Hell Dao can revive the other Dao, it is purely auxiliary and has no combat power.

Animal Dao is all kinds of psychic beasts, and they are not powerful in themselves.

Absorbing souls and withdrawing souls in the human world is indeed a difficult problem. What if Sakura and the others are accidentally tricked and their souls are taken away?

Sure enough, I still don't feel at ease, let me remind you again, Naruto raised this idea.


A loud bang.

Then there was the sound of objects piercing the air, and things fell to the ground.

Glancing away from the corner of the eye, Naruto was stunned.

The person who had been dismantled to only one third looked familiar.

My mother-in-law, fourth uncle and grandma.

Isn't this the human way?

God, it's amazing, what kind of battle did this go through to be beaten like this.

There seemed to be a real picture in front of my eyes, the human world, the hell world, and the animal world. The three ways were about to kill all directions. After torturing the three girls in front of me, they were killed instead.

See what happens, is it Sakura?Or Hinata?It couldn't be Ino anyway.

"Naruto! Come on!" Ino shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, and many balloons in the shape of Naruto appeared, and there was a banner with the words Naruto Come on.

The yin escape that Ino had cultivated earlier was not a complete yin escape. It could only materialize the spirit of nothingness and create it in the sealed space, a space between reality and illusion.

Until Shisui's Kaleidoscope Sharingan was transplanted, Ino's Yin Dun seemed to be completed. In a real sense, he mastered the power of Yin Dun and created something out of nothing.

Created things require constant consumption of chakra to maintain.

If the distance exceeds ten meters, it will disappear.

Can only create inanimate objects.

Although it has various restrictions and shortcomings, it does not have strong destructive power, attack power, and defense power, all of which are very ordinary things.

To some extent, Ino was a little disappointed.

However, Ino is still very happy, such as now, wouldn't this come in handy?


He was left speechless even more.

Sakura asked Ino to create two more horns, and she and Hinata shouted at the horns, "Naruto! Come on!"

"You guys are here to play games?" Nagato said, thinking at the same time, those three girls are not easy, they were able to destroy his three ways in such a short time.

"I'm serious, they" was probably led astray by Ino, and Naruto didn't say the latter.

"What's your purpose?" Nagato said: "It's impossible to come here for no reason. Looking at the situation, you know this place very well?"

"Qian, I came here for money. Besides, you are Akatsuki's leader, and Akatsuki's goal is Jinchuriki." Naruto said: "Instead of waiting for you to come and beat me when you are ready, it is better to break through you before then."

"So that's it, I understand." Nagato said: "Then, come on, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

Naruto disappeared on the spot, rushed to Nagato, and kicked him in the face.

It was too fast, beyond Nagato's reaction arc, he only reacted when he was knocked into the air and flew backwards.

The Way of Heaven, the Way of Asura, and the Way of Hungry Ghosts hurriedly set off and rushed towards Naruto.

In the early years, he was bombed by Sanshoyu Hanzo's detonating charm, and Nagato's legs have left problems since then, which is also one of the reasons why he had to rely on Payne Six Paths to fight.

Facing Naruto, who was much faster than the fourth generation of Raikage, Nagato himself had greater disadvantages than advantages.

"Why? Not only the Shenluo Tianzheng, but even the Vientiane Tianyin didn't work?" Nagato thought to himself.

Primary shield, this skill makes Naruto unable to be knocked down, repulsed, or sent flying. The prerequisite is that there is a shield.

The shield consumes chakra, and what Naruto lacks most is chakra.

This is simply the gravitational and repulsive force of Tianke Reincarnation Eye and Reincarnation Eye.

Shura Dao attacked Naruto with all his strength, and Naruto was fine, but Shura Dao was scrapped instead, fell to the ground, and couldn't get up again.

The existence of Hungry Ghost Dao is aimed at all ninjutsu. Naruto doesn't practice ninjutsu at all. Three punches and two kicks will kill Hungry Ghost Dao.

Naruto ignored the gravitational force possessed by Tiandao, Vientiane Heavenly Attraction, Repulsion, Shenluo Tianzheng, rushed in front of him, and condensed the Huxing Helix Pill with one hand.

One master, Immortal Chakra.

Sansuke, four tails of lava, five tails of steam, and six tails of strong acid.

One hit kills.

The way of heaven was bombed and can no longer be used.

Witnessing these Nagato with his own eyes, he deeply realized that this Nine-Tails Jinchur is so powerful that he can no longer take any chances.

It's not enough to risk your life, here you have to... directly give up your life in order to have a chance of victory.

The repulsion broke out, and Nagato flew into the sky.

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