Furthermore, it is undoubtedly safer and more reassuring to let the girl who killed Fenghua Nutao protect Xiaoxue closely.

Watching the third wife leave, Xiaoxue said: "Satisfied now?"

"Sorry, Naruto really can't." Sakura said, "As compensation, I will do my best to protect you and take care of you."

Who wants your protection, go away, Xiaoxue thought.

Knowing that it was useless to say it, she didn't waste time, she was thinking, how to solve this predicament, and achieve her goal under Sakura's nose.

In the gap that Xiaoxue didn't notice, Sakura formed a seal and separated a shadow clone, where the shadow clone was here, and she flew Thunder God home by herself.

The mark has been marked, ordinary enemies, situations, shadow clones are enough to deal with, if there is an unusual situation, Sakura can instantly come to Xiaoxue's side.

Thinking about something in her heart, Sakura didn't show it.

"I've always felt strange before, Naruto, he seems very sure, sure, I will be with Sasuke." Sakura secretly said: "At first, he promised that Sasuke and I could be in the same class. It is basically impossible to know the secret of the Rainbow Ice Wall."

A single incident made Sakura full of doubts, let alone two incidents.

In the evening, Sakura postponed the time to take a bath, deliberately staggered with Ino, Hinata and the others, and followed Naruto when he went to take a bath.


Facing Naruto's suspicious gaze, Sakura blushed slightly, and lifted the change of clothes she was holding in her hand: "Well, I missed Kazuno and the others, the back is not easy to reach, help me rub my back, of course, I will also help you."

Naruto didn't suspect him, and said, "Yes."

Naruto opened the door first and entered.

Sakura made a lot of preparations, focusing on the hair, the long hair that exceeds the waist, beautiful is beautiful, and it is quite a troublesome thing to maintain.

After bunting up her hair and wrapping it in a shower cap, making sure there is no problem, Xiao Sakura enters, and then pulls the door shut behind her back.

Seeing that Naruto was washing his hair on a small stool, she thought about it, and walked over to take over.

Shampoo twice, conditioner again at the end, since then there is no hair, Sakura squatted halfway, rubbing Naruto's back.

"Sure enough, it's still a bit weird." Naruto thought to himself.

Through the mirror, I can clearly see that Sakura is very serious, rubbing his back attentively.

Rubbing his back is nothing, but what Naruto really cares about is that he is eighteen years old now, and Sakura is thirteen years old, the age difference is more obvious in appearance.

This age group was maintained because Sakura and the others liked it. Also because of this matter, Naruto's mood was extraordinarily delicate.

"Naruto, I cast illusion on Koyuki daimyo again." Sakura said.

"Huh?" Naruto was astonished.

"She really wants to conceive your child, and wants to borrow this child, to a certain extent, to tie you down." Sakura said: "In addition, I also learned that the matter of the Rainbow Ice Wall, that matter, is You did it?"

"It's me, but how did she know? I clearly planned it." Naruto said.

"Mr. San Taifu has issued an order that no one is allowed to mention anything related to Fenghua Futao in Fenghua City." Xiaoying said: "Your plan has a breach from the very beginning."

Naruto was speechless, and finally understood where Xiaoxue misunderstood.

"Naruto, how did you know that there was something left by the previous daimyo at Rainbow Ice Wall for Daimyo Koyuki?" Sakura said, "Also, there is one thing that I have never figured out. You, why were you so determined before that I like Sasuke?"

Naruto was stunned.

"There are many other things. Why did you see the information about Jinzhu Riki so plainly, as if you already knew it?" Sakura said, "Why did you predict in advance that Xiaoyuki was the princess of the Snow Country and would succeed the Daimyo in the future? Why? , you think Shikamaru and Temari are a couple?"

Naruto was silent.

"I'm very greedy, I want more, Naruto, believe me, I am your wife, I belong to you, and likewise, you belong to me." Sakura said: "So, don't keep secrets from me."

"What do you think is my reason?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know, there are too many guesses, I can't be sure." Sakura said.

Naruto was ashamed, guessing too much.

After thinking about it, Naruto said, "Well, it's hard to explain in detail. I'm a time traveler, traveling through time and space."

The traveler, digesting this unfamiliar vocabulary, Sakura said: "That is to say, you, have traveled back from the future?"

"You can say that." Naruto nodded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The future?" Sakura asked, "So, in the future you know, I am with Sasuke?"

"Yeah." Naruto said: "You like Sasuke very much, no matter what he becomes, you will always, always like him, and you will get married in the future and have a daughter."

It turned out that there was no doubt in Sakura's heart, and she finally untied her knot.

"Because I knew what the result would be, I didn't think about it from the very beginning, you will fall in love with me." Naruto said.

Thinking of going all this way, pursuing Naruto's joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, Sakura couldn't help laughing: "Yes, my eyesight is not very good, and I actually fell in love with you, such a fool."

The word "stupid" contains derogatory meanings, but if it is said by a lover, a lover, in a coquettish tone, it is a very intimate word.

"I don't know what the future will be like. I only know one thing." Sakura said, "It's really, really great to meet you, like you, and be liked by you."

"Me too." Naruto said.

After rubbing each other's backs and cleaning them up, the two of them soaked in the small bathtub.

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