And if any blow, as long as there is an external force, no matter how big or small, can trigger the body of life, it will be powerful.

Being rubbed to death by Madara, Naruto tapped himself a few times, and the blood returned.

Unless your damage is high enough to kill Naruto with one blow, you will never be able to kill Naruto.

For example, there are skills that are full of anti-injury. For basic skills, one skill point is required to upgrade to intermediate level.

To upgrade from intermediate level to high level, you need five.

To advance to the final level, ten are required.

So far, Naruto has obtained a total of [-] skill points. When the system limit is broken, there will be one point. After that, every time it doubles, one point will be accumulated.

Sixteen skill points have been used to upgrade to full anti-injury, and now the remaining six points are just enough to upgrade a basic skill to an advanced level.

Naruto chose to upgrade the body of life without hesitation.

At the elementary level, [-]% of the blood volume will be recovered after being beaten, at the intermediate level, [-]% will be recovered, and at the advanced level, [-]% will be recovered.

Looking at it this way, the ultimate level is [-]%.

Can't wait to try to see the effect, and found that there is still something, Naruto held back and looked around.

Below the profile and skill list, there is a new section, that is a blue eye, if you look carefully, you will find that this is clearly an earth, right?

Globe-style eyes?There is a slow rotation.

As Naruto fixed his eyes and looked intently, a message came to his mind.

After understanding these messages, Naruto's expression was a little weird.

According to the description in the message, this is the restraining force of the earth, a clone of Gaia... with the ability to travel through the world.

It’s okay to look at it this way, the real point is that time travel is equivalent to signing a contract with Gaia, and doing something for Gaia.

Travel once, do one, and so on.

There is no reward for doing things, and time travel itself is a reward. Simply put, it is to use Gaia's work as a bargaining chip in exchange for the opportunity to time travel.

Naruto rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

As far as he knows, Gaia, as the restraining force of the earth, has no distinction between good and evil, and some just want to survive, which is just an idea.

In other words, Gaia wants to destroy whoever threatens the earth.

What will happen if you do not work for Gaia after time travel?Naruto thought so, but got no answer.

The system has no intelligence, no explanation, and Naruto has to find the answer by himself.

In the same way, the earth eye, which is the clone of Gaia, seems to be able to do nothing but travel.

Thinking of what Hinata said, hoping for such a peaceful world without war, Naruto's heart skipped a beat.

When the work at hand is finished and there is nothing to do for the time being, take Hinata and the others to find a suitable world, play and relax.

Looking further down, there is a window.

"It is detected that a value is full, and the update condition is met. Do you want to update? Yes? No?"

Update, that is to say, there will be some new functions?

Naruto thought about it, the choice without hesitation was yes.

There was a progress bar in the window. Before Naruto could see what was going on with the progress bar, it disappeared in a flash, and the window showed that the update was completed.

Naruto was surprised, this update speed must be praised.

Pull up your spirits, take a closer look, and find that the system interface has been significantly optimized, and the content has not changed much, except that there are two more displays below the name.



The gender is of course male, and the age is twelve years old, these are nothing.

What makes Naruto stand out is that there are buttons behind these two displays.

Behind the man, the button is marked with women.

Behind the twelve-year-old are two buttons, plus and minus.

Curiosity is one of the roots of human progress, and Naruto is no exception. What happens when you press this button?He is very curious.


Naruto dubbed the voice for himself, and he clicked the female button.

The unthinkable happens.

Naruto looked down, and knew through his pants that the little brother... was gone.

Sakura, who had been staring at Naruto all the time, suddenly let out a small sigh, stretched out her hand to pinch Naruto's chin, and turned Naruto's face to her.

"Naruto, why is your face smaller, and your skin seems to be more delicate than before, and you feel like a girl."

"It's not like, I'm a girl now." Naruto said, she didn't use Chakra to change her voice, it was her real voice.


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