Temari used his brains, took the small notebook in the ninja bag, and wrote down.

Everyone has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Naruto lives here, is there any danger?Is there a disadvantage?

That snow country daimyo is his woman, in other words, this country is equivalent to Naruto's.

Even if you want to move, you should move to a better place.

Aside from the option of avoiding harm, the remaining answers are, doing so is good for Naruto, what Naruto can get, or this step can bring Naruto closer to success.

Calculating and planning, thinking about it hurts my brain, Temari sighed: "Sure enough, it's because of me again."

Naruto is rich.

Naruto has a girlfriend named Koyuki Daimyo.

There are so many options to choose from, why do you have to choose to come to Gaara to help build a sand house, all kinds of inconveniences, asking for trouble?

Naruto is not that stupid, there is only one correct answer, Naruto, I want to see her.

"If I'm not mistaken, his girlfriends are busy packing their luggage right now." Temari secretly said, "Using moving as an excuse to get rid of his girlfriend's entanglement and come here alone, do you want to be alone with me?"

Based on her usual secret observations, she found that wherever Naruto went, he always had at least one girlfriend with him, or followed him. After all, he was such a philandering radish, so he must be careful.

This makes it difficult for Naruto to be alone.

Temari thinks from Naruto's standpoint, and it is very clear that if Naruto wants to meet her secretly and develop her as a shady lover, he must get rid of the surveillance of his girlfriends.

Temari thought of no less than six ways to distract his girlfriends, Naruto, and the seventh way.

"No wonder, I have to choose to move outside. No wonder, I can't live in a good place, so I have to live in a sand house." Temari suddenly realized.

Let the girlfriends pack up at home, and get rid of them logically.

On the pretext of finding Wo Ai Luo Gaisha's house, without arousing the suspicion of my girlfriends, I came to find her openly.

There is another possible reason, Naruto wants to experience the country of the wind, the civilian life of the Hidden Sand Village, and rehearse for his future life in the Hidden Sand Village.

"Is it because I've been hiding, so I can't wait?" Temari secretly thought.

How to do?

It has already been hinted so clearly, if nothing is done, will Naruto flip the table, lose patience, and come straight to it?

It doesn't take too much effort, as long as Naruto tells the village that he likes him, and then confirms it.

Temari believes that the high-level officials in the village will be very happy and want to send her to Naruto's arms in exchange for benefits that are good for the village.

"No, you can't go against it, you have to go along." Temari secretly said: "He is just waiting for my response. Human patience has a limit. If you don't give anything, it's easy to jump over the wall in a hurry."

According to Temari's prediction, Naruto will definitely take action if he finds a reason to dismiss Gaara and Kankuro leaves.

At that time, should she refuse with a firm attitude and arouse Naruto's greater interest and desire to conquer her?

Or be obedient and obey Naruto as his lover?

Thinking of this, Temari quickly stopped, and she couldn't be alone with Naruto if she died, then she would really be a Chinese meal.

"The window paper can't be broken. Since he wants to come secretly, he will undoubtedly restrain himself a lot when other people are present. He won't be too active or too obvious. We can take advantage of this." Temari secretly said.

Go back to your own room, open the suitcase, find out a vest and a pair of leggings, modify them with scissors, put them on and look in the mirror.

Feeling like a swimsuit, Temari nodded in satisfaction.

It is impossible to compromise, and it is impossible to accept fate. She wants to resist that damned scumbag, and at the same time, she must protect herself.

I can show you a couple of eyes, feast your eyes, and want to do something?Absolutely not.

"I won't be able to buy a swimsuit for a while, so let's make do with it." Temari thought, took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked out like this.

Naruto, Gaara, who was talking, glanced there subconsciously and froze.

Kankuro, who was fiddling with the puppet mechanism and maintaining the puppet, suddenly couldn't hear the voice, looked up strangely, and saw Temari in a swimsuit.

That swimsuit is kind of weird.

"Uh, are you alright? Isn't it cold in such a cold day, dressed like this?" Kankuro was dumbfounded.

"I checked my fortune today, and it's good luck if you wear it like this." Temari said nonsense, walked to the low table, and knelt down.

There is a heater in the house, which helps a lot.

Noticing that Naruto turned his eyes away and didn't look at himself, he curled his lips and put on a show, who doesn't know that you are a big carrot, if you want to see it, just look at it openly.

"Gara, Kankuro is here, so he can't let go? Oh, very good, with this insurance, my innocence is safe." Temari secretly said: "However, will he be angry if he plots against him like this? "

Thinking of this, Temari couldn't help but raise his heart.

Thinking about it again, Naruto likes to steal the tune, she hesitated, looked at the two indifferent younger brothers, coughed dryly: "Actually"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Palmist reading?" Naruto was puzzled and surprised, followed by dumbfounded.

Temari's daily life, hobbies, and hobbies are not played in the plot, so don't be surprised if there is anything he doesn't know.

"I've watched both of them, how about you?" Temari said, "If you don't mind, let me take a look."

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