Naruto, who didn't know what Xiaoyuki was imagining, came to the north of the ice and snow city, about five kilometers away, put on the chakra armor, and created another ice and snow castle.

The two sides are exactly the same. There is a suspension bridge between the top of the tower and the top of the tower. Because it is ice, it is as transparent as glass. Standing on this suspension bridge requires a lot of courage.

It's no problem for ninjas, but not for ordinary people.

"Naruto, are you really just doing this for fun?" Ino clicked his tongue.

At first, she also thought that Naruto wanted to play, or to make Hanabi happy, but the scale was so large, so detailed, and delicate, that she couldn't simply think it was just playing.

"Of course, I have other thoughts." Naruto said: "Try to see if I can make more money through this."

Sakura proposed to set up an orphanage, looking for and selecting talented and gifted orphans from all over the ninja world, and bringing them together.

Then let Naruto use the shadow clone to take care of, get along with, and establish bonds, so as to gain everyone's approval and support.

According to Otsutsuki Luoxi, this helps to understand and decipher the true meaning and mystery of Chakra, and to put it simply and bluntly, it can gain power.

I don't know if this method will work, but there is no harm in giving it a try.

So, here comes the problem.

It takes money to establish an orphanage, and it takes money to raise so many orphans. It is even more expensive to train these orphans to become ninjas.

Relying on magazines and decompression workshops alone may not be able to afford it, so Naruto is thinking of new ways to make money.

"Travel?" Ino was surprised.

Aside, Hinata blinked.

Naruto hugged the two of them, put their faces together, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I want to turn this ice and snow city into a tourist attraction, then advertise everywhere, and use shadow avatars to change into some beauties, handsome guys, as Image endorsement, as long as it can make a name and attract tourists, it will not worry about making money.”

"Oh, that's how it is." Ino suddenly thought, and thought about something.

"If it's really successful, the land price around here will definitely rise. Let's buy more land while it's worthless now. Then, we can speculate on the land price. Whether it's for sale or lease, the profit will not be small."

Naruto's eyes lit up and he gave her a thumbs up.

"It takes at least a week's journey from the mainland. For those who are afraid of water and don't want to take a boat, there are many people who can use the Flying Thunder God to take them directly." Hinata mused: "I, Sakura, Sasuke, can change shifts, and we can guarantee the safety of everyone." You can lead people [-] hours a day, without delay, the shadow clone can do it."

Naruto nodded, this method is good.

The three of them got together, whispered, and finalized a general direction for it.

When it was dark, Xiao Ying, who was exhausted and sore all over, came back, and told her about this, Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized.

Swallowing the last mouthful, the cow's indescribable extrusion said, "Then we must hurry up and buy the land. The longer we delay, the greater the variables, before no one notices our intentions."

"What I'm talking about is, it's just how much is appropriate to buy? If you buy too much, if it doesn't work, wouldn't it be a scam?" Naruto said.

"The most taboo thing about anything is to look forward and backward." Sakura said: "If you don't have the determination to move forward, you will inevitably shrink back when you encounter difficulties. It's up to you. I think this matter has something to do. If we work together, we will definitely succeed."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's past eight o'clock at night.

Sitting not far from the fireplace, while soaking her feet, she looked through various data and indicators over the years, and read it three or four times, Xiaoxue sighed faintly.

The wind and flowers are raging, and they are thinking about strengthening their force wholeheartedly. It is obvious what they are thinking.

The Land of Snow is far away from the mainland, and there are no other countries around it, resources, environment, climate, no big country is willing to pay a price to attack such a small country.

Compared with the development of military force, it is undoubtedly more important to find ways to improve the economy and improve people's average living standards.

It didn't say that force is unnecessary, force is the foundation of a country, but force cannot be thought wholeheartedly.

The turmoil and raging waves have made this country deformed, and the military force that has been developed for so many years cannot beat a Konoha Shinobi.

Xiaoxue doesn't value force, just build a good relationship with Konoha, what she wants is money.

To develop the economy so that people can live a better life without worrying about food and clothing, many things are inseparable from money.

"Money, money, who can give me money, I really want money." Xiaoxue held her forehead and murmured in a low voice.

"My lord, my lord, please see me."

A maidservant came to report.

It's so late, is there something urgent?Xiaoxue's heart lifted.

With permission, the third grandpa came in, kowtowed as usual, and took out a contract without saying a word or showing off.

Xiaoxue took it, and the title of land transfer at the beginning made her look sideways, and the content made her even more confused.

"Really, that kind of land in the wilderness is actually bought. Is it because I have too much money and want to burn it?" Xiaoxue said blankly.

"The old minister has already confirmed that there is nothing wrong with it. It is absolutely true. All the land around Fenghua City, no matter good or bad, is wanted." The third grandpa said.

Xiaoxue looked back, page by page, carefully reading, not missing any details.

Finally, seeing that Party A of the contract was Haruno Sakura, she said: "Who is this person, find a way to investigate, I want to know the details of this person, how can there be such a good thing in the world, spending money to buy so many unowned lands , it’s not a good place yet.”

It is said to be a land without an owner, but this is the land of snow, and a land without an owner is equivalent to the Fenghua family's land.

"Master Daimyo, this Haruno Sakura is the pink-haired girl who killed Feng Hua Nu Tao." The third husband said.

Xiaoxue was stunned.

Haruno Sakura is Sakura?

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