It's just playing mahjong, why are you so excited?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaving the sealed space, Naruto opened his eyes.

"How to say?" Zilai also said.

"Mom seems to like playing mahjong very much, she won't leave for the time being, wait for Dad, and leave together when the time comes." Naruto said.

"Uh, mahjong?" Ji Lai was also taken aback.

Kushina was a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki before she was alive, with a violent temper and blood-red peppers. For many reasons, she didn't have many friends, at least she never heard of Kushina's hobbies.

Unexpectedly, after death, in this way, he played mahjong with the tailed beasts.

"Without the shackles of reincarnation, I don't know if I can stay in the real world. Don't let Kushina come out. It's safer to stay in the sealed space." Jiraiya said.

Naruto nodded, he also thought so, although this means that he lost the substitute messenger, but compared with the safety and existence of his mother, the substitute messenger is insignificant.

Seeing that Naruto is fine and Kushina's problem is resolved, Jiraiya leaves with peace of mind and goes back to Konoha.

Tsunade has a lot of things to do, it is impossible to keep looking at Orochimaru all the time, and the other jonin may not be able to restrain Orochimaru, so he still has to come in person.

As soon as Jiraiya left, Sakura and the others were no longer restrained, they could let go and ask their mother about Kushina in detail.

Sakura and Ino even used spiritualization techniques to enter the sealed space to meet Kushina.

"Hinata, give up practicing spiritualization." Naruto said.

"Why?" Hinata said, "I, I also want to see my mother."

"You have practiced Spiritualization to the last step? But you still can't separate your spirit from your body, and your spirit can go out independently, right?" Naruto said.

Seeing Hinata's confession, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Me too, the Chakra reincarnation attached to us is too strong, locking our Chakra to death, unless our strength can be stronger than the Chakra reincarnation, otherwise , There is no separation between mind and body.”

The first time I heard this, Hinata was dumbfounded: "That is to say, I have practiced spiritualization for so long, is it a waste of time?"

Naruto was speechless, without words.

Hinata held her head, unable to accept it.

Sakura wished she could break it off in one minute and use it as five minutes. The time arrangement, training plan, direction, goal, everything was so orderly.

Looking at her again, it's okay to be stupid, and she wasted so much time in vain.

Without Naruto's help, without Chakra's reincarnation, without this bloodline, how far would she be thrown by Sakura?

"The past is in the past, and it's useless to regret it. Starting today, walk the right path that suits you. Come on." Naruto said.

Hinata's heart melted little by little when she saw Naruto cheering on her through the fingers.

Naruto is right, the focus is on the present and the future.

She is not as smart as Sakura, but she has high talents, and she has this bloodline. In this case, the only thing she can do is to dig out the ability of her own bloodline and reach the pinnacle.

Seeing that Hinata regained her spirits and cheered up again, Naruto was relieved.

With the help of Otsutsuki Luoxi, the eldest daughter of Otsutsuki Yu Village, as a gift, she opened Tenseiyan, and Hinata possessed the power of super shadow.

Judging from the fact that Hinata is still unable to separate the mind from the body, it proves that Hinata's strength is not as good as that of Otsutsuki Luoxi. Is this a six-level powerhouse?

Thinking and guessing in his heart, Naruto looked at Hinata's white eyes and couldn't help but lose his mind.

There is no such person in the plot, and Otsutsuki Luoxi's obsession is to liberate Ashura and help Ashura.

After all, in the plot, Ming Zuo reconciled and understood each other, breaking the fate of Asura and Indra, causing Luo Xi to let go of his obsession and not appear.

Or is this Luo Xi a time traveler?

Probably not, if it is a time traveler, after learning that Naruto has Sakura and Ino, and that Sasuke has not defected, so many things that do not fit the plot, it is impossible not to show strangeness.

And according to Hinata, after the other party heard it, it was very natural. This is not the reaction that a traverser would have.

Could it be that this is a traverser who has never seen Hokage?

Naruto is more inclined that the other party is a local character of Hokage, but it is just that he has no role in the plot of Hokage.

Naruto, who came back to his senses, noticed that Hinata, who was standing in front of him, blushing, lowered his head and stirred his fingers, seemed to be stared at by him all the time, a bit overwhelmed.

"Hinata, will you see that Otsutsuki Luoxi again?" Naruto asked.

Hinata didn't dare to look at Naruto, and whispered softly, "No, I don't know, she said that she might never see her again."

"Since you like Asura, then you will definitely react to Asura's Chakra." Naruto said: "Hinata, listen to me, if you see her later, you can ask her a few questions."

Hinata carefully wrote down what Naruto said, and repeated it to make sure there was nothing wrong.

Seeing that Hinata was getting ready, Naruto mobilized a little of the Ashura Chakra he could use at the moment, and shot it into Hinata's body.

The effect is immediate.

Hinata's eyes darkened, her body softened, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Naruto, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly hugged her into his arms.

"Brother Naruto, do I have that Chakra reincarnation?" Hanabi asked.

Naruto jittered, and said with a dry smile: "Uh, probably not. This kind of situation is very rare, and you can't have it if you want it."

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