"There was an accident. The core of the armor, which is the crystal, was broken." Li Ying said, "Why do you come to the Snow Country to discuss cooperation as a master? It's because of the crystal."

Well, the city of ice and snow, it seems that it will take some time before it can be completed.

Instead of relying on Chakra armor, if you want to use Xueren's ice escape, you must have the water attribute. Sakura can do it, and Naruto doesn't want to trouble her.

Originally, the idea of ​​Ice and Snow City was just for fun, without any practical significance, and there was no point in wasting Sakura's precious time.

Look at this, look at that, and find that there is nothing interesting, Naruto greets Kamisato Sakura, and leaves together.

Facing him, Ino trotted over in winter clothes: "Naruto, are you busy now?"

Naruto thought for a while and said, "No, what's wrong?"

"Then, would you like to go on a date with me?" Ino Xiyi said, "Such a romantic place is very suitable for a date, and it happens that Sakura is not here, just the two of us."

"Who says I'm not here?" Risakura appeared.

Yin Dun's mastery is shallow, she can only materialize part of her body, and she stands alone with her head, scaring the passing maids into thinking they have seen a ghost.

"Oh! You are here!" Ino was surprised.

This guy, who could clearly sense him, said this on purpose, Li Ying gritted his teeth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fenghua City is divided into inner city and outer city.

The inner city is the palace where the daimyo lived, including the offices of his retainers.

The outer city is the place where ordinary residents live. There are markets, shops, and street vendors. It is much more lively than the gorgeous but quiet Fenghua inner city.

At Ino's invitation, Naruto, who accompanied her on a date, came to the outer city holding hands all the way.

Li Ying can't fully materialize, so as not to scare people, she follows beside her in a state of complete emptiness.

"Wow, it smells so good, Naruto, I want to eat that." Ino said.

Looking in the direction she pointed, it was an old man who was stomping his feet in the cold wind and yelling at passers-by. The stall he set up was selling...roasted sweet potatoes.

"If you want to eat, go buy it." Naruto said.

"I want to eat what you bought for me." Ino said.

"But I didn't bring any money." Naruto said.

Since Xiao Ying took care of the money, he no longer has the habit of bringing money, because Xiao Ying has bought everything he needs, and there is nowhere to use the money.

If you really need money, you can just ask Sakura to withdraw it, and the withdrawal Ji will find out.

"I see..." Ino frowned, then took money out of his pocket and handed it to Naruto: "Now that I have money, go buy it for me."

It doesn't matter whose money it is, the point is that Naruto bought it.

Looking at the money in his hand, and looking at Ino eagerly looking at himself, Naruto was dumbfounded, went to the stall, asked the price, and bought two at a time.

Then, just holding it like this, peeled off the skin without being too hot, and held it in front of Ino.

Seeing that Naruto didn't need to remind himself, Ino was so active and conscious, he was very satisfied, his little face flushed, he opened his mouth, took two breaths, and took a bite.

"good to eat!"

The sweet potato is still the same sweet potato. What really makes Ino feel delicious is that Naruto bought it for her and fed her with his own hands.

"The relationship between brother and sister is really good. Would you like some hot soy milk, it's very warm." The old man who sells sweet potatoes and other things at the same time said with a smile.

Ino stared and said, "What brother and sister, we are a couple, don't think we are brother and sister just because of the color of our hair."

Naruto couldn't help laughing.

Embarrassed, the old man remedied: "So it's a couple, that's right, you look alike, I just think of them as brothers and sisters, I dare say this is a couple."

Ino's eyes lit up, he hugged Naruto's neck, and put his face together: "Really? Are you married?"

"Yes, too much, otherwise I wouldn't mistake you for brothers and sisters." The old man said.

In a good mood, Ino pointed to the sweet potatoes, soy milk, and sesame seed cakes at the stall, and said, "I want all of yours."

The old man was stunned, and when the money was in his hands, he realized that it was not a dream, the happiness came so suddenly.

Watching this old man in his [-]s and [-]s, who is lively and walking like flying, pushes the cart away, and then looks at the pile of sweet potatoes, soy milk, sesame cakes in front of him, Naruto holding his forehead.

"Buy a few more, just think about it. If you buy so much, how can you finish it?"

"Take it home for everyone to eat. This is something from the Snow Country, and you can't usually eat it." Ino said: "Besides, the old man looks like he's working hard. The sooner we sell out, the sooner we can go home."

Naruto was startled, then smiled and rubbed Ino's head.

"Of course, part of the reason is that he speaks nicely, and..." Ino grabbed Naruto's hand rubbing his head, and rubbed it on his cheek, it was so warm: "I want to show in front of you, do you think I'm a Where's the good girl?"

"Well, I was deceived by you." Naruto said.

That is to say, there is?Ino smiled.

Suddenly, her face changed.

"what happened?"

"My stomach hurts! Ah! It hurts!"

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