Silver, copper, iron?

Naruto is looking forward to it.

Every day, I step back and look back three times, always thinking about the gold mine.

Although it is not as good as the gold obtained from the island that was stormed at sea, but no matter what, it is still gold, it is money, and it is a pity to let it go.

It seemed that luck had run out. In the next few days, nothing was dug up, and Naruto gradually regained his composure from the previous excitement.

It seems that being far away every day is not a panacea, and there will be times of mediocrity and bad luck.

Don't you see, in the plot, during the chunin exam, during the qualifiers, he was beaten to vomit blood.

"It's not that mysterious, it's just that compared to ordinary people, in a certain period of time, luck is a little bit better." Naruto secretly said.

Suddenly, hearing Tiantian's cry, thinking that something had happened, Naruto burst out with all his strength, rushed to the ground in an instant, and jumped into the deep hole dug by Tiantian.

"what happened?"

"Look! I found a piece!" Tian Tian excitedly said.

Show Naruto the thing she is holding in her right hand. It is crystal clear, clear and moist, without any artificial carving, pure natural crystal, about the size of a baby's fist.

"Only one?" Naruto said.

"I just dug this one up, and I'll dig it out again, maybe there are more." Tian Tian said.

The two cooperated together and dug down a little more than a hundred meters, and also expanded to the width, but found nothing.

"Let's do this for the time being. I'll go back and try to make a simple set of Chakra armor." Tian Tian said: "I'll find a way to update it when I have a chance to find more crystals in the future."

Naruto wanted to say that in fact, he could find more mines, so that he would not have to worry about money in the future.

Looking at Tian Tian's look of turning his heart like an arrow, he knew that there was not much hope.

From beginning to end every day, I want to find crystals and make chakra armor.

Hot springs, gold mines, these are just a little bit, and there is no benefit after it is over.

Next time I have to go out alone, with someone beside me, safety is safety, but I am too uncomfortable, I think so every day.

Parting ways in a crowded place, watching Tiantian go away alone, disappearing from sight, Naruto lifted the transformation technique, stepped back, and walked in the opposite direction.

"Is it because the food is too ugly, give her a piece of the pie?" Naruto thought to himself.

Thinking in another way, if you find the gold mine by yourself, and you don’t get any good in the end, how can you feel better?

As he was walking, there was a flash in front of him out of nowhere, and there was an extra person, Hinata who came to pick him up.

Tiantian, who was not picked up by Fei Leishen, hurried on the road silently, looking at the crystal in her hand, and thinking of the Chakra armor she was about to get, she smiled happily.

Still can't help but take a detour to the gold mine.

The purpose of entering is a pitch-black pit with no bottom to be seen at a glance, and the original mountain is nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" Tiantian was confused, the gold mine was evacuated?

All the way back to Fenghua City in a daze.

"What is this!" Tiantian was dumbfounded.

Is this still Fenghua City when she left?

Fenghua City has not changed, but the outside of the city has changed a lot.

All kinds of ice sculptures, ice creations, castles, and buildings have sprung up.

Many young handsome men and beauties, wearing uniforms, are walking back and forth, introducing the situation here to the visitors.

I noticed that there were still many people holding cameras and cameras shooting.

It's only been a few days, why has it changed so much?Dazzling every day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Tian Tian Jiang."

I heard someone calling me, this voice is... Ino?

Take your eyes off the Ferris wheel every day and look over.

"It's time to wait for you."

Ino trotted over, without rushing to speak, but took Tiantian's hand and walked to a place where there were few people. When he got there, he opened a little box in his left hand, which was full of money.

"This is?" Tian Tian wondered.

"For you." Ino said: "Thanks to you, I found a gold mine and dug a hot spring. These are thanks."

Tiantian was stunned, trying to figure out the meaning behind Ino's words, and said in surprise: "You mean, the land where the hot springs and gold mines are located belongs to you?"

Ino nodded in acknowledgment, without explaining in detail.

Since this is the case, Tiantian accepts it with peace of mind. The hot springs and gold mines are inseparable from her efforts, and she deserves to be paid.

"How do you know this is related to me?" Tiantian said.

"It was that female jominin called Lei who contacted me and told me the whole story. I also used secret techniques to confirm that things were indeed as she said." Ino said.

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