Di Yuanyu and Jiao are already one, and no one can do without the other, and death is inevitable.

Even the corners didn't work, so the eyes shifted to Hiduan.

The horns all have five hearts, and they die after five kills. Fei Duan is different, he is truly immortal, and he can't die no matter what.

Through hypnotic questioning, I learned how Fei Duan obtained his immortality.

Coincidence is the majority. Where that evil organization is now, and whether it still exists, are all mysteries.

"Confidence." Sakura said: "Hanabi's Tenseigan is because of absolute confidence. This person's immortal body is absolute confidence in a certain existence. What is confidence? How do you use it?"

There is no answer.

"Why do I feel that this guy's brain is not normal?" Ino said, "Because he hates peace, he kills all the people around him. He likes to destroy and kill. Is this the way normal people would think?"

After discussion and discussion, the method of Feiduan didn't work.

I can only find another way.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Immortality is not something you can have if you want it, you have to spend time researching and exploring, and this is inseparable from money.

Send Koto, Hidan back to Konoha.

Then, according to the information obtained from Jiaodu, they searched for money in Akatsuki's strongholds in various large and small countries.

More than [-] strongholds, the total amount of income is [-] billion, and the following fractions are omitted.

Hearing how many people have said, it is already very shocking.

When so much money is really piled up together to form a mountain, including Naruto, Sakura, Ino, and all are sluggish.

Even Hinata, who doesn't have a clear idea of ​​how much money is more or less, is no exception.

"We got rich, we got rich." Sakura murmured.

She discovered a new way to make money.

Doing business to make money, not to mention the hard work, there is also the possibility of losing money and bankruptcy.

The money robbed directly from the enemy is not only large enough, but also very easy, and there is no risk in the end.

It's not about robbing everyone for no reason, it's about robbing enemies, opponents, and villains, in order to let her live with her conscience, Xiao Sakura thought in her heart.

"According to what Kakuto said, Akatsuki's base camp has more money, let's grab it... and take this damn organization that has your idea." Sakura clenched her fists and proposed.

Looks full of fighting spirit.

"That's right, avoid being transferred or spent." Ino agreed.

Hinata has no objection.

Naruto thought for a while.

Nagato, Payne Liudao, he dealt with it, the three girls dealt with Xiaonan, and then beware of Obito, and other Akatsuki members who may be in the old den.

"You can't be careless, you know?" Naruto stretched out his right hand.

"En." Hinata reacted quickly this time, and was the first to put his hand on the back of Naruto's hand.

"Heh, who do you think I am." Sakura pressed her right hand up.

"Understood, I will hide behind honestly, not impulsive, and protect myself." Ino put his right hand on top.

"Then, let's go." Naruto said.

Don't wait, take the initiative to attack, Da Xiao was caught off guard.

Collect tail beasts and drive ten tails, these Obito can be completed.

And only by killing Nagato can Heijue be forced to change his plan and give Madara's body to Orochimaru, so that he can be resurrected in the form of reincarnation of dirt.

If the ultimate goal of killing Nagato is the Six Paths model, then acting in advance and not giving Akatsuki a chance to react is purely for money.

Outside of Urenin Village, in an area that wasn't drenched by the rain, the four of Naruto appeared out of nowhere.

Looking ahead, at the village surrounded by rain, Naruto was stunned for a while.

Today, he will kill the patron saint of this village.

It was not his intention to kill, but it was impossible not to kill them. They were enemies, and sooner or later they would meet.

In the world of ninjas, it is nothing more than whoever has the biggest fist has the toughest reason.

Asura advocates the use of love and mutual understanding to maintain peace.

Indra believes that the correct way is to establish complete rules and order, and to shock people with power.

Both of them have reason, and neither can convince the other, what should we do?

Talk with your fists.

Nagato wants all the tail beasts, which is tantamount to killing Naruto.

Naruto may not be able to rely on dialogue to make Nagato cancel the plan.

So, everything is back to the original point, let's see who has the bigger fist.

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