground.

Breathing, heartbeat, these still exist, but the collapse of the spirit is tantamount to death.

With a successful blow, Satoshi pulled away and returned to Sakura's side.

"That's the source of your fear? Don't worry, he's dead, there's nothing to scare you anymore," Sakura said.

"Dead, dead?" Xiaoxue was dumbfounded, looking at the wind, flowers and raging waves who fell on the ground and couldn't get up, a sense of unreality emerged.

She was terrified, and the person she had hated for ten years died so easily before her eyes, without even knowing how she died.

On the other side of the train, the snow ninjas who followed did not realize that Daimyo was dead. After all, he was still breathing and his heart was beating, so he just wondered why he fell to the ground?

Yuxue Ninja went over to ask, but there was no response.

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