Sakura used to pinch her finger bones and stood in front of Naruto.

"I'll come." Naruto said.

Knowing that Naruto was going to fight, Ino immediately shifted to Sakura's side.

She is weak and needs protection.

When Sakura fights, she hides from Naruto, and when Naruto fights, she hides from Sakura, and will not directly participate in the battle anyway.

Naruto stepped forward.

Seeing a group of people appearing in his line of sight, the one in the lead was undoubtedly the Fourth Raikage, he squinted his eyes.

On the basis of the fairy mode, it entered the nine lama mode again, and the golden flame appeared in the chakra coat.

In an instant, it disappeared.

A blurred golden light flashed by.

"That's it!" This distance was enough for the Fourth Raikage to react in time, knowing that it was coming for him.

Immediately, the Thunder Dungeon Armor, which was both offensive and defensive, was activated, and Naruto, who had arrived in front of him with unabated momentum, head-to-head, shaking together.


Fists clashed.

The primary shield skill allowed Naruto to not retreat an inch, and the powerful defense made Naruto ignore the terrible reaction force.

All the way at high speed, inertia and acceleration, strange force.

The combination of these factors results in the

Fourth Raikage's finger bones, hand bones, and arm bones were all cracked and fractured, and he was even beaten into the air.

Even if there are chakras all over the soles of the feet, it won't work. It will directly connect the ground under the feet and uproot it.

Naruto chased after him.

The loss of his right hand did not affect the fourth Raikage's will in the slightest. Facing Naruto, who was obviously stronger than him, he did not show any weakness. He clenched his left hand and fought Naruto hard.

Naruto ignored Fourth Raikage's attack, and focused on hitting himself, fists, legs and feet, and greeted him with all his strength.

After less than ten seconds of fighting, the Fourth Raikage vomited blood.

Naruto's attack is one, and there is also anti-injury.

This is unavoidable, no matter whether the defense is broken or not, the external force acting on Naruto's body will trigger the anti-injury effect, returning [-]%, no matter how big or small.

"Damn it!" Fourth Raikage didn't pull back, he fought even harder, spitting blood while swinging with all his strength.

This directly caused Naruto to fail to finish the one hundred punches and one hundred kicks that Naruto was about to hit. Fourth Raikage took the first step and was knocked down by his own strength and counter-injury.

Looking at the fourth generation of Raikage, who was lying in a pool of blood, exhaled more air and breathed less, Naruto lowered his fist.

"So far, I am willing to treat my friends kindly, and never show mercy to my enemies. Even if I can't be a friend, don't become an enemy, what do you think?"

Seeing that the battle was over, Sakura pulled Ino, and together with Hinata came to Naruto's side, and left with Flying Thunder God.

seal space.

Eight tails said: "Thank you."

Naruto shook his head and remained silent.

Fortunately, Hanabi is safe and sound, otherwise, even if Hachio intercedes, Naruto will not let Yunyin go.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Things come to an end.

The money stolen from the Akatsuki organization is enough to consume for a long time.

After killing Nagato, Madara cannot be resurrected by reincarnation, but can only be reincarnated like in the plot.

It has obtained the approval of all tailed beasts, and at the same time got half of each tailed beast's chakra, and the four tails are more than half.

Everything is ready and in perfect condition, except for the coveted six-path mode.

The orphanage was watched by the shadow clone.

The numerous handsome men, beauties, and staff in Ice Sand City are all shadow clones.

The decompression workshop is the only one in Konoha.

The magazine has branches all over the country of fire, and has also held two beauty contests.

The popularity of the Ninja special issue is not as great as it was at the beginning, and Naruto turned his attention to the countryside, villages, and mountains.

Looking for natural, all kinds of beauties with different temperaments, looks, figures, high and low.

Buy their portrait rights at a low price, and then use shadow avatars and transformation techniques to imitate them and sign up for competitions.

The so-called beauty pageant is fake, just to attract attention, and the staff and beauties participating are all Naruto himself.

Considering the popularity of handsome men's magazines, Naruto once held a catwalk, using the images of those handsome men in the magazine.

At that time, there was a lot of screaming.

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