"I hope I'm thinking too much. The crow is Naruto's pet. It's not a hint to me, um." Temari closed his eyes and prayed.

Finally waiting for Naruto, Temari stared at him with wide eyes.

Front, back, left, right, farther away, the sky, no, no crows.

"Wait, maybe this is a shadow clone." Temari thought to himself.

There is also a far-fetched possibility that the crow last night did not belong to Naruto at all, and had nothing to do with Naruto, it just happened to be hovering above Naruto's head.

Thinking self-deceivingly, Temari went into Gaara and Kankuro's room, woke them up, urged them to wash up, and went to Naruto's for breakfast.

"Aren't you going?" Kankuro said.

"Me? What am I going to do? He and I came here secretly. How could Xiaosan go home and eat in front of his girlfriend," Teju said.

"Little San..." Kan Jiulang was speechless: "Aren't you unwilling? Why do you call yourself Xiao San?"

"When I think about it, there is no way. He is stronger than me. He has more influence and ability than me." Temari said: "Before we find a solution, we should prevent him from dying and breaking the net. Maybe I cooperated with him first, anyway, it’s just a reputation, and there is no other loss.”


Kankuro said: "Just to find out the origin and whereabouts of the crow, what else?"

Temari thought for a while, then hesitated and said: "Ask again, what does he want me to do, you can't say it directly, you have to say it in a roundabout way, do you understand? If his girlfriend hears something, I will be completely screwed."

Kankuro was troubled, so he greeted Gaara, who was paralyzed the whole time, and went to find Naruto, who looked just after eight o'clock.

"Kankuro, Gaara, why are you here, what's the matter?" Naruto said.

But he sensed that Chakra of the two was approaching, knew that he was looking for him, and came to open the door before knocking on the door.

We're here for the free breakfast, Kankuro couldn't say it out of embarrassment, he was too thin-skinned.

"I didn't have breakfast, come here and have breakfast." Gaara said lightly.

"That's it." Naruto understood, and readily agreed: "It's okay to say, but there is a little something, wait a minute."

After that, Naruto smiled embarrassedly, closed the door, ran to the bed, pulled off the quilt, grabbed his underwear and put it on Ino's body.

"Ah! Naruto, it's so cold, give me back the quilt!" Ino shivered, and he became sober.

"Kankuro, Gaara is here, I want to have breakfast here." Naruto said.

Ino was stunned for a while, took the initiative to take back his underwear and put them on himself.

To Naruto alone, you can act coquettishly or shamelessly, but in front of outsiders, absolutely not, it will make people laugh.

Whether it is the current girlfriend status or the future wife status, one basic point must be kept in mind, to protect and show Naruto's face in front of outsiders, so that Naruto has face.

After Ino got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash up, Naruto saw that he was sitting obediently in front of the kotatsu, eating cake, and practicing the Hanabi controlled by Tenseigan.

Make sure there is no problem, just open the door and let Kankuro and Gaara in.

After chatting for a few minutes, Ino came out of the bathroom after washing up, and smiled embarrassedly.

Kankuro and Gaara greeted each other good morning, and then, she knelt down next to Naruto, and opened the thermos box that Hinata had delivered at seven o'clock.

Bring out the hearty breakfast inside, porridge, sushi, miso soup, and fish.

"Please use." Ino said.

Finding that there were not enough bowls and chopsticks, she got up again and ran to the kitchen to get them.

Seeing Ino's gentle, obedient, and caring appearance, Kankuro nodded secretly. This girl is not bad, and Naruto's vision is still okay.

Thinking of Temari's temper and elder sister's majesty, Kankuro couldn't say anything after chasing and beating him for so long last night.

Naruto also has times when he is wrong. Whoever marries him home, a proper wife is strictly controlled.

Huh, suddenly reacting, Kankuro was startled.

Could it be that Naruto came secretly like this on purpose because he saw through Temari's true colors?

Since marrying Temari will make her a strict wife, then I will not marry at all, and let Temari be a mistress for the rest of her life.

Hiss, Kankuro covered his mouth to avoid the sound of exclamation.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Kankuro's surprise, and Naruto wondered, what's wrong, is the food not delicious, or it's too delicious, and the reaction is so big.

Having breakfast without delaying the chat, Kankuro took the opportunity to pretend to be natural and asked about the crow last night.

"Crow?" Naruto was stunned: "It's mine, what's wrong?"

Really Naruto!Temari guessed right!

Kan Jiulang yelled in his heart, his face was calm, and he asked: "What about the crow, why didn't it disappear, is it a free range?"

"Dead." Naruto said.


Even Gaara couldn't help being stuck now, and took a deep look at Naruto.

Kankuro wiped off the sweat on his forehead, and said with a dry smile, "Dead, dead, how did you die?"

"I just shot him to death with a knife. At this moment, it should have entered Sakura's stomach." Naruto told the truth, there was nothing to hide.

"Temari didn't think much about it. Her guess was right. This guy has been using all kinds of hints to force Temari to be obedient and obediently be a mistress." Kankuro secretly said.

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