"Naruto, well, the guy who makes a bad first impression has always been the tail of the crane, but after getting along with him in practice, he will find that he is a good person."

Xiaoxue listened carefully.

Although the Naruto I know is very one-sided and incomplete, but this is also Naruto's side.

As the first person to be stationed in the heart, the first person to have a crush on, the only number one spare tire, who may be the father of the future child, Xiaoxue is willing to learn more when she has time.

"Orphans, without the company of their parents, without friends, and not welcomed by teachers, Naruto, you..." Xiaoxue thought to herself.

I don't know if it's because of a change in her opinion of Naruto, because of her good feelings, now that she hears about Naruto's past experiences, she actually feels the same way, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

People who have not experienced blows are naive.

And being in such a depressing environment for a long time, and being able to face reality and life with an optimistic attitude, Xiaoxue willingly admits that in terms of psychological endurance, she is not as good as Naruto.

"He is a person with a very strong mind." Xiaoxue secretly said.

Generally speaking, both men and women first get to know each other and see each other's strengths. After the relationship is confirmed and the relationship is stabilized, they will gradually discover each other's shortcomings.

A person who was so good before marriage became like this after marriage.

Not taking a bath for half a month, greasy pillows, not paying attention to hygiene, bad temper, tendency to beat others when angry, spending money recklessly, and neglecting the family, this is almost the same feeling.

If things go on like this, the goodwill and liking will be wiped out until there is no one. At this time, the divorce rate and breakup rate will increase greatly.

Xiaoxue's situation with Naruto is just the opposite. She had a [-]% dislike for Naruto at the beginning.

Naruto couldn't help but say that in order for her to remember him, he cruelly threw her into the icy sea water. Since then, Xiaoxue has remembered this hateful boy.

Because of the disgust at the beginning, Xiaoxue felt very different after the subsequent changes.

I don’t know if everyone eats the unpalatable part first when eating, and saves the delicious part for the last?

Or eat the delicious ones first, and leave the unpalatable and unpalatable parts, so that they are hard to swallow, and throw them away?

Xiaoxue is the former, she eats the super unpalatable part first, and the rest is delicious, delicious, and enjoyable.

Xiaoxue herself realized this.

She has even eaten the most unpalatable Naruto. Now, she is tempted to eat delicious Naruto. How should I put it, it is very good.

Chatting, talking, and finally out of the city.

Stepping on the snow-free land, looking at the crowds in front of her eyes, and the magnificent ice and snow castle, Xiaoxue rubbed her eyes to make sure she saw it right.

The most eye-catching thing is the tower that is close to [-] meters high by visual inspection.

Under the protection of the guards and maidservants, Xiaoxue passed through the crowded crowd smoothly, and found that there was no obstacle in front of her.

Some bold people are already walking in the long corridors built around the castle, looking around.

"It smells like Naruto, Hinata, Ino, these people." Ya said.

Regardless of the maid's dissuasion, Xiaoxue stepped onto the corridor made entirely of ice. It was a little slippery, and she could easily fall if she was not careful.

Knowing that this was done by Naruto, Xiaoxue was not worried at all. How could Naruto, who liked her so much, let her have trouble.

Since there was no worry, Xiaoxue started to visit here with a novel attitude.

Turn around the corridor, stop for a while in front of the four ice sculptures, and then enter the castle from the main entrance.

Ice walls, ice fields, ice thrones, ice flowers, everything is ice.

"It's so beautiful." Xiaoxue murmured.

The monotonous snow, after such treatment, instantly creates the feeling of a fairy tale.

Go up the stairs to the second floor of the castle.

Sliding slides, seesaws, all kinds of cute and lovable animals that have never been seen before.

"Ah, this is not Hinata's younger sister. Is there a toy I was playing with before? I remember it was called..." Ya said: "Pikachu."

Hearing a voice coming from above, Xiaoxue glanced briefly and continued to go upstairs.

On the third floor of the castle, here, she saw Naruto, whose whole body was covered by chakra armor, only the face shield was opened, revealing his face.

Hinata and Ino greeted each other one after another.

Only then did I know that Koyuki was the Temari of the Daimyo of the Snow Country, and he was busy greeting her with a respectful and polite attitude.

"Long time no see." Naruto handed Hanabi one of the just-made Eevee evolutions, the ice elf, that is, the ice model toy.

haven't seen you for a long time?Do you still want to put it on?Xiaoxue glanced at Hinata and Ino next to Naruto, and she knew it.

She has a lot of responsibilities and is busy with things, so she can't make any promises to Naruto. Even if she gets together, gets married, and spends less time with Naruto, that's fine.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yeah!" Ino screamed.

Directly opposite, Naruto who was holding her hand said speechlessly, "It's too exaggerated, please don't do that."

Ino made a grimace, and said with a cute smile: "I'm afraid, you can't let go, wrestling hurts so much."

Naruto didn't say a word, just kept a constant speed, and took Ino to skate in this ice and snow castle.

Ice skates made of ice escape, glued to the soles, perfect skates.

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