And if it is buried with the corpse, with the ancient technology, it is impossible to preserve it for too long, the eyes will rot together with the body, and, compared with the corpse, the simple eyes are undoubtedly more convenient to transfer.

I don't know from which generation, the Hinata family tried their best to develop a way to preserve eyes for a long time.

"Very good. If Tenseigan can be obtained so smoothly, then it will be a good thing." Naruto said.

"Well, I think so too." Hinata nodded.

Of course she knew her own problems, she knew that there was no way to replicate Huahuo's example, and she couldn't absolutely believe in herself.

If she can obtain Tenseikan through this method, then her strength will not be too inferior in front of Sakura.

Although it is not as good as opening Tenseiyan by herself, isn't she not sure about opening it?It can only be like this, looking for reincarnation eyes from outside.

"Be careful, the power of Tenseikan is very strong, it may control people in turn, remind your grandfather, let him be careful." Naruto said.

In the plot, why didn't Obito transplant a complete pair of reincarnation eyes?As he mentioned later, it was because the power of the eye of reincarnation was too strong to be perfectly controlled.

In the theatrical version, because of obsession, Sheren is caught by the large number of white eyes that make up Tenseikan, and the power of the eyes is almost out of control.

Many examples have proved that when the power of the eyes is too strong, the person who controls the eyes will cause backlash.

Hinata's grandfather is already very old, don't add a heavy stroke to Konoha's file because of this.

"That's it, I know." Hinata didn't underestimate this matter, and went home to talk to his father specifically, telling the grandfather who stayed under the ancestral hall to be careful, not to be careless, and leave immediately if something goes wrong.

Although it is not certain that those supercilious eyes can be successfully synthesized into Tenseikan, it is always right to be careful.

"You, told that kid?" Rizu asked quietly.

Hinata bowed her head and didn't speak, neither admitting nor denying, what it is, you can decide for yourself.

"My future grandson, grandpa is looking forward to you, come quickly." Rizu secretly said.

These two daughters have been raised for nothing, and their elbows are turned outward.

The worst thing is that kid, the eldest daughter smashed into his hand, and the younger daughter also fell into it, no, I feel uncomfortable thinking about it too much, I want to think about something happy.

Well, it doesn't seem like hey, the only thing he can look forward to now is his grandson in the future. If his daughter is unreliable, he has to rely on his grandson.

Not knowing what his father was thinking in silence, Hinata raised his head and took a sneak peek, and said in a low voice, "Well, Father, if it's okay, I'm going back, and I haven't soaked Naruto's feet yet."

"You still soak his feet? He asked you to do that?" Rizu was dumbfounded.

"No, no, it's what I want to do, I want to take care of him." Hinata said.

"..." Rizu.

Is this the daughter?Born and raised, the whole thing is prepared for others.

He didn't want to talk anymore, he waved his hand casually.

Hinata, who had been pardoned, quickly got up and ran, and disappeared in an instant with Fei Leishen before she went out.

Rizu's face twitched, thinking of his father who was with those white eyes, he didn't dare to neglect and hurried to go.

Time, hurry up, I want a grandson, on the way, Rizuo thought so.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Naruto woke up on time at four o'clock, almost five o'clock.

Feeling the warm and soft bodies of Hinata and Ino in her arms, thinking about sleeping for a while, and thinking about Sakura's desperate efforts in the snow in such a cold weather.

Without a dual personality, he couldn't do what Sakura did. The two personalities alternated to rest and practice, and he had to sleep, which couldn't be changed.

Well, it's too much to stay in bed even though you've had enough sleep?

Think about the power of aliens, and then think about your current strength, what can you protect, can you protect the hard-won happiness in front of you?

Turning his thoughts to this, Naruto got up decisively.

"Naruto, it's time to wake up, let's sleep for a while." Ino said.

"No, it's more like this time, the more I have to overcome laziness, I don't want to be a lazy pig." Naruto said.

Ino mumbled twice, turned over and continued to sleep.

In a cold place, sleeping in a warm bed is the most comfortable. It doesn't matter if she is called a lazy pig. Anyway, her strength lies in her mental strength. The last thing she needs is to exercise her body. At most, she can move around when she is interested.

Hinata rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up, waited for Naruto to put on his clothes, and went down to the ground to boil some water for Naruto to make hot drinks...

"Okay, I can do it myself, it's still early, you can sleep a little longer."

He gave Hinata a mouthful, pushed her to lie down again, and tucked in the quilt.

"do not forget me."

Naruto, who was about to turn around, heard Ino's murmur, and looked subconsciously.

Ino stuck out the quilt with his right hand and pointed to his own face.


After getting this, Ino curled up under the quilt with satisfaction and fell asleep thoroughly.

Not far away, there is a small bed where Hanabi sleeps. Before leaving, Naruto used to go over and take a look, seeing that Hanabi's sleeping appearance is terrible.

Half of the quilt was kicked off the bed, lying on the stomach, face tilted to one side, drooling, waist twisted into a weird shape, legs seemed to be knotted and entangled.

This sleeping posture is absolutely perfect.

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