The third husband expressed his gratitude.

After watching him leave the manor and leave in a sleigh, Naruto went to find Sakura and the others, told them about the matter, and asked everyone for their opinions, whether to go or not.

"I'm not a daimyo, nor her. I don't understand her psychology and thoughts." Sakura paused her exercise, wiped her sweat with a towel, and thought for a while: "Only from the standpoint of a girl in love, I don't think she will give up. , if she really wants to give up, there must be conditions, breaking up, no, it is a condition for giving up."

"Conditions? You mean?" Naruto asked thoughtfully.

"Ice Sand City? Impossible, she has no reason and no position to ask you for this, just ask for money? With a big name and a popular actress, the probability of asking for this is not high." Xiaoying said: "Accordingly, In my opinion, what she is most likely to ask of you is..."

Naruto was silent.

Hinata and Ino, who were listening, were shocked, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

"Then we won't go." Naruto said.

"It's fine if you don't go anywhere, no matter how you say she is a famous name in this country." Sakura said: "You are not suitable to go, I will go."

Four hundredth Chapter 17 Petite Sakura?

Fenghua inner city.

The hall where the daimyo rests.

Xiaoxue was lying on the big bed in the middle, closing her eyes and thinking about something.

After these days of adjustments, her mentality and mood are much better than at the beginning, and she also wants to understand one thing.

Between her and Naruto, it's impossible.

If she is a man and Naruto is a girl, she can still do it hard, cook the raw rice into the mature rice, and create an established fact.

As long as she can eat Naruto, or even impregnate Naruto, Naruto is hers.

The reality is that she is a woman, and if Naruto, the man, is unwilling, she has nothing to do.

Since they couldn't be together, Xiaoxue decided to settle for the next best thing, and came up with an idea that suits her, and got a seed from Naruto.

This idea arises for three reasons.

One, as the last member of the Fenghua family, she is obliged to give birth to an heir, whether it is a prince or a princess, so that the blood of the Fenghua family can continue to be passed on.

Two, she likes Naruto, whether it is a misunderstanding, true or not, this fact cannot be changed.

To find another person, it is very difficult to find someone like Naruto, whom she likes.

As for the things that need to be done in order to get pregnant, Xiaoxue can't accept letting someone she doesn't like touch her so closely, the main issue is whether she likes it or not.

There is no such example as Naruto, Xiaoxue will really find a man at will in the end, not just because she hates it.

Since there is such a precedent as Naruto, Xiaoxue doesn't want to be careless anyway.

Three, maybe Xiaoxue wants to use this to try to tie Naruto's thoughts.

Give birth to a child for Naruto, and this child becomes the bond between her and Naruto.

Naruto will always come to see the child, and since he is here, how can he skip her, come and go, after a lot of times, maybe...

The third point is Xiaoxue's fantasy, the beautiful imagination of the future, it doesn't matter whether it can be achieved or not. There are two reasons above, which have formed the basis for her wanting to get the Naruto Seed.

"Almost, is it coming?" Xiaoxue thought.

"Are you waiting for Naruto? Sorry, he won't come."

In an instant, Xiaoxue opened her eyes and turned her head to look.

Sakura stood by the bed, her green eyes slightly curved, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Xiaoxue looked around, the ten maidservants who were waiting for her here were all motionless, their eyes were dull, were they hypnotized by illusion?

Because of Naruto, Xiaoxue took the time to learn about ninjas, and she is no longer a novice in this field, her strength is still scumbag, and she has a little vision.

"What do you mean?" Xiaoxue asked.

Sakura habitually flicked her forehead bangs, and unbuttoned the two buttons on her coat and shirt.

She has just exercised, and usually takes too much tonic medicine, and her energy, vitality, and blood are very strong.

In addition, there is a fireplace in this hall, and heating is provided, so she is sweating because of the heat.

Lifting the quilt a little, and reaching in, he touched Xiaoxue's waist.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoxue said, what she wanted was Naruto, nothing else.

Xiao Sakura didn't say a word, from the waist up, she successfully found Xiaoxue's right hand, grabbed it, brought it out, and felt her pulse.

After about a minute or so, he let go, pinched Xiaoxue's mouth open again, looked at her tongue coating, and observed Xiaoxue's face.

"Your body is very healthy." Sakura said: "I don't want to get up, I think it has something to do with your psychological problems. I, a half-medical ninja, can help you solve this problem."

"Oh, it's interesting, then tell me how to solve it?" Xiaoxue said.

"Erasing the memory." Sakura said: "Erasing the memory of your liking for a certain person will cure both the symptoms and the root cause."

Xiaoxue panicked in her heart, clenched her hands involuntarily, and her eyes flickered.

"I really want to do this. The problem is that erasing memory has its own risks. The subject may become an idiot." Sakura said: "If you become an idiot, it will be very troublesome. .”

Hearing this, Xiaoxue felt relieved.

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