"Think about it carefully, who is Ino? That's right, it's a rival in love, and you and Sakura will fight for brother Naruto's rival in love."

Hinata frowned, wondering what my sister was going to say, changing the subject?

"What is the best situation for her?"

In the past few seconds, knowing that she was waiting for her answer, Hinata thought for a while and said, "I quit with Sakura, or, because of other things, I can't take care of Naruto or her."

"That's right!" Huahuo clapped her hands and praised her sister's thinking, helping her think of the reason: "Then sister, if you think about it in this way, what would you do if you were Ino?"

Seeing Hanabi sitting cross-legged, Hinata was also stumped by this question, so she also sat down and used her brain.

"Xiao Ying is her good friend and good sister. She should not do anything to Xiao Ying." Hinata said: "It is most likely to me, using people around me, or things, to entangle me."

"By the way, isn't this the truth?" Huahuo said: "She has bad intentions, and she wants you to misunderstand that I like Brother Naruto, which will cause conflicts between our sisters. She can use this opportunity to get close to Brother Naruto .”

Hinata was stunned, is this really the case?

"The two of us are having an unpleasant fight, and then we get my father's attention, get angry, know that we all like Brother Naruto, and then impulsively do something that hurts Brother Naruto, makes Brother Naruto uncomfortable, or says some nasty words." Hua Huo said: "Brother Naruto, will he have a bad impression of you because of his father? In this way, who will benefit in the end?"

Hinata exhaled and said in a deep voice, "Sakura, Ino."

"Do you understand now? That person is good or bad. She wants to provoke the relationship between our sisters, and even wants to destroy the relationship between you and Brother Naruto."

At this point, Huahuo's thoughts became more and more clear, and she almost believed it herself.

Hinata pondered, listening to her sister's analysis, indeed, it is undeniable that there is such a possibility. After all, she has been with Ino not long ago, and she knows very little about what kind of person Ino is. If this is the case, then...

Thinking of the aftermath, Hinata's spine shivered.

"Ino may have such a design, so you really don't like Naruto at all?" Hinata said.

Hearing this, Huahuo knew that this difficulty was over.

"I like it, but my liking is different from the liking you said, sister. I just like Naruto brother as a brother-in-law, and I have no other ideas." Huahuo said: "I am your sister, don't tell me , would you rather believe the words of outsiders than me?"

Lying will not lose a piece of meat. First, I will fool my sister, and when she grows up, I will actually do it.

Hinata cheered up, and after a while, hugged Huahuo: "Sorry, it's my fault, sister shouldn't doubt you."

"I understand, sister is because she likes brother Naruto so much, so it's normal to be a little nervous, I don't blame you."

Hinata pursed her lips and didn't care about Hanabi.

How can she be so easy to fool, this matter may be Ino's design, and it is true that my sister likes Naruto.

Hinata was sure, sure, but she didn't reveal it, because as Hanabi said, if this incident breaks out, she will lose, and Ino and the others will gain.

Anyway, Hanabi is still young, and Naruto just regards her as a younger sister, it's okay, we will talk about the future, and solving the current problem first is more important than anything else.

"How is it, does sister believe me?" Huahuo secretly asked.

Maybe it did, maybe it didn't, it's not important, what's important is that it didn't come out, obviously her goal was diverted, which made it good.

If there were no threats from Ino and Sakura, my sister would not have exposed this matter so easily.

Because of Ino, her sister noticed and suspected that she liked Naruto's brother. Also because of Ino, her sister didn't hold on to him, and didn't pursue it. Hanabi didn't know whether to thank Ino or hate Ino.

Let Hanabi carry these bags of clothes, medicines, and toys, and then lie on her back, Hinata launches Flying Thunder God, disappears out of thin air, and appears in Naruto's new home out of thin air.

Naruto, who had been waiting for a long time, took a dry towel to wipe Hanabi's sweat.

Because her eyes were wrapped in bandages, she couldn't see. When Hanabi heard Naruto's brother's voice, she immediately reached out to hug him.

"Uh, what's going on? I should have reminded Hinata that Hanabi likes Naruto, right?" Ino was reading a magazine on the sofa in the living room, most of her attention was on Naruto's side, seeing this scene, very confused.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Late at night, when it was time to rest, I told stories, chatted, and managed to lull Huahuo to sleep.

Naruto, who exited the guest bedroom and gently closed the door, walked back to the master bedroom silently.

At this moment, he saw three white-faced men, thinking he saw a ghost, Naruto almost screamed, and then he saw clearly that it was Sakura and the others, and the three women were applying facial masks.

"Naruto, come here, come here and apply one too, this can replenish moisture to the skin and make the face supple and shiny, it's very good." Stopping the sit-ups she was doing, Sakura stood up from the mat, Signal Naruto to come quickly.

"Uh, let me forget it, I'm a man." Naruto declined, he didn't like to rub things on his face too much, just be natural, wash it with water at most.

"What's wrong with men, shouldn't men take care of their skin? If there are no conditions, there is no way. Since there are such conditions, how can you treat yourself badly."

Sakura couldn't help but come over and drag Naruto over, let him lie on the bed, tore off a new mask, and carefully applied it on Naruto's face.

Starting from the surroundings, the nose and mouth are connected bit by bit, and Naruto is told to close his eyes, taking care of the eyelids as well.

"There are several kinds of materials such as aloe vera, Haizawa, and Chuanyan added here, which are beautifying and beautifying. You will know the benefits later. You get what you pay for, and you won't be cheated if you invest in it." Sakura plausibly said.

Naruto is speechless, he doesn't understand, and he doesn't care about such things, it's all good, compared to these...

"Next, I have to do one thing. I said it was one thing, but when I took it apart, it became a lot of things. It's very troublesome. I need your help."

Didn't hear the voice of the three women, knowing that he was listening to him, Naruto continued: "Tailed beast, you all know now that there is a tailed beast in my body, it is the strongest nine tails, besides , There are another eight in the whole ninja world, I want their chakras."

"If you can know the shape, name, and country, it will be easier to find it." Sakura said: "If the other party is like you, is Jinchuriki, and is still in another ninja village, then the difficulty will increase a lot."

"Tomorrow, no, I will go home now and let the clansmen find it." Hinata said.

Tear off the mask on the face, dry the water on the face with a paper towel, go to the closet to find clothes and pants that are suitable for seeing people, slip into the bathroom that comes with the master bedroom, and change.

"Renjuriki, Tailed Beast, I don't know how much Dad knows, I'll ask." Ino said, followed the spirit out of his body, and went back to his home in the mountains.

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