"Naruto, I failed again, the Nine-Tails is so strong, can I really defeat it?"

Naruto laughed without saying a word.

"What, say something, your wife is feeling lost right now, so comfort me." Sakura muttered.

The foot in the kotatsu lightly kicked Naruto a few times.

"I have a solution, but I won't tell you. Think of it yourself. The meaning and impression will be deeper." Naruto said.

"Really? What is it?" Sakura was surprised.

Naruto didn't say anything.

"Naruto, tell me, I can't think of it." Sakura said.

The tone was coquettish.

In order to increase the cuteness, Sakura took out the specially brought cat ear hair accessories from the suitcase, put them on her head, and meowed like a cat.

But no matter what Sakura said or did, Naruto kept his mouth shut.

Imitating a cat, lying on Naruto's lap, Sakura frowned and thought deeply.

What would Naruto say would allow her to subdue Nine Tails and capture Nine Tails Chakra?

Did Naruto think of this method a long time ago, or did he just think of it in the past few days?

Sakura's thoughts diverged.

Naruto, what are you doing recently, who are the people you have met with?

Speaking of what Naruto is currently doing, it is only to build bonds and try to get the approval and support of people around him.

The solution is this?No, she tried it, this method only works for Naruto, not her.

Exclude this wrong option, and the rest...

"Why do you want to establish a bond? To become stronger, to crack the true meaning of Chakra, the mystery, the secret of Chakra, it has nothing to do with me, that is the bond, what is the bond?"

Sakura's thoughts turned a thousand times.

"Trust, rely on, share weal and woe, share weal and woe." Sakura said.

Naruto gave a thumbs up.

bingo?Sakura opened her eyes wide.

"I believe in you, with your ability, you will be able to get what you want." Naruto said: "I, mother, if necessary, Ino can also, we are all your strength."

Two ways.

One is to continue to rely on your own efforts, independence, and self-improvement.

The second is to accept the help of Naruto, mother, and even Ino.

This is what Naruto means.

How to do?

Sakura is in a dilemma.

She wants to perform better, and wants to be recognized and liked by Naruto more.

Accepting help is tantamount to admitting one's incompetence.

But think about it another way, from Hinata's description, we can know that Naruto is the reincarnation of a Chakra named Asura.

Asura is stupid and has poor ability. He is a guy who can hardly succeed without relying on others.

Think deeply.

Is it to become one with everyone, go hand in hand, and walk hand in hand?

Or alone to bear, to face difficulties?

Thinking about it, thinking about it, the eyes regained their spirit.

Seeing Naruto looking at her with a gentle smile on his face, Sakura's heart couldn't help but melted slowly.

"I don't want to become a person, I want to be with you and everyone." Sakura said.

"Well, me too." Naruto said.

Hokage has a very important spirit, which is to believe in the power of companions.

A single individual, no matter how powerful it is, will eventually fail.

Behind Ashura is his companion, but behind Indra there is no one.

Behind Hashirama is Konoha Village, and there is no one behind Madara.

No, there are black and white spots.

Believe in your companions, rely on your companions, and trust your companions, this constitutes a central idea and main theme of Hokage.

seal space.

Sakura came in again, this time, she was no longer alone, Naruto, mother, Ino, the three were beside her.

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