Interrupting Naruto's words, Xiaoxue lowered her head and began to eat, and said vaguely: "If you have anything to say, I will talk about it after I finish eating."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Eating breakfast slowly, I don't have a good appetite, and it tastes like chewing wax.

Xiaoxue tried her best to clear away the distracting thoughts and anxiety in her mind.

People always hope that things will develop in the direction they expect, and Xiaoxue is undoubtedly right now.

She looked forward to Naruto's rejection and dislike that he said last night. These words were because of the girlfriends who didn't know if they had followed.

Naruto likes her, just to prevent his girlfriends from getting awkward, he deliberately pretends to say that, and behaves like this on purpose.

Xiaoxue was looking for various reasons, reasons, to prove this point.

After going through so much, the boy she fell in love with with great difficulty, in the end, everything was her own misunderstanding, and Xiaoxue would not accept this kind of thing.

"Could it be that his girlfriend is here again?" Xiaoxue secretly thought.

Naturally, he glanced at the hall, and found nothing.

Suppose, the girlfriend followed, what should she do, continue to tell Naruto about her decision?

Will Naruto refuse because of his girlfriend?

No matter how much delay it took, when it was time to finish eating, Xiaoxue's hand holding the knife and fork trembled imperceptibly.

Put down the knife and fork, take a paper towel and wipe the corners of your mouth.

"Naruto, I, like you." Xiaoxue said: "There is no falsehood in this heart, please listen to me."

Naruto opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he heard it.

"I'm a big name in this country, and that's my mission. In addition, my dream, my interest, is to be an actress, the best, the most popular actress, two things, so I rarely find time for it." Little Snow Road.

"Dating and getting married have a certain impact on the work of actresses. Based on this, I have an idea that falling in love, getting married, and having children in the future will all be done in secret."

"Naruto, it won't affect the life of you and other girlfriends, as long as I need you and miss you, you can come to my side and accompany me." Xiaoxue said: "That's good."

It will not be made public, that is, it will be carried out secretly. It is a bit like a lover. I believe that no one will know except for those close to me.

"How?" Xiaoxue looked at Naruto: "As long as you are willing, I will be yours."

Regardless of whether it was a misunderstanding or not, Xiaoxue only knew that she needed Naruto now, even if it was a misunderstanding, it didn't matter, as long as Naruto was by her side.

"Sorry." Naruto said, "No."

Xiaoxue was stuck for a long time before regaining consciousness.

"Why? I'm not pretty? I'm not good enough for you? Or, the girlfriend who came with you made you dare not admit it? Dare you accept it?"

A big mess.

Xiaoxue couldn't care less about it at this time, she even didn't hesitate to point out this guess, trying to confront Naruto's girlfriend face to face, and figure out Naruto's true intentions.

Don't joke, don't tell lies, don't say that on purpose just because you have a girlfriend.

Don't, don't.

"It has nothing to do with beauty. Besides, all my girlfriends are beautiful. I said last night that I don't like you. You think I will like you. It's a complete misunderstanding." Naruto said.

"Misunderstanding?" Xiaoxue said blankly: "But, I really like you now, this feeling is definitely not fake, right? Besides, I don't intend to intervene in your life, and come here secretly without telling everyone. "

"No." Naruto refused.

Feelings are two-way, you have to love me.

Xiaoxue has always been talking about herself alone, and Naruto has no emotional interaction or communication with her.

I can't just because you like me unilaterally, I have to accept you.

So looking at it this way, does Sakura still have to accept Xiao Li?

Does Hinata still have to accept the sacrifice?

Ino and Hanabi are full-fledged beauties, and when they grow up, they will have more admirers. Does every true admirer have to accept it?

That would really mess things up.

In the same way, Naruto is not the type who loves one when he sees one, that is not love, it is just because the other is good-looking, and he is greedy for the other's body.

"This matter, let's stop here, don't mention it again in the future, the above." Naruto said.

Saying goodbye and leaving without procrastinating, he left very simply and neatly.

Xiaoxue felt cold all over.

A palpitation rose, and the brain buzzed, as if it was about to explode.

There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes, I barely passed out, my stomach felt uncomfortable, and I twitched.

The last thing she wanted to see happened.

Last night, what Naruto said face to face had already planted a seed of uneasiness in her heart, but today, the seed sprouted completely and grew into a towering tree.

The so-called, hope is tomorrow, today there is only despair.


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