First, it flew forward for more than two hundred meters, and then, the direction changed, and it rushed straight up.

With Naruto by her side, Hanabi believes that she and her sister will be safe, so she can boldly make various attempts.

The power of Tenseigan is too strong, and the current Hanabi cannot display the true power of Tenseigan at all.

One is the age limit, and the other is the lack of usage of Tenseikan.

Tenseiyan chakra mode, similar to the pitch-black rosary beads of Daoyu, the silver wheel reincarnates and explodes, and the golden wheel reincarnates and explodes.

Naruto glanced at the moon, thinking about picking a sunny day to go there and see what he could find and grab.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Flying around, having a great time with fireworks, and finally, I feel drowsy because I can't bear it.

Insist on landing, put Naruto, sister, safely on the ground, and then relax.

Without gravity and repulsion, she was grasped by gravity and fell to the ground.

Hinata caught it and felt the flames fluttering and struggling. She had no choice but to pass it to Naruto.

Staying in Naruto's arms, Hanabi no longer resisted the drowsiness, closed her eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep, holding onto Naruto's clothes with her little hand, unable to let go.

"She used to be very clingy to me, always looking at me, pestering me, wanting me to play with her." Hinata said: "Now..."

In front of the person you like, there are no sisters.

If you can give up the person you like for the sake of your sister or younger sister, it proves that you like that person, but that's not really like it.

To like is to get, to possess.

"I won't forgive." Hinata said: "She ruined my happiness and put me in such a bad and troublesome situation."

This she refers to Sakura, of course.

Naruto was speechless.

Entering the house, put Huahuo on the bed, covered her with a quilt, turned around and saw Hinata who closed the window, went to hold her hand, and took her outside.

There are irreconcilable conflicts between girlfriends. He has the responsibility and the obligation to find a way to mediate. Who made him step on so many boats.

In the beginning, Naruto had expected this kind of situation, and Naruto was conscious, mentally prepared, to accept and deal with it.

It's not too troublesome, with two girlfriends who I like and like me so much, what's the dissatisfaction?

"Gift, when do you want it?" Naruto asked.

Not mentioning Sakura is the most taboo, and it must be absolutely avoided. Don't talk about Sakura in front of Hinata, and speak for Sakura.

Also don't talk about Hinata in front of Sakura.

This is a minefield, and it will explode as soon as you step on it.

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone two hidden tigresses.

Naruto's method is to divert attention, and use things that Hinata likes, things that can make her happy, happy, and happy, to dilute other emotions in his heart.

"Gift?" Hinata was puzzled, then thought of something, and a look of anticipation appeared on her delicate and pretty face.

She had exactly the same thoughts as Sakura.

Naruto said last night that this gift would satisfy both her and Sakura.

She and Sakura have different interests and hobbies. Since they are both satisfied, they must have a lot to do with Naruto. This gift is likely to be Naruto himself.

"Well, can you tell me what the gift is?" Hinata said.

She was afraid that if she understood it wrong, she would make a joke again.

Naruto pointed to himself: "I am."

Hinata breathed a sigh of relief and thought for a while, should I keep this gift and use it at a better and more suitable time, or use it right away?

"Okay, can I save it for later?" Hinata whispered.

"Of course." Naruto nodded.

Going back to the house, he found a pen and paper, wrote a note, and handed it to Hinata.

"No matter when it works, no matter what it is, I will promise you and go all out to do it."

"Dumped Sakura, Ino." Hinata said.

Looking at the note back in his hand, and hearing what Hinata said, Naruto was dumbfounded.

"Uh, this, it's okay to say anything, cough, it's actually a little watery, I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak big."

Hinata was just joking, how could she fail to see that Naruto liked Sakura very much, and it was impossible for Naruto to give up Sakura.

Silently took the note back, carefully put it close to the body, felt unsafe, and planned to get a safe to store it when I got home.

The game wedding last night reminded Hinata.

Marriage is like this, consummating the house, what should I do, who will come first?

Marriage is just a formality, consummation is the real deal.

Hinata didn't give up the idea of ​​driving away Sakura and Ino, but she didn't expect much, and didn't have too much expectation.

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