The answer came out quickly, keep it a secret.

One monk has water to drink, two monks grab water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink, it is very simple and easy to understand.

"You must be thinking too much. Hokage-sama trusts Shizune-san so much, how can there be good things not shared with her, don't think of people too selfishly." Ino said.

Naruto thought about it, but it was true. Shizune has been following Tsunade for many years. Besides, Tsunade is such an open-minded and generous woman, it is difficult to connect selfishness with Tsunade.

Seeing that Naruto didn't think about it any more, Ino's face was calm, and he made a victorious scissorhand in his heart.

After chatting for a few more words, Ino said goodbye to Naruto on the grounds that he was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

She was so preoccupied that she forgot to ask Naruto if she was beautiful today, what she liked, and her mind was all about moving fat and building a good figure.

"Whether it's true or not, it's right to keep it a secret first." Ino secretly said, "I don't know if Sakura is aware of this?"

If you realize it, there is nothing you can do, and if you don’t think about it, hehe.

Thinking of himself being as great as Tsunade in the future, and thinking of Sakura, Hinata, oh yes, and Hanabi, all of which are washboards, Ino was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Keep it a secret, no one can tell.

"Sakura is your best sister, she is your favorite sister, how can you hide such a good thing from her."

On the left, there seemed to be a holy and gentle Xiao Ino. She advocated and persuaded Ino to have something good to share with her good sister, Sakura.

"What's your favorite? It's long gone, okay? Now my favorite, the most important thing is Naruto."

On the right, there appears to be a dark and evil Koino who promotes selfishness.

What about Sakura, and I can't eat it, I always think about Sakura, and what Sakura is doing.

The two Koinos were arguing and bickering.

Ino's face was constantly changing.

Licking Sakura, what can she get?No, except for a thank you from Sakura, there is no other starter

On the contrary, concentrate on licking Naruto and take Naruto down. According to the current situation, in the end, there is a high probability that everyone will marry together.

Not only can she get Naruto, but she can also indirectly get Sakura, and she can even get a group of beautiful men (Naruto's shadow clones).

"That's it. I'll make a fortune in silence. I'll try my best to improve my charm, including my figure. First, I'll find a way to make Naruto like me sincerely. I'll talk about the rest later." Ino secretly said.

He didn't know what Ino was thinking. After Ino left, Naruto closed his eyes and concentrated on immersing himself in Asura's chakra, trying to control while gaining benefits.

Hinata couldn't wait, he had to get it done quickly, so that Hinata could have a chance to gain powerful power.

Time, fleeting, a week passed.

Naruto's appearance has not changed, but inside, it can be described as reborn.

Its own Chakra amount has almost doubled.

Master the seal of the immortal law, and clear the gate of the gods.

There seemed to be a steady stream of power surging up in the body.

After not closing his eyes for a week, he didn't feel sleepy at all, but became more energetic.

The last point is to be able to control a little bit and shake Asura Chakra. Compared with this, the other gains in front are not worth mentioning.

Standing up from the ground, twisting his neck, shaking his arms, stomping his feet, and simply moving his body, Naruto jumped up, and with a few blinks and a blink, he returned to his residence.

When he wanted to open the door, he realized that he didn't have the key. He was used to someone always opening the door for him at home, so he never brought the key again.

knock knock knock.

After a while, Hinata arrived late, and didn't open the door immediately, but first used her white eyes to see who it was.

If strangers don't open the door, boys will communicate through the door, and the rest depends on the actual situation.

When she saw Naruto, Hinata was stunned, and after realizing it, she quickly tidied up her hair, especially her bangs.

He took out the small mirror he was carrying with him from his pocket, and opened the door after making sure that his image was fine.

"Hinata, take me to your house, I want to verify something, about white eyes." Naruto said.

In the waking state, keep the sage mode turned on at all times, and perceive that Sakura is with Ino, and there is his shadow clone, there is no problem.

"Okay." Hinata agreed.

The two changed into relatively formal outfits, and Hinata used Flying Thunder God to bring Naruto back to Hinata's house.

As for the sleeping Huahuo, don't worry, the shadow clones distributed in this room will make any ill-intentioned person who dares to come realize why Hua'er is so red.

Hyuga home.

main hall.

Appearing here out of thin air, Hinata asked Naruto to wait a while, and she went to her father to mention this matter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Thank you Naruto for the fresh fruit delivered by the branch maid.

Seeing that these fruits are juicy and juicy, it is very pleasing to the eyes, so he picked up a sharp cantaloupe and ate it, and then asked the branch maid where there was water and brought him a glass.

Treating this as his own home, Naruto is not polite at all.

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