"Ah? Hey, Naruto!" Shikamaru was dumbfounded seeing Naruto jumping out of the window directly, as if he was going to bring someone over.

Not long after, Naruto came over with the three Sagakushi siblings, leaving Temari and Shikamaru at this table, he invited Choji, Gaara, Kankuro, and another table.

Temari folded his arms, and looked at Shikamaru carefully.

quite a while

"I heard from that guy that you are the strongest ninja in Konoha's class, and you are qualified to be promoted to Chunin, is that true?"

That Naruto guy, do such unnecessary things.

Shikamaru stared listlessly at Temari with dead fish eyes.

It's pretty good-looking, but what about this IQ?If he was too stupid, he would not be able to accept it either physically or psychologically.


Shikamaru clasped his hands together and said with a low-energy smile, "Let's play a game."

As he spoke, he broke off a pair of chopsticks, randomly placed an abstract pattern on the table, and then

ten minutes later

"Choji, let's go." Shikamaru said, leaving without looking back.

Naruto took a look at Temari who was still staring at the table in a daze, followed Shikamaru, and asked how he was feeling.

"I feel like an idiot." Shikamaru said: "Don't worry about me, I want to find it by myself, you just need to take care of yourself, there are so many women, hiss"

Seeing Shikamaru's expression of asking for blessings, he greeted Joji to leave, Naruto was in a mess in the wind.

Isn't it true that he is really not suitable for old age?Pulling the red thread, the couple in the plot blows again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Shikamaru's IQ, everyone is an idiot, but Temari is very smart. After all, the most fundamental problem is that Shikamaru doesn't want to look for it now.

In the plot, Naruto followed Jiraiya out of the village to practice. After returning, Shikamaru and Temari were together. The specific year, month, day, and event after Naruto left are unknown.

"Is it too early?" Naruto wondered.

After he figured out the crux of the problem, he sighed, he acted too hastily, he should let nature take its course.

Now Temari has a preconceived label of an idiot in Shikamaru's eyes, how will he reverse it in the future?

"Hey, who was that just now, I don't know."

The sound of Tezuki came from behind, and Naruto froze.

He thought of Sakura, Ino, and Hanabi, all three girls were pried into his hands without making a sound.

Although this is inseparable from what Sakura did, but this cannot change the fact that he is very popular with women.

Avoid prying hands again, and stay away until she and Shikamaru are married, or have other boyfriends.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, I have a stomachache, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll talk about it next time, goodbye."

Naruto pretended to have a stomachache, turned his back, and deliberately blew on his little arm, making a pop sound.

Just as I was about to tell you what kind of pain it is, I have emergency medicine here, when I heard this voice, Temari's face turned purple, and he held his breath reflexively.

Poof, poof, several times in a row, Naruto ran away like a jerk.

"What's wrong?" Kankuro said.

"Where's Naruto?" Gaara asked.

Seeing the two younger brothers breathing as usual, Temari wondered, "Don't you guys think it stinks?"

"Smelly? What stinks?" Kankuro was surprised, and even smelled it: "This is a barbecue shop, what else can there be besides the smell of barbecue?"

Temari breathed slowly, indeed, there was no smell, so just now?

Carefully recalling Naruto's every move, every word and action, Temari pondered.

First she asked if she had a boyfriend, and then she said that she would introduce a good man to her, and he was the strongest jinnin in Konoha so far, so he was qualified to become a chunin.

After she came, she was left with a dead fish-eyed man who didn't seem to have the slightest vitality and drive.

The dead fish-eyed man was even more baffled. He casually used a few broken chopsticks to make a pattern and asked her to tell what the pattern was. It was so abstract, how could it be seen.

We all know what happened after that.

"What's going on? In the previous Chunin exams, he was beaten passively and didn't fight back. Now, he's playing this kind of prank again?" Temari secretly thought.

Also, Konoha is the strongest ninja, and is qualified to become a zhongnin. Are you sure this isn't talking about himself?

Which ninja can be stronger than Jinchuriki, and this Jinchuriki has defeated Gaara once.

"Wait, could it be that he likes me? He didn't dare to confess, that's why he used that dead fish-eyed man as an excuse?" Temari thought to himself.

This also explains the question that has been puzzling her.

Why during the Chunin exam, Naruto was so powerful, but he had to be beaten by her passively, and he didn't stop until she didn't have enough chakra and couldn't keep fighting.

"Since then, have you fallen in love with me at first sight? Can't bear to do anything to me?" Temari secretly thought.

After thinking about everything, she breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help feeling amused. She didn't expect it to be like this, so it's no wonder she couldn't figure it out.

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