As Wuwei said, in his previous life, he either rested and hid, or was caught by a powerful ninja and used as a tool, except for false sleep or false sleep.

Or it is making trouble, interfering with Renzhuli, trying to get free.

You have to ask the tailed beasts what they like, they don't understand themselves, they can't explain clearly.

In this case, then simply change the strategy, directly move out the suitable entertainment items that can be thought of, and let the tailed beasts find what they like by themselves.

"This, I want to try." This is what Erwei said after hearing Naruto explain the rules of chess.

Naturally, Naruto readily agreed, and divided himself into a shadow clone, as Erwei's opponent, to play chess with it.

Seeing that the three-tailed beast was lying on the side, and did not leave with the main body and other tailed beasts, thinking it wanted to play, Naruto asked.

Unexpectedly, Sanwei shook his head and refused, and said muffledly, saying that it was good to just watch.

It is true that there is a type who likes to watch chess and does not play chess. Maybe Sanwei is like this. Naruto stopped talking and played chess with Erwei quietly.

"It's been a long time since I played chess. I don't know if my chess strength has declined?" Naruto secretly said.

On the other side, at the mahjong table, after hearing Naruto explain the rules of mahjong, Goo jumped onto the chair and sent out an invitation. Liuwei, Hachio, and... Kushina responded.

"Mom, do you want to play mahjong?" Naruto said.

"Yeah, I was on a mission before I was alive, and I saw others playing it. I was very interested in it at the time. I thought I would have a chance. I asked a few good friends to join me. It's a pity." Jiu Xinnai said: "Is it possible? Can I play? "

"Remove the word ?, you must be able to play." Naruto said.

He asked Ino to make these, not only for the tail beasts, but also for his mother.

I distributed three thousand taels to my mother, and as usual, I left a shadow clone here to explain everyone's doubts at any time, which is equivalent to a referee.

Look at the two tails playing chess, and watch the three tails of chess.

Five tails, six tails, and eight tails playing mahjong with my mother.

One tail, four tails, seven tails, and nine tails are still devoted to Contra.

"Sure enough, not every tailed beast likes to play games, games alone are not enough." Naruto thought to himself.

What he didn't expect was that Nanao, who had always been taciturn and incomprehensible, liked to play games just like Kulama and the others. He thought Nanao would be interested in chess or Go.

"These should be enough for a long time." Ino said.

Naruto looked sideways.

Behind the bar is a container more than [-] meters high and hundreds of meters long. The wall may be more accurate.

There are countless cold drinks, hot drinks, various snacks, snacks, and barbecues that will not expire and break in the container.

"Too much." Naruto said.

"I want to build an inexhaustible vending machine, but unfortunately I can't do it." Ino said.

It is understandable. After all, it is Ino who can create something from nothing. It does not mean that things created by her can also automatically generate items.

Turning his gaze from the container to Ino, he saw that her expression was very sluggish, obviously she was exhausted, Naruto said: "Do what you can, don't force it."

Ino nodded with a smile. As for whether she listened, only she knew.

His right hand trembled, hesitatingly, he slowly lifted it up, caressing Ino's cheek.

Naruto's actions were very helpful, Ino's eyes curved into crescents with a smile.

"What else do I need to do?" Ino asked.

Naruto shook his head after thinking.

Ino knew it, he got out and left, it was not easy to get in, but getting out was a matter of one thought, very easy.

"Naruto, that hot grilled skewer, one hundred skewers." Kyuubi said.

"I want to drink water with bubbles." Siwei said.

"Crispy, give me five packs." Izuo said.

crispy?What?Naruto was puzzled, and recalling what Yiwei had eaten just now, he suddenly realized that he was talking about potato chips.

Take the corresponding items from the container and send them to them.

"One hundred lamb kebabs, two hundred taels, a bottle of gas water, two liters, six taels, five packs of potato chips, ten taels."

"Leave it here, money? You take it yourself, I don't have time." Jiuwei said.

Four-tailed, one-tailed, also have the same performance.

Don't you care about money?Naruto laughed secretly, without reminding.

If you don't have actual experience, you won't understand the importance of money, and when you understand the preciousness of money, you will fall into his arrangement, act according to the rules he set, and do what you want to do, it will be much easier.

Seeing that the situation was fairly stable, and there was a shadow clone watching over him, Naruto withdrew with confidence.

outside world.

Successfully obtained the scroll of the Yin seal from Sakura, and Ino couldn't wait to open it to look through it. This matter was obtained from Tsunade's consent through Xiaolu.

Knowing that Ino wanted to try his suggestion of cultivating Yang Dun, Naruto didn't bother him. Compared with this, there was another Shura field for him to break through.

One in each hand, they pulled Sakura and Hinata away and went outside.

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