Sakura, who kicked Kisame away, exhaled.

Satoshi, who was of the same mind, knew what she was going to do, and returned immediately, taking over the deployment of the senjutsu chakra, stable.

"Eight Gate Dunjia! Fifth Du Gate! Open!"

The explosive power of Bamen Dunjia is very strong.

Absolute stability is required, and there must be no mistakes to maintain the existence of the fairy mode, and it cannot coexist with Bamen Dunjia.

Naruto has tested it and realized this.

This law was broken by Sakura.

Sakura is not alone, there is also Sato who shares her heart.

Let Li Ying control the magic chakra, and Sakura use the eight doors of armor, so that it is possible to obtain the magic and eight doors at the same time.

This is Sakura's current strongest state.

It is the result obtained after Hinata opened Tenseikan, the pressure increased greatly, and she worked hard.

Even though in this state, neither Sakura can leave her body with Spiritualization, but Sakura is still very satisfied.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses, and she is already very satisfied with such results. If she continues to work hard, she will definitely become stronger.

When Sakura opened the first five doors of the eight-door Dunjia, Hinata, who had been watching the battle silently, stood up suddenly, her pure white eyes widened to the maximum.

When she found that she couldn't see Sakura, she immediately opened Tenseiyan, and her powerful dynamic vision allowed her to see Sakura.

"So fast!" Hinata was shocked.

Although she still can't compare to her, but you know, it's only been a long time, and Sakura has made such great progress.

At this time, Hinata realized the seriousness of the problem.

It's not that with Tenseigan, you can sit back and relax.

She is a crane tail with a bloodline, and Sakura is a commoner genius, or a super desperate genius. Comparing the two, who will win and who will lose, until the end, I really can't tell.

"Sakura, you..." Hinata clenched her fists.

"See? I haven't lost yet. Even if I don't have blood, I will catch up with you little by little, and then surpass you." Sakura secretly said.

Chakra on the fist, quickly completed the concentration and explosion, and blasted on the unresponsive Kisame.

One punch shattered his shoulder blade, along with his collarbone, spine, and internal organs, all of which were affected.

Knowing how Sakura has improved, Naruto was not surprised. He turned his head to look at Hinata who was stunned, and patted her on the shoulder: "Come on, you are the best."

This sentence, he said a lot to Sakura, encouragement is a kind of encouragement, but also a source of strength.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade, who came out of the operating room, was supported by Shizune, and sat on the bench with a pale face. Looking carefully, her arms and legs were trembling slightly.

Xiao Ying couldn't bear to see her master get embarrassed, so she stepped forward, leaned into her ear, and whispered, "Master, Hinata saw it with her supercilious eyes."

Tsunade paused, coughed dryly, stopped pretending, and his pale face returned to rosy.

"Then what, well, the eyes are implanted according to the method recorded by the Uchiha clan. I can't guarantee whether it can become an eternal kaleidoscope."

Naruto looked at Tsunade strangely.

This guy obviously just went in to give Jing Yin what to do, he didn't do anything, and even ate two apples.

How thick-skinned it was to pretend to be afraid of blood, endure the discomfort and have an operation, trying to defraud him of his sympathy and money.

Embarrassed by Naruto's strange eyes, Tsunade changed the subject and said: "You will only listen to me how many times I say it. Akatsuki is a very dangerous rebellious organization. As one of the targets of Akatsuki organization, what should you do?" If you want to hide, Akatsuki will leave it to us adults to deal with."

"My lord?" Naruto said, "Times have changed, Akatsuki is very powerful, but we are even more powerful."

"Aren't you very cautious before, why are you so reckless now?" Tsunade said: "Good boy, be obedient, go to the snow country to get your ice and snow city, making money is the top priority, always not doing business properly, fighting and killing , let me say something."

Too lazy to argue with her, Naruto got up and went into the operating room to visit Sasuke.

Sasuke was lying on the operating table, his eyes covered with gauze.

"How do you feel, does the shadow affect the activity?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke was silent for a moment, and then said: "The eyes are swollen, and there is a feeling that they are going to explode, but there are no other effects."

I can't see, but I still have ears to hear. Go back and find some books, and let Xianglin read to Sasuke.

"Xianglin is a good girl. Remember to take care of her more. Girls will always feel insecure. A safe and stable life and working environment can be much better." Naruto said.

Sasuke remained silent.

"I know you have doubts. Why do you spare no effort to treat you so well? Now, I won't hide it from you."

There is no love and hate for no reason, and everything we do must be for gain.

Naruto must confess his original intentions, lest Sasuke's wild thoughts will affect the trust and the relationship between brothers.

Concerned about this topic, Sasuke couldn't help straightening his body and pricking up his ears to listen.

"I have many difficult enemies, how difficult are they? Well, what do you think of my strength?"

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