Including Huahuosheng's eldest daughter, the same.

"Hinata, take Boruto to meet Dad." Naruto said: "He wants to see his grandson a long time ago, doesn't he? Don't let other people see it. By the way, there is also grandfather. He should be happier."

Hinata nodded, and took Boren back to Hyuga's house with Flying Thunder God.

Naruto crossed Erlang's legs, hugged his hands, and tapped his arms lightly with his fingers.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sakura looked at the family portrait and sighed softly, probably guessing why, Naruto was delighted.

I was planning to lean into Sakura's ear, this is very good, I like it, when I said this

Pin Zhu, who was sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, who had been secretly watching Naruto, suddenly stood up: "Dad, that, I have a request."

"A request?" Naruto laughed dumbfoundedly: "Don't be so outspoken, it's your words, no matter what you ask, I will do my best."

"Dad is twelve or thirteen years old now, and I am twelve years old. There is not much difference in age. Can you accept my challenge and play?" Pinzhu said: "I have always heard from my mother that you are very powerful. You have never I've seen it, I want to see it."

Wasn't this kid present when he was doing the peach pose?Naruto thought to himself, and, according to this meaning, he has never fought in front of his son?

Thinking of the power of Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi, Naruto was silent.

Eighty percent of the time it was Sakura and the others who covered the entire battle scene.

"Okay, I just want to see what your skills are." Naruto said: "Just do it in the open space outside. Uh, let me ask, do you have the ability to learn monsters?"

Pinzhu nodded, how could he not learn his mother's basic skills.

Yes, the battle location has been switched to the training ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fifth training ground.

in the field.

Naruto stood opposite Pinzhu.

On the sidelines are Sakura and Sasuke.

According to the rules, before the start of the fight, form the seal of opposition.

"You can attack at any time." Naruto said.

Pinzhu slowed down his breathing, seeing his father standing casually, with flaws all over his body, he was full of doubts.

But with his trust in his mother, he didn't doubt his father's strength, and he never doubted it. He was just curious about how powerful his father was.

He took out Kunai from his tolerance tool bag, played two tricks, and gave a reminder that he was going to go, and the next moment, he left the place and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto dodged sideways, kicked up from the side, and hit Pinzhu's side with force.


The pin bamboo was kicked to pieces, and it was a stand-in wood.

The real Pinzhu appeared behind him, strangled Naruto's neck, and made an overhand throw.

The next fist was about to land, Naruto kicked his shoulder first, Pinzhu took two steps back to stop, and continued to punch.

Possessing the physique of the Uzumaki clan, Pinzhu's chakra volume is astonishing.

Inherited Sakura's chakra control talent, allowing him to use every chakra perfectly.

Powerful physical damage given by strange power.

The basic skills are very solid, and the combat experience is rich. It can be seen that he has undergone a lot of hard work.

What's more important... In the battle, Pinzhu successively used water escape, wind escape, earth escape, fire escape, and thunder escape, possessing five chakra attributes.

Regardless of other factors, just in terms of actual combat ability, Pinzhu is comparable to Chunin and close to Special Jnin.

It can be seen that Pinzhu wants to show off in front of his parents and try his best to show what he has mastered.

For about an hour, Chakra was exhausted, and it was difficult to use a decent ninjutsu. Pinzhu sat panting on the potholed field.

"Very powerful." Naruto said, and formed a seal of reconciliation with Pinzhu: "Better than when I was twelve years old."

"Really?" Pinzhu was surprised.

"Well, I'm in the Ninja School, and I'm still at the end of the crane. Didn't I catch up after graduating, working hard and exercising desperately." Naruto said: "Find the right direction and path that suits you, and then keep going. Definitely, it can become very strong.”

Pinzhu's eyes lit up, and he was encouraged: "Yes, I will continue to work hard and work hard."

into the night.

Naruto came to Hyuga's house.

After confirmation, Boruto is definitely the son of Hinata and Naruto.

My father, and my grandfather, were so happy that their mouths were crooked, and my grandfather even almost had a heart attack. He refused to let Bo Bo go without saying anything, and insisted on eating here.

Bloggers have traveled back from the future, and contacting too many people is not beneficial.

Considering the impact on the future, grandfather, Nikzu, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Boruto, and Pinzhu participated in this meal.

Sasuke came with him.

He didn't want to come, this is the reunion dinner of Naruto's family, what is he an outsider?Naruto insisted on asking him to come with him, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

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