"Of course, it can play a big role in battle. If you attack, restrain, and control well, it is equivalent to having an extra pair of hands." Tiantian said while demonstrating.

Seeing the mechanical arm swinging flexibly, the tree surrounded by one person was easily interrupted by the mechanical arm.

Located at the front end of the mechanical arm, the anthropomorphic fingers are retracted and changed into a drill bit, which rotates at high speed and is aimed at the ground.

After a while, a pit five meters deep appeared.

Naruto suddenly realized: "It turns out that you made this to make digging easier."

"Well, after all, I don't have as powerful hands as you, and ordinary tools are very slow. With such a drill, it can run continuously without consuming chakra." Tiantian said: "The efficiency is improved, and I believe the probability of digging crystals will also increase. Add a little more."

Without saying anything, Naruto gave a thumbs up.

After that, the two hurried on their way as soon as possible.

Borrow the Chakra armor every day and fly at low altitude.

Naruto rejected Tiantian's offer to fly him, and chose to run on the ground.

By the time we reached our destination, it was completely dark.

The tent was set up, the fire was lit, and Naruto had a meal every day, and then, he couldn't wait to start the construction, so as to save Naruto from urging him.

At the location where the crystal was found last time, in that pit, a drill was used every day to drill down.

Naruto expanded to the surrounding area.

Digging down a section every day, Naruto expanded the scope of this section.

Having professional tools is different, easy and natural.

After a few hours, the two dug about [-] meters. Adding what they dug before, it was almost [-] meters deep.

Standing on the edge of the pit, people who are not afraid of heights have no courage to look down.

The bottom of the pit is covered by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and every day when the Nine-Tails Chakra is passed on, entanglement appears on the face.

After digging so deep, I still found nothing. Should I change the place?

"It's already reached this point, how can we give up halfway, dig a little more, and there may be crystals soon."

"No, no, it may be dug out, or it may not be dug out. Take advantage of the timely disconnection and start over, then"

Thinking about these in my heart, it hurts my brain every day.

Taking a look at Naruto who was still the same as the beginning, working silently and digging with both hands, for a moment, she didn't know what to do.

Just so hesitant, he dug another ten meters, infinitely close to two hundred meters.

Tian Tian said: "Lei, let's go to another place, there is no one here, and it will be futile to dig further, it is useless..."


The sound of a drill hitting something hard.

Tiantian looked strangely, aiming the flashlight; "Thunder! Come quickly! It seems that you have dug something?"

Over there, Naruto, who was distracted playing chess with Erwei, was in a bad situation, and was thinking hard about a way to break the game. Hearing Tiantian's words, his spirit was lifted.

Instantly appeared beside Tian Tian, ​​motioning her to back off.

Bending down, the chakra has undergone a change in nature, lingering around the fingertips, immediately making the already indestructible nails indestructible.

It easily broke through the hard rock formation and dug out a stone.

"What is this?" Naruto wondered.

The gold is blackish, mixed with fine stripes, very strange ore.

Holding a flashlight every day, he leaned closer: "This, this is, the Chakra Metal Mine?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What is chakra metal?

Believe in the ninja world, there will be no one who does not know the purpose and value of this thing.

It allows ninjas to better accept chakra gifts.

Chakra endowment is a high-level application of chakra shape change, which means that chakra that has undergone a change in nature can be attached to ninja equipment to maximize the lethality of ninja equipment.

Take fire, thunder, and wind, the three chakras that are recognized as the most destructive, as an example.

Endowed by fire chakra, it can ignite hot flames on the surface of ninja tools, and has effects such as blasting, bursting, and burning.

Given by Ray Chakra, it can cover the ninja with a layer of lightning, which can cut iron like mud, has strong penetrating power, and also has a paralyzing effect.

Wind chakra can present a translucent light blade on ninja tools, and its sharpness is even higher than that of lei chakra.

A good ninja tool is definitely a huge improvement to a ninja's combat power.

Chakra metal is also an indispensable main material for high-quality ninja gear.

Of course, ordinary ninja tools can also be given chakra, but how to say, the same chakra consumption, ninja tools with chakra metal, crush ordinary ninja tools in all aspects.

Let two ninjas of equal strength, one with ordinary ninja gear and the other with chakra metal ninja gear, slash at each other, and the winner can be determined with one blow.

The appearance of any chakra metal mine will attract the attention of the major ninja villages, and then find ways to fight for a share of the pie.

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