"Just talking is not enough, let me experience what you said, the power of God." Naruto said.

Distance is enough.

The Nine Lama mode was turned on instantly, and in an instant, Naruto crossed a distance of more than [-] meters and appeared in front of Pu Shiki.

"Stupid, you don't know what you are facing." Pu Shi said contemptuously.

Naruto resisted the urge to beat him up, and started the low-level challenge in seconds.

In Pu Shi's eyes, contempt and clarity were gradually replaced by madness.

"What!" When his consciousness was about to lose control, Pu Shi's intuition was not good, and he wanted to withdraw subconsciously.

Naruto frowned.

He rarely uses this skill, especially after he becomes stronger.

In the ninja school, it is used against Sasuke, Kiba, and other students to test the effect of skills, and by the way, everyone can hit him with all their strength.

And the only time it was used against Kai. That time, the body value broke through the forty mark. Other than these, it has never been used again.

"Strong mental power? Possess the supreme eye of reincarnation?" Naruto thought to himself.

The reason why Ura Shiki can resist the control of elementary provocations is no longer important. The important thing is that Naruto can't let this person escape.

Ask Lama Nine to help pass the message to the shadow clone, and then the shadow clone will pass the message to Sakura, Hinata, and Sasuke.

The clothes Naruto wears are marked by Sakura and Hinata, and the flying thunder god Kunai carried in the ninja bag belongs to Sasuke. No matter how far the distance is, the three of them can arrive instantly.

Swish swish.

For the three people who appeared out of thin air, Naruto immediately turned off the primary provocation, then opened the primary shield, and finally retaliated.


Senjutsu, Eight Gates, Nine Tails, three modes in one, Sakura in full state.

Hinata turned on the Tenseigan Chakra mode, and the golden wheel reincarnation exploded brewing in his right hand, with full firepower.

Liugouyu reincarnation eye, eternal kaleidoscope, Sasuke's whole body is jumping with electric arcs.

The chakra erupted like a torrent and tsunami, from one to nine tails, all the chakras of all the tailed beasts gathered together and exploded on Naruto's body without reservation.

We all work together and work hard together.

Naruto at this time, not counting the defensive values ​​and skills endowed by the system, is infinitely close to Obito of the Six Paths in strength, only missing a Golem of the Outer Path, which is the body of the Ten Tails.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The mountains shook, and the ground began to smoke.

There is thunder, lightning, magma, steam, erupting in it.

Long before the start of the battle, the battle plan that had been set up fell through because of Urashiki's resistance to primary provocations.

Now, implement a new plan, attack head-on, take Pu Shiki's eyes with all his strength, and abolish him.

For Uchiha, for Otsutsuki, including for the Hyuga clan, who rely on the pupil technique and the type of eyes, losing the eyes is no less than the collapse of the sky.

Sasuke is in charge of the eyes.

Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata are in charge of the body.

To capture Otsutsu Mokura style alive, it is not just a simple sentence, it is to abolish his chakra, abolish his tendons, seriously injure his viscera and organs, so that he will no longer have the ability to resist.

"Puff!" Pu Shi vomited blood, flew upside down, and fell.

Naruto Hina caught up, and with a tacitly coordinated combo, the pu-style bones were broken.

Sasuke, who appeared behind Urashiki without warning, stretched out his left hand and swipe at Urashiki's left eye. With Urashiki's screams, Sasuke snatched his left eye.

In the plot, Ura Shiki was beaten to death by Sasuke, Jiraiya, the young Naruto, and Boruto.

At that time, he chose to eat the fishing rod and the fishing basket.

These aliens with large tubes of wood feel that they can eat anything, and after eating it, they can immediately become stronger and strengthened, which makes no sense at all.

Knowing this, Naruto cooperated with Sakura as early as the first time the battle started, and captured Urashiki's fishing rod and basket.

I don't give you a chance to become stronger at all, it depends on how you do it.

Why Pu Shi is good at escaping has something to do with his personality, and at the same time, it has something to do with his weak combat power.

Looking at the overall situation, it seems that Pu Shi exists to bring down Otsutsuki's forceful style.

Such an insidious and cunning guy, who is not good at fighting and can only do some sneaky tricks behind his back, is basically cool when he encounters a frontal battle.

And it is.

Following Naru Sakurahina's rushing attack, Sasuke took the opportunity to attack and snatched his eyes one after another, Urashiki completely lost the possibility of escaping with the space pupil technique.

In addition, many parts of the body were crushed and fractured, blood vessels burst, large-scale internal bleeding in viscera and organs, concussion, Pu Shi was not dead, and he was still alive, which is already surprising.

The battle is over.

Sakura exits the sage mode, closes the eight doors of armor, and only keeps the nine-tailed chakra to restore her physical strength and prevent her body from becoming too weak.

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