The sleeping Luo Xi couldn't hear, so naturally he couldn't answer.

outside world.

Naruto looked at his watch frequently. It had been almost three hours, but there was still no movement at all.

Looking away from the watch and looking at Hinata, Naruto was stunned for a moment. After realizing it, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "Hinata! Are you awake? How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable? I don't know what happened. , Sakura, Ino's spirit transformation technique can't get into your spirit, it frightens me, if you do something good or bad, I will never forgive myself in this life."

Hinata hugged Naruto without saying a word: "Sorry, I made you worry."

Also, it's really great to see you the first time you open your eyes, Hinata is embarrassed to say the latter sentence.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hinata did not hold back what happened in the spiritual space.

The people present, except for Sakura and Ino, are all she trusts, and these two, because of Naruto, Hinata doesn't think they will do anything to harm her.

"So, you have opened Tenseigan, why hasn't there been any change?" Rizu asked.

The moon, Otsutsuki Yumura, these things are too complicated and too far away, he only cares about the people and things around him.

"It is closed now, and it will change when it is used." Hinata said.

"Then, show me a demonstration." Rizu said.

I have always heard that the reincarnation eye is very strong, as famous as the legendary reincarnation eye, but I have never seen it, so I still have a little doubt.

Hanabi's Tenseigan doesn't feel very powerful, it's just gravity and repulsion.

Hinata looked at her father, grandfather, and Hanabi, and saw that all three were looking at her eagerly, and then at Naruto.

She didn't see any movement, but the pupils of the pure white eyes changed.

A large number, innumerable, astronomical numbers of light blue light spots appeared.

These points of light converge to form a pattern of snowflakes. This pattern is constantly changing. There is one for each of the left and right eyes, and there is no uniformity at any moment.

Comparing it with Hanabi's Tenseikan, we can clearly see the difference, as if Hinata's is the sun, and Hanabi is the moon reflecting the sun's light.

It is not uncommon for the reincarnation eye to have ordinary reincarnation eye, Gouyu reincarnation eye, and reincarnation eye to be strong or weak.

Still not seeing Hinata's knot seal or other movements, the chakra coat appeared on her body, and nine jet-black rosary beads were formed out of thin air, floating behind Hinata.

In the theatrical version, Toneri’s Tenseigan Chakra mode is green, and Hinata’s Tenseigan Chakra mode is pure white. Is it almost the same as Susano, and it varies from person to person?

Chakra is the perfect harmony of spiritual energy and physical energy. How a person's heart is and the power it expresses will have a corresponding change in color.

Hinata's chakra is pure white, does that mean her heart is pure?

Watching Hinata throw a pitch-black rosary, which easily erased a mountain peak, Hizuki was dumbfounded.

Things weren't much better for my grandfather.

Naruto wanted to try to see how strong Hinata is now, but when he turned around and saw Sakura beside him, he dismissed the idea.

Who knows, Xiao Ying was as careful as a hair, and seemed to see something, and said: "Go if you want, I don't want to be discouraged so easily, although there must be some discomfort."

Naruto shook his head, took the initiative to grab Sakura's hand, and slowly straightened her.

How can Xiao Sakura feel better in her heart when she said it lightly on the face?

I have worked so hard, getting up early and staying late, reluctant to sleep, squeezing time, squeezing physical strength, cultivating and exercising desperately.

After putting in so much hard work and sweat, and enduring countless pains, fractures, and muscle strains, in the end, Hinata overtook him in an instant, just because of his pedigree.

"Naruto, let me see the reality clearly, there is nothing wrong with it, I will try harder to catch up, sorry for your trouble." Sakura said.

Ino, who was standing next to Sakura, was also shocked when she heard these words. She took a deep breath of cold air and pulled herself together: "Me too, please."

Seeing the two girls staring straight at each other and looking at him seriously, Naruto was silent for a while, let go of Sakura's hand, and walked towards Hinata.

"Hinata, I will be your opponent and fight with all my strength. I want to test your combat power at this time."

Hearing this, Hinata, who was being entangled by fireworks and asked this and that, quickly shook her head and refused.

She longs for power and wants to protect Naruto, how can she beat Naruto?It's all right to learn from each other, the problem is that Naruto said to go all out.

To be honest, Hinata has no way of knowing how strong she is now, the power that is far from being enough to describe with horror is continuously pouring out of these eyes, as if it is endless.

She was afraid of hurting Naruto.

Realizing that there was something wrong with what he said, Naruto changed his words and said, "Then, let's go to the end, and we'll have a discussion as usual."

This time, Hinata didn't refuse anymore.

Hanabi is taken aside by Hizuru to stand with her grandfather.

Sakura and Ino stood still not far away, staring at Naruto and Hinata directly in front of them.

Naruto has always been in the fairy mode, and there is no need to prepare anything. After making sure that Hinata is ready, he immediately disappeared in place and rushed towards Hinata.

Hinata sees the tricks and dismantles them, defending more than counterattacking.

"Quick reaction!" Naruto said secretly.

Tenseikan Chakra mode greatly improves Hinata's various physical qualities.

Strength, there is no shortage of Hinata with strange strength in cultivation. The real big improvement is speed and nerve reflex.

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