After sealing the space, Nine Tails has returned to its integrity, and it can be felt that its power is even stronger.

"Thank you." Naruto said.

"No, this should be yours. For me who is dead, there is nothing to remember in the ninja world, only you." Minato said: "Naruto, I sincerely hope that you can Eat well and clothe warmly, be healthy, be happy and happy, and have more troubles and sorrows.”

"You are me and Jiuxinna, the continuation of life, because of you, our death is meaningful, please be good."

Naruto nodded.

Hearing Naruto's stomach growling, as if he was not full, Minato smiled, got up, and cooked a bowl of noodles for Naruto with the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Barbecued pork, fried eggs, and a little green onion on top.

Naruto ate, drank, and tears fell.

"Actually, there is a way to revive you and regain your life," Naruto said.

Minato was stunned for a moment, but then he didn't answer, he just waited for Naruto to finish eating, and he took the dishes and chopsticks to wash.

"Dad, I..."

Interrupting Naruto's words, Minato said: "My era, my time, has ended since I died. Now, it is your era, where there is life and death, forming a complete reincarnation and order. Naruto, really, it's over."

Naruto was silent.

He also talked about this with his mother. In the past few days, although his mother's words are different from his father's, the meaning is similar.

Death means the end.

"I can see you again and see that you are living a good life. I can rest in peace. In the future, it will be your girlfriend and wife who will accompany you through the whole journey of life." Minato said.

Naruto had nothing to say.

He wanted to revive his parents, but even the person involved said so, what else could he do?

In order to satisfy my own heart, insist on resurrection?

Respect your parents' decision?

Life is full of choices.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, Naruto turned his head and saw his mother standing behind the sofa with her elbows resting on the back of the sofa, with an expectant expression on her face.

"Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, how about taking some family portraits?"

Sakura, who followed down, shook the camera in her hand: "Dad, Mom, you guys come first."

Ino urged Naruto to stand up, pushed the sofa aside, and then used Yin Dun to create a background mural of blue sky and white clouds, which was printed on the wall.

Minato and Kushina stood side by side.

Sakura stood opposite, set up the camera.


I took five pictures from different angles.

Hinata moved two chairs for Minato and Kushina to sit on.

When Naruto passed by and stood behind the two of them, with his left and right hands resting on his parents' shoulders, Sakura pressed the shutter and recorded this moment.

Minato and Kushina's positions remained unchanged, allowing Naruto to return to the age of twelve, squatting in front of his parents instead.

Sakura left the camera to her shadow avatar, she stepped forward, squatted beside Naruto's left hand, her right hand wrapped around Naruto's neck, her faces were pressed together.

As for the right hand side, Hinata was already there, but she just squatted down obediently and did nothing else, seeing Sakura's intimate behavior, she took the courage to stand next to Naruto.

Ino is next to Sakura, and Hanabi is next to her sister.

"One, two, three." Sakura Ying clone said: "Birthday cake, is it sweet?"

When everyone responded that it was sweet...


After that, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi all took pictures with their parents alone.

There are also two photos of Naruto and his father, two photos of his mother, and a group photo of Sakura and his mother.

The clock strikes, and the time is announced on time, officially entering October [-]th.

Today is Naruto's birthday.

It's also the anniversary of Minato, Kushina's death...

During the day, the family went to the Snow Country to have fun in the ice sand area full of various amusement facilities.

In the evening, I returned to this home in Konoha Houshan.

Sasuke, Karin, Shikamaru, Choji, Ningji, Li, Tenten, Kiba, Shino, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, everyone gathered together.

"Happy birthday!"

The voices were not neat, but under Xiao Li's loud voice, Xiao Ying and the others tried their best to speak as loudly as possible. The momentum and atmosphere were well rendered.

Naruto wearing a birthday hat, listening to everyone singing birthday songs and sending birthday wishes to him, thinking of parting from his parents, coming soon, happiness and sadness, reluctance, entanglement, mixed feelings, and laughing cry again.

Can't tell if it's more happiness?Or more uncomfortable?

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