This punch was blessed by immortal art.

This punch has gained the boost of the Nine-Tails mode.

The speed of this punch was so fast that Qi Rabi's nerve reaction could not keep up.

Punch after punch, fist after fist.

Looking at it from the perspective of a third person, you might mistakenly think that he has learned Wing Chun, of course, it is only a similar appearance.

"It's coming again!" Feeling a pain that was acting on his body out of thin air, Kirabi was secretly startled, and took the initiative to pull away a distance, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Naruto intently.

"Perception, movement speed, shooting speed, and this inexplicable rebound, this guy..."

"He has perfectly mastered the power of Nine-Tails. To be honest, Nine-Tails is stronger than me." Eight-Tailed said: "Also, this natural energy, he has also mastered the power of Immortal Art, just like old man Liu Dao."

The dialogue in his heart did not affect Kirabi's shot. He regrouped, carried seven knives, and spun towards Naruto.

Naruto twisted his neck, and made a soft bone cracking sound, no need to dodge, no need to dodge, just come with you to hurt each other.

Resisting Kirabi's more than a dozen knives, Naruto struck him as fast as lightning and punched him nearly thirty punches.

The forehead guard and glasses are all scrapped and broken.

And Kirabi's attack on Naruto triggered a counter-injury, and a full [-]% of the damage was directly fed back to himself.

While hitting it, Kirabi couldn't help vomiting blood.

With the help of Tailed Beast's power to recover from this small injury, he can bear it without changing his face.

Kirabi has realized the fact that he is not an opponent, and his purpose has changed from capturing Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to probing.

They belong to different camps. If a war breaks out in the future, they will inevitably encounter each other on the battlefield, and they must collect as much information as possible.

"We can't go on any longer, let's make a quick decision." Sensing that there are many ninjas coming towards Yunyin Village, Naruto secretly said.

He jumped up into the air, turned over and hooked Qirabi's chin, then lifted him vigorously, and knocked him to the ground.

Primary challenge, open.

In an instant, Kirabi, who was still rational and analyzing, was filled with uncontrollable anger, roared, and rushed towards Naruto like crazy.

"Mom." Naruto said.

"Oh, here we come." Kushina said.

Fused with Nine-Tails Chakra, mixed in, Kushina is attached to this Chakra coat worn by Naruto.

"According to what I said, seal, Mao, Wu, Yin"

Naruto did as he was told, a total of [-] seals, Naruto spent [-] seconds, uh, it’s not that the hand speed is slow, but what my mother said, if you try again, this speed will not be as fast as you want, believe me .

When the last seal is formed, two chakra chains extend from this position in Naruto's belly.

This chain binds Kirabi, and seems to have life, which coincides with a certain law, flying and sliding in mid-air, and finally forms a semicircle, like an upside-down bowl.

Kirabi was locked in it, and his hands and feet were bound by chains. This chain had the effect of restraining the power of the tailed beast, and the coat of the tailed beast began to fade.

The distance exceeded three meters, and the primary provocation was no longer effective. Kirabi, who had regained his sanity, tried to struggle when he saw this scene.

It's useless, the power of the eight tails is limited by the chakra chain, which is the same as the sealing technique, which increases the hardness of the chain.

"I won. You must keep your word and don't go back on your word." Naruto said, backed up to Sakura, put his hand on her shoulder, and signaled to leave quickly.

Sakura had already noticed the many ninjas approaching, so she didn't dare to neglect and formed a seal immediately.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"


The four disappeared out of thin air.

seal space.

The will of the Eight-Tails comes, just like the Two-Tails, the chakra that was originally just a ball, with the addition of its will, directly becomes a small Eight-Tails.

"Well, so you've already found one." Yao said, referring to Erwei.

"Yes, let me introduce myself again. I am Uzumaki Naruto, please give me your advice." Naruto said.

"Please give me more advice." Hachio looked at Naruto, looked at this space, and saw Kushina who was not far away, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing: "She is?"

"My mother, for some reason, her soul temporarily resides in my body. When the reasons for trapping her soul are resolved, she can go to the pure land of the underworld." Naruto said.

"That red hair, and that face, I have a little impression." Eight tails pondered, it doesn't remember when, it seems to have seen it before.

"I remembered, she is the previous Kyuubi Jinchuriki and the wife of the Fourth Hokage."

In Kirabi's body, Yao knows a lot of confidential information about Yunyin Village, among them, there are four generations of Minato and Kushina.

"Huh? Wait, she's your mother, so aren't you?" Yao realized something and looked at Naruto unexpectedly.

"Well, my father is the Fourth Hokage." Naruto nodded and admitted.

"Really? More than ten years ago, I suddenly heard that Kyuubi ran away. Logically speaking, it was impossible. The physique of the Uzumaki clan and the sealing technique are so perfect. How could Kyuubi be able to escape." Eight tails said: "No specifics. Knowing what happened, the Fourth Hokage and his wife died, leaving nothing behind, it seems not, they left you behind."

"Speaking of this matter, it is actually related to a man in a mask, and Jiu Lama was also taken away from his mother's body by him." Naruto said.

Then I shared the matter of the masked man with Yao.

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