"Master Hokage, I'm Maitkai. I have something to report to you. It's about my student Tiantian. She went to find the crystal alone."

About ten seconds later, Tsunade's words came from the little slug.

"You're thinking?"

"Yes, I hope I can arrange an Anbu who is good at hiding, preferably Jonin, to accompany and protect Tiantian. In addition, this child's luck has always been very good. Maybe she can find the crystal."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaf Village.

Naruto Office.

At the end of the conversation with Kai, Tsunade asked Shizune beside him, how many Anbes with Jonin strength are suitable for going out in the village.

Jing Yin thought for a while and said, "Not anymore."

For the prosperity and development of the village.

Shouting such slogans, Tsunade sent out the Jonin, Chunin, and all the elites in Anbu.

Sending them to perform various super-difficult tasks that cannot be separated from combat forces everyone to use Nine-Tails Chakra.

Making money with this is second. The real main core goal is to cultivate Konoha ninja's actual combat ability, strengthen Konoha's prestige and reputation, and attract more people to Konoha to entrust tasks.

At the same time, after completing the task, everyone can also get a generous commission, and the waist is puffed up, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Now, Kai wants an Anbe jonin who is good at hiding to protect Tiantian, uh, sad, no.

The rest of the Anbu elites who are still in the village are Konoha's basic board, and they can't move. If they move, those three old-fashioned, dying or immortal old antiques will definitely come to her for tea.

"Then what's the matter? You can't let Kai, an elite Jonin, protect Tiantian? I want to call him back quickly to make money." Tsunade held his head in his hands, thinking hard.

"Master Tsunade, it's not for making money, but for the prosperity and development of the village." Shizune reminded in a low voice.

"Hmm, prosperity, prosperity." Tsunade said, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Silence thought, shaking his head.

Tsunade was scratching his hair unconsciously, frowning in thought.



Her eyes lit up.

Snow country.

Fenghua Inner City,

The area arranged for Konoha ninjas to live in, the larger one is the residence of Naruto and Hinata.

Almost at the end of the discussion, a little slug appeared in Naruto's ninja bag: "Naruto, Sakura, Tsunade-sama has something to entrust to you."

"Master?" Sakura was surprised, reaching out to hold the little slug that crawled out.

"Not long ago, Tian Tian from the third shift set out to look for crystals. Considering the possible dangers on the road, I entrusted you to find a way to deal with it properly, that's all."

The little slug didn't change anything, and relayed what Tsunade said word for word.

"Tiantian, go find the crystal? She alone? The crystal is the crystal of the Chakra armor?" Naruto said.

The little slug nodded.

"Speaking of which, she did show her liking for the Chakra armor, and said in the morning, if this set is broken, can she sell the armor to her." Ino said.

"Brother Ning Ci told me that she has good luck every day. She got a lot of gold every day during the storm at sea before." Hinata said: "If it's her, maybe, really, you can find it."

After a pause, he said again: "However, every day's luck is good, and who will bear the responsibility for bad luck? It's okay to protect her, but pay attention to a safe distance."

Hearing this, Naruto was stunned.

No way, is there such a saying?

Thinking about it carefully, his expression couldn't help becoming weird.

In the plot, Ning Ci was the only one among the twelve Xiaoqiang who died.

Kai confronted Liudao Madara, had to burst the door, and almost died.

Even Xiao Li was beaten by Gaara during the Chunin exam, and his ninja career was almost ruined.

These are coincidences?

Or is it that the luck is too good every day, making the other three people unlucky?

It's like playing mahjong. One person is so lucky that he alone occupies most of the good cards.

The remaining three people can only choose between bad cards, super bad cards, and cards that are so bad that they want to cry.

"Isn't it possible to beat others every day?" Naruto raised his forehead and quickly let go of this unrealistic fantasy.

At this time, Naruto came back to his senses and looked at Hinata after hearing what Sakura asked Hinata to protect Tiantian.

It is not clear whether he can restrain people every day, whether it only restrains men, or both men and women, because it is all his speculation and wild imagination.

Luck is a kind of mysterious, invisible, untouchable thing, if it is true, if there is something wrong with Hinata, then...

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