Here, it would be too stupid and naive to directly ask for benefits. The pure interest relationship is not solid, and the combination of feelings and interests is the right way.

"Then, can you call me sister?" Naruto said, with hope in his tone.

"Sister." Tiantian said.

Naruto took a deep breath, wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, and almost laughed, so scared that he quickly bowed his head.

"Is that all right?" Tian Tian said.

"Well, that's good, it fulfills my long-standing regret." Naruto said, "Thank you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

late at night.

In the tent, Tian Tian in the sleeping bag, the spirit is very clear.

Knowing the truth of the matter, and looking at Lei's every move, he immediately had a reasonable explanation.

Ray was not nice to her for no reason, but because she looked like a younger sister.

"One-sided, wishful thinking, didn't you hear the other party call you sister until you died?" Tian Tian secretly thought.

Without brothers and sisters, she doesn't quite understand what her sister's feelings for her sister are like.

But if you compare the feelings between friends, companions, and family members, it shouldn't be too different.

How sad would you be if your cherished companion and family member died?Thinking about it this way, Tiantian can somewhat understand Lei's pain.

With his hands out of the sleeping bag, he took out a few precious pieces of paper from the ninja bag next to his head.

"The Flying Thunder God Art, one of the famous stunts of the Fourth Hokage, this kind of art, logically speaking, is beyond my reach, but now, it is actually in front of me." Tian Tian secretly said.

Should I thank that dead, never-before-seen Lei's younger sister?Because she looks like the other party, Lei spares no effort to be nice to her.

"I didn't do anything, and I just got such a big benefit for nothing, is it really possible, can I accept it with peace of mind?" Tian Tian secretly thought.

Thinking of Lei's missing of his sister, and thinking that he looks a lot like that sister, his heart moves every day, maybe, she can...

The next day, Tian Tian, ​​who was woken up by the alarm clock, left the tent yawning.

"Good morning, Tiantian, I woke up very early today, is it because of the alarm clock?"

Naruto said, picked up the hot water that was boiled on the stove, mixed some cold water, adjusted the temperature, poured it into Tian Tian's mouthwash cup, squeezed toothpaste for her, and wet the towel.

Faced with Naruto's care, Tian Tian was silent for a while, and chose to accept it, and there was no other way if he didn't accept it, he had already taken care of it for you.

After washing up and having breakfast, the two went on the road again.

Since the chakra metal mine has been dug out here, the probability of having crystals is extremely low, so continue in another place.

And not long after the two left, a person appeared here out of thin air.

It was Hinata who came here specially after hearing Naruto's avatar tell Kyuubi, and Kyuubi told Naruto, knowing that there are good things here.

At the front and rear of the feet, Sakura also rushed over, smashed the land within a range of nearly [-] meters with one fist, picked up a fragmented chakra metal ore from the ruins, and rubbed it gently with her fingertips.

"Although I don't really want to admit it, but Tiantian is indeed very magical." Sakura said: "Naruto wants to get closer and deepen the relationship with Tiantian as his sister, so as to better influence Tiantian. What do you think? ?”

"What do you think?" Hinata closed her eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Naruto is very restrained, and would not take the initiative to flirt with others. If you hadn't done so much in secret, Naruto would always be mine alone."

"That is to say, you agree with Naruto's idea? Support him to use the fictitious identity of female jonin, Lei, to contact Tiantian?" Sakura said.

Hinata nodded.

"After Koyuki Daimyo happened, I once again realized that Naruto is not someone who meets and loves someone." Sakura said, "Even Koyuki Daimyo who is so beautiful, honorable, and excellent can refuse decisively. Not to mention the others."

"What happened to you won't happen to others, so..." Hinata said, "Don't worry about Tian Tian."

Naruto's aesthetic fatigue prevents him from falling in love with a beautiful woman when he sees one.

Naruto pays attention to the distance between him and other girls.

Based on these two foundations, you can rest assured.

Naruto has become a female jonin, Tiantian who goes to contact, it is impossible for Tiantian to be dizzy enough to be tempted by such a Naruto, right?

Because Sakura likes Naruto, she hides her feelings and works hard in secret. After going through many things, she enters Naruto's heart and occupies a place in her heart.

There is a big premise here.

Naruto didn't know what Sakura was thinking, and thought that Sakura liked Sasuke.

If Naruto knew, then Sakura would not have the slightest possibility, just like Koyuki.

I don't know, but we can still be ordinary friends. I know, Naruto will decisively distance himself for his girlfriends.

Don't say that Tian Tian will not like Naruto who has become a female johnin, even if he likes it, there will be no result, what will be rejected.

Because of these reasons, Sakura, Hinata, and Naruto didn't object when Naruto came back to discuss this matter with them last night, taking advantage of Tiantian's sleep and leaving a shadow clone behind.

"Forget it, I'll leave Tiantian to Naruto, let's deal with these chakra metal mines." Sakura said.

Hinata hummed.

Tenseigan opens, and Qiudaoyu appears beside him. Like the gold mine last time, all the useless parts around it are erased, leaving only the chakra metal mine.

Sakura pinched her finger bones and smashed these ores into stones about one meter in diameter. The power was controlled just right, so wonderful.

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