Sakura, who had had enough sleep, woke up and cast a puzzled look at Hanabi who was hugging her and laying on her side.

How did this kid come here?

Also, if you don't hug your sister, why hug me?

At this moment, Hanabi also woke up, her sleepy eyes, in the blink of an eye, met Sakura, and for a moment, it seemed as if her eyes lit up.

"Miss Sakura!" Hanabi called out affectionately, and threw herself into Xiao Sakura's arms.

It took about ten seconds for Sakura to realize: "What did you call me?"

"Miss Sakura!"

You heard it right, it was true, Sakura was stunned.

Hinata, who was also full of sleep, was awakened by the movement.

If I remember correctly, Hanabi never called her by her name, including Ino, it was always you, her, who, something like that.

Now not only is the name called, but the tone, attitude, and behavior are all very close. Sakura intuitively feels that there is a problem, and it is a big problem.

"Why did it suddenly change so much?" Sakura asked.

"I only figured it out in the past few days. I figured it out. Sister Sakura, you are as important as Brother Naruto. To me, this is my destiny." Huahuo said: "In the future, I will marry Brother Naruto. I want to be your best sister too, please teach me more, sister."

Hinata stared dumbfounded, looking at her only sister, now under the name of Sakura, she had to suspect that this was a dream.

A few minutes later, Hanabi was finally lulled back to sleep, Xiao Ying slipped into the bathroom, followed by Hinata.

The two women stood side by side in front of the sink, brushing their teeth and washing their hands.

"What did you do?" Hinata asked.

Sakura shook her head, subconsciously glanced at the direction of the door, and whispered: "Your sister and I have no intersection, in reality."

in reality?

Hinata was stunned.

So, isn't it the same as liking Naruto?It's because of dreams, because of Tenseigan.

Seeing that Hinata seemed to have thought of something, Sakura didn't say any more and continued to brush her teeth.

Suddenly, there was pain on the back of her foot, and looking down, Hinata was stepping on her.

Sakura stepped back immediately.

This person robbed Naruto, and also robbed his sister, Hanabi, Hinata thought, and hated Sakura even more.

The eldest lady who has been living in comfort, stretches out her hands when she comes to clothes, opens her mouth when she comes to eat, falls in love and so on, all of them come naturally.

What is wrong with the happiness that I strive for by myself? Could it be that I was born inferior and not even qualified to pursue happiness?Sakura thought to herself.

For a while, Hinata stepped on Sakura, and for a while, Sakura stepped on Hinata. Without Chakra, Sakura was stronger than Hinata and had the upper hand.

Suddenly, Sakura stopped, with a strange look on her face: "Don't move."

Hinata didn't stop.

Don't move when you say don't move?Why should I listen to you?

Finding that this is not possible, Sakura put down the mouthwash cup, turned around and pressed Hinata against the wall, and then rubbed the sole of her right foot against Hinata's right instep.

Hinata was dumbfounded.

What is this person thinking?

Naruto, Hanabi, don't they even let her go?

"Ask you a question, and answer me truthfully." Sakura stared at Hinata's white eyes, and said word by word: "More than half a year ago, I, for the first time, said that I would teach you to fly Thunder God. At Naruto's house, I, you, Naruto, Ino, the four of us were there."

Turning her face sideways, Hinata, who hadn't stopped struggling, stopped at this moment, looking at Sakura suspiciously and strangely.

"Have your feet been held down and rubbed like this?" Sakura asked.

That experience was a great encouragement to Sakura. For a period of time, she used it to increase her confidence.

Naruto did not refuse her approach, Naruto has feelings for her.

Because I was deeply impressed, I will think about it when I have nothing to do, so Sakura clearly remembers the feeling at that time, especially the touch.

The difference in feet is not big when you are young, but there are still differences, as long as you observe carefully enough, you can distinguish them.

What made Sakura's scalp tingle and her head seemed to explode was that Hinata's feet were exactly the same as in her impression.

No, please, just happen to look the same, not Hinata, Naruto, not Hinata, not...

"How did you know?" Hinata was surprised, and then understood: "Ino told you?"

Sakura slapped her forehead, let go of Hinata, turned her back, and squatted down.

"You thought it was Ino? Oh, it was me. I wanted to get close to Naruto, but at that time, Naruto only had eyes for you. That was one of my few good memories. I didn't expect it to be you."

Hinata widened her eyes and covered her mouth in surprise.

That was not a good thing for her, and she left it behind that day, so Sakura keenly discovered that she still didn't know what was going on.

This incident had a big impact on Sakura, she washed up sloppily, left a shadow clone to prepare breakfast for Naruto, and went to the place of practice with Flying Thunder God.

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